Thursday, June 17, 2010

Surprising Words, Depressing Numbers

SURPRISING WORDS: On Election Day 2008, the New Black Panther Party for Self Defense deployed its uniformed troops outside Philadelphia polling centers wielding billy clubs in a blatant show of voter intimidation. Anti-white racial insults were hurled at potential voters and one witness claimed one Black Panther said they were "tired of white supremacy." One of the last acts of the outgoing Bush administration was to file suit against the group and one of new Attorney General Eric Holder's first acts was to dismiss that suit.

Nevertheless, Holder claimed last Friday that the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division is the "conscience of our nation." That division deals with hate crimes and voting irregularities.

Once again it's apparent that so-called hate crimes have become a one-way street in which only whites can be guilty. It's also apparent that blacks can never be accused of voter intimidation, at least according to the mindset of the "conscience of our nation."

Other surprising words were voiced by Holder's boss on Monday on the "Today Show" when he reverted to Chicago gutter speak in an attempt to appear tough on dealing with the BP oil disaster in the Gulf.

Interviewed by Matt Lauer, the president said, "I don't sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar, we talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick."

Now I'm aware that using the A-word is not in the same category as using the F-word or, God forbid, the N-word and both G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney and John Kerry were caught using worse expletives but never on a nationally televised morning show. At least one TV host has had the nerve to take exception to Obama's language.

Becky Quick, co-host of CNBC's "Squawk Box," said of the president using the A-word on television during pre-school hours when kids are watching, "I think you choose your words more carefully when you are on the Today Show talking with Matt Lauer, yeah, that disturbs me. But I also think that this is a way of trying to prove that I'm mad, to do exactly what everybody's been pushing me to do, and it doesn't ring true:"

Kudos to Ms. Quick for speaking the truth about Obama's phony, tough guy act which also calls into question his sense of presidential discretion.

DEPRESSING NUMBERS: Moreso in difficult economic times, teens try to work during the summer months to earn some extra money for gas, for dating purposes, and some to buy beer. Summer 2010 might find them grounded, alone and sober.

A CNBC article warns that sixteen to nineteen year olds are looking at the worse summer job market in 41 years.

Based on government employment data, an employment firm reports that a piddling 6,000 teens found jobs nationwide in the not-so-merry month of May while 9.7% of their elders were hitting the bricks. By way of comparison, 111,000 teens found jobs last May and 230,000 during the Bush economy heyday in 2006.

The report on this teen summer of employment discontent attributes the decline in youth jobs to the down economy and cutbacks, to college kids taking "high school positions," and to the recent phenomenon of retirees taking jobs previously filled by kids.

Many elders have returned to the workforce trying to make ends meet and "employers may prefer the older workers because they get a more experienced employee for their money:"

More experienced plus more mature and more dependable.

Curiously, neither CNBC nor the employment company points out another obvious cause for the dearth of jobs for young people, illegal aliens who have taken those jobs. Estimates are that one in twenty workers in America is an illegal and that up to 12 million currently reside here.

Another point not referenced is the lack of job stimulation from Obama's $787 billion stimulus package

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