Monday, June 28, 2010

Are You Fully Prepared For A Fresh Set Of Challenges? A Sales Management Checklist

Essentially, the task of the Sales Manager is to produce revenue for their company through the operations of the sales staff for whom they are responsible. The size of this revenue, and the profit (however defined) which it should show, are usually predetermined in order to achieve the aims of company policy. The objectives which they set for the various activities which are involved in carrying out this task should therefore be derived from, and be compatible with, company objectives, such as return on capital employed, cash flow, market position, growth.

Since, like other managers, the Sales Manager depends on those who work for them to produce the results by which they are judged, consideration can usefully continue by regularly examining the nature and characteristics of their role.

As we near the end of the year, this is an excellent time to take stock and ask yourself some important questions to ensure that you are totally prepared for the fresh set of challenges that lay ahead next year

* What are the objectives of my department, function and company?

* Am I satisfied that I feel these can be achieved - that I have a plan for this?

* In what ways can my department/company be improved?

* Is the work in my area altering in nature, quantity or quality?

* Can the work be done it a better way?

* Have I the right equipment and facilities?

* Have I the right number of staff?

* Am I happy that all my subordinates are correctly placed and loaded?

* Is my staff doing what I want them to do?

* Do any of my staff need further training? Have I a training plan?

* What are the staffing trends?

* Are my staff happy? Do I spend enough time with them?

* Have I a trained deputy?

* Am I satisfied personally?

* Is my authority defined and adequate?

* Is my relationship with senior management satisfactory?

* Where is my next promotion coming from?

* Am I doing too much routine or administrative/clerical work?

* Have I enough time for thinking?


For a group of people to remain "consciously competent" at optimum performance levels, they require frequent injections of stimulation, motivational guidance and prompting otherwise they can easily lapse into" unconsciously competent", or worse, "unconsciously incompetent"

The primary objective of a professional Sales Manager has to be:

"To achieve consistently superior results, through the performance of every key individual."

However, you can only achieve that objective if you, yourself, are fully committed and focussed on what will be required.

Copyright © 2006 Jonathan Farrington. All rights reserved


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