Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Toshiba HD-A2 - Will the Toshiba HD-A2 Bring an End to the HD DVD vs Blu-Ray War

As the consumer market continues to gobble up new HDTV's and a higher percentage of homes have access to high definition tv, the desire for high definition content to display on these tvs will continue to grow as well. Consumers have many options to consider in the HD DVD vs Blu-ray war, including the Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD player.

For those unfamiliar with the HD DVD vs Blu-ray war, there are two competing technologies that are vying for our hard earned electronics spending dollars. Similar to the VHS vs Beta wars of old, the two competing technologies are going all out to gain market share and become the sole survivor in their quest to be the next generation movie disc player and the successor to DVD.

Both formats offer six times the resolution of current DVDs along with improved audio capabilities such as Dolby TrueHD and DTS HD through HDMI for lossless digital audio for superior movie sound. The discs also offer a greatly expanded disc capacity among other benefits.

Enter the Toshiba HD-A2. Toshiba has made some bold moves at the end of 2007 in offering the Toshiba HD-A2 at mass market outlets such as Wal-mart. The prices for the players have dropped to around $200 and even some lucky buyers were able to take advantage of pre Black Friday sales at Wal-mart where the HD-A2 was on sale for under $100.

Toshiba's goals appear to be to try to turn the tide of the format war by flooding the market with high quality, affordable players in order to gain market share. As more and more consumers own Toshiba HD-A2 and other HD DVD players, they will put pressure on the movie studios to offer more HD DVD content and become more profitable for both the studios and the manufacturers.

It is important to point out that while Toshiba offers a variety of HD DVD player options and appears to be dominating sales of stand alone high definition players, the Sony PS3 includes a Blu-ray player in it and has sold millions.

So will the Toshiba HD-A2 and it's affordable, high quality player turn the tide of the HD DVD vs Blu-ray format war? Let's face it, while price is certainly a strong driving force in winning the war, the availability of content is just as important. Blu-ray currently has a bit of an edge in the studios that they have offering exclusive content to them.

Now is a great time to come on board with a next generation DVD player. The Toshiba HD-A2 is a logical player to consider due to it's recent price drop. The video and audio quality offered by these players will blow you away and give you something to proudly show off on your brand new flat screen HDTV.

Check out the Family Home Theater Guide for a complete review of the Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD player and for more information about HD DVD vs Blu-ray.

The Family Home Theater Guide at http://familyhometheaterguide.com is an informative guide to home theater, with a particular emphasis on family entertainment. Jared has a wife and three children that love to experience the magic of the big screen in the comfort of their own home.

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