Monday, June 28, 2010

Are You Fully Prepared For A Fresh Set Of Challenges? A Sales Management Checklist

Essentially, the task of the Sales Manager is to produce revenue for their company through the operations of the sales staff for whom they are responsible. The size of this revenue, and the profit (however defined) which it should show, are usually predetermined in order to achieve the aims of company policy. The objectives which they set for the various activities which are involved in carrying out this task should therefore be derived from, and be compatible with, company objectives, such as return on capital employed, cash flow, market position, growth.

Since, like other managers, the Sales Manager depends on those who work for them to produce the results by which they are judged, consideration can usefully continue by regularly examining the nature and characteristics of their role.

As we near the end of the year, this is an excellent time to take stock and ask yourself some important questions to ensure that you are totally prepared for the fresh set of challenges that lay ahead next year

* What are the objectives of my department, function and company?

* Am I satisfied that I feel these can be achieved - that I have a plan for this?

* In what ways can my department/company be improved?

* Is the work in my area altering in nature, quantity or quality?

* Can the work be done it a better way?

* Have I the right equipment and facilities?

* Have I the right number of staff?

* Am I happy that all my subordinates are correctly placed and loaded?

* Is my staff doing what I want them to do?

* Do any of my staff need further training? Have I a training plan?

* What are the staffing trends?

* Are my staff happy? Do I spend enough time with them?

* Have I a trained deputy?

* Am I satisfied personally?

* Is my authority defined and adequate?

* Is my relationship with senior management satisfactory?

* Where is my next promotion coming from?

* Am I doing too much routine or administrative/clerical work?

* Have I enough time for thinking?


For a group of people to remain "consciously competent" at optimum performance levels, they require frequent injections of stimulation, motivational guidance and prompting otherwise they can easily lapse into" unconsciously competent", or worse, "unconsciously incompetent"

The primary objective of a professional Sales Manager has to be:

"To achieve consistently superior results, through the performance of every key individual."

However, you can only achieve that objective if you, yourself, are fully committed and focussed on what will be required.

Copyright © 2006 Jonathan Farrington. All rights reserved

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Black Friday Super Sale

Don't miss out on the huge "Black Friday" Super Sale at - the official online store of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling

How To Deliver More Next Year With Less!

I want you to deliver more:

- Profit

- Sales

- Productivity

- Customers

- Quality

And, by the way, you've got less:

- Money

- Staff

- Time

Sound familiar? Year on year, sales leaders are being asked to achieve improved results with fewer resources or, at least, more from the same. To most Sales Directors, the attainment of a permanent increase in sales revenues must seem like the search for eternal youth; unending and, ultimately, unavailing.

Unfortunately, the task of selling never becomes any easier and as competition continues to intensify, sales people will face issues that can be extremely difficult to deal with e.g. decreased product uniqueness, increased competition within 'safe' markets, longer sales cycles and shorter product life spans.

The reality is that whatever got you where you are today will not be sufficient to keep you there. A rapidly changing environment is the regular background against which organisations must develop.

Change is continuous and will become more rapid as we move forward over time. Sales management must be capable of reacting to those changes, be prepared to take advantage of them and yet stay within the overall framework of a formalised strategy.

The role of strategy is fundamental if the people within an organisation are to be enabled to make the level of contribution of which they are capable. Strategy, based on a good grasp of the core competencies of a business, is an essential precursor to achieving optimal shareholder value.

Getting more for less or more from the same level of resources, is my simple definition of efficiency.

Here then are six steps you can take in 2007 that will help you achieve those increased targets:

Step One: Understand your operation

- Do you know your operation well enough to improve it?

Step Two: Set the right objectives

- Do you have the right objectives to steer improvement?

Step Three: Check customer perception

- How can you identify non-value-added (wasteful) activity?

- How can you remove it?

Step Four: Increase capacity

- Are you meeting demand?

- What action(s) can you take?

- How efficient are your resources?

Step Five: Continuously improve

- Do you have a systematic approach to constant improvement?

Step Six: Check customer perception

- How effective have your efforts been?

- How can you tell?

And finally, when you review your performance in 2006, consider benchmarking yourself against the Sales Management Acid Test:

The Acid Test - When thinking about your own sales force,

- Did you understand their motivators - what was driving them?

- Did you always have visibility of their numbers - year to date, forecast vs. required performance?

- Activity levels - did they work hard and smart enough?

- Engagement - did they always meet with the right level in their prospects/accounts?

- Messaging - were they capable of delivering an appropriate message at the right level?

- Qualification - did they only spend time on deals where they could compete and ultimately win?

- Closing - did they construct successful campaigns and close enough business?

Copyright © 2006 Jonathan Farrington. All rights reserved

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fred Meyers Black Friday 2009

Nobody got trampled. I thought it would be much more exciting, but it wasn't :'(

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Getting Pumped Up About Black Friday 2009

The excitement is in the air and rightfully so. There is so much to enjoy about this holiday season, with the highlight being Black Friday 2009. It promises to be the biggest ever and why not. There will be sales on several items from clothes to electronics. Below are places that are going to have some great sales from which to choose.

Best Buy-Don't miss out on one of the biggest electronic stores ever built. Best Buy is a popular option because of the prices on some of the top brand electronics. Come Black Friday look out for deals and bargains on items like the X-Box 360, PS3, various DVDs, and HD televisions. You will find out quickly why Best Buy is one of the more popular destinations to shop, not only on Black Friday, but anytime of the year.

Walmart-Walmart has been around well over a decade and the reasons are easily understandable. Walmart is so diverse that you can find anything and everything you ever need there. Then you include the sales that they will offer on Black Friday and you have a combination that you ca not beat. The sales will be plentiful and you can find them on things like clothes, electronics, sporting gear and car services. Don't miss out on what Walmart has to offer.

Amazon-One of the biggest, most diverse online shopping places there is. This place always booms with sales whether it is big festival or not. Find sales on books, electronic and DVDs, their most popular items.

No matter where you look, Black Friday 2009 ads are a great way to find the sales that suit you best. Happy shopping. The day draws near!

For More Information :- Black Friday 2009 and Black Friday 2009 Ads

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Friday, June 18, 2010

8 Great Black Friday Merchant Tips

8 Tips for Merchants on Black Friday

With the upcoming holiday sales season soon upon us it is beneficial to all e-commerce shoppers and merchants to understand that for every 99% of the honest people, there are disreputable customers that we must all pay for. I am speaking first about credit card fraud, and the need for the customer and the merchants to be able to accept purchases knowing that steps have been taken to help lessen and prevent fraud and other criminal activity. When a merchant has to deal with charge backs from credit card companies, it creates an expense that is ultimately passed up on to consumers. So this Black Friday take the time to double check your sales procedures, with special emphasis at looking at the bill to a ship to on credit card charges, the expiration dates, and the name of the customer on the card, does it match?

Tip one if the customer requests expedited shipping on an expensive product always take the time to follow up with a call or an e-mail to ensure it was an authorized purchase.

Tip two if the billing address is separate from the customers address make sure there is an authorized purchase, by following up with an e-mail or phone call.

Tip three by requesting additional information from the customer such as phone number, or cell phone number, you may be able to quickly have a more dependable contact in case of a problem.

Tip four if the product has been ordered for delivery and it is an expensive product; request a signature option for the delivery service.

Tip five if the credit card is not from a local bank or from a major banking institutions take the time to ask additional questions from the customer.

Tip six if the customer is using a debit card asked for two forms of ID, for online purchases you can request a callback from the cardholder, and explain to you or verifying a purchase for the dollar amount requested.

Tip seven asked the customer to provide the bank credit card issuers phone number, so that you can verify if it is an active account, or if it has been listed as a compromised card.

Tip eight for online merchants to help prevent credit card fraud, identify your highest value items, and make a note that all sales of these products require additional attention.

There is no magic bullet for stopping people to want to commit e-commerce fraud, customers that wish to make fraudulent orders at stores, however knowing the state of the economy in keeping aware of the telltale signs that these criminals often give us, will help put a dent in the number of these types of cases. All merchants should be aware of the credit card companies policies and have a list of phone numbers to contact in case of a problem. Remember any merchant can dispute a charge back, and it is in their best interest to do so because fraud cost us all. So have a great happy holiday season, especially on Black Friday which many businesses count on for their highest sales day.

Jeffrey Meier of Jam727 Enterprises offers worry free buying and great deals on Black Friday as well as every other day at

Tags : Cheap Green Cookware Store

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Surprising Words, Depressing Numbers

SURPRISING WORDS: On Election Day 2008, the New Black Panther Party for Self Defense deployed its uniformed troops outside Philadelphia polling centers wielding billy clubs in a blatant show of voter intimidation. Anti-white racial insults were hurled at potential voters and one witness claimed one Black Panther said they were "tired of white supremacy." One of the last acts of the outgoing Bush administration was to file suit against the group and one of new Attorney General Eric Holder's first acts was to dismiss that suit.

Nevertheless, Holder claimed last Friday that the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division is the "conscience of our nation." That division deals with hate crimes and voting irregularities.

Once again it's apparent that so-called hate crimes have become a one-way street in which only whites can be guilty. It's also apparent that blacks can never be accused of voter intimidation, at least according to the mindset of the "conscience of our nation."

Other surprising words were voiced by Holder's boss on Monday on the "Today Show" when he reverted to Chicago gutter speak in an attempt to appear tough on dealing with the BP oil disaster in the Gulf.

Interviewed by Matt Lauer, the president said, "I don't sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar, we talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick."

Now I'm aware that using the A-word is not in the same category as using the F-word or, God forbid, the N-word and both G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney and John Kerry were caught using worse expletives but never on a nationally televised morning show. At least one TV host has had the nerve to take exception to Obama's language.

Becky Quick, co-host of CNBC's "Squawk Box," said of the president using the A-word on television during pre-school hours when kids are watching, "I think you choose your words more carefully when you are on the Today Show talking with Matt Lauer, yeah, that disturbs me. But I also think that this is a way of trying to prove that I'm mad, to do exactly what everybody's been pushing me to do, and it doesn't ring true:"

Kudos to Ms. Quick for speaking the truth about Obama's phony, tough guy act which also calls into question his sense of presidential discretion.

DEPRESSING NUMBERS: Moreso in difficult economic times, teens try to work during the summer months to earn some extra money for gas, for dating purposes, and some to buy beer. Summer 2010 might find them grounded, alone and sober.

A CNBC article warns that sixteen to nineteen year olds are looking at the worse summer job market in 41 years.

Based on government employment data, an employment firm reports that a piddling 6,000 teens found jobs nationwide in the not-so-merry month of May while 9.7% of their elders were hitting the bricks. By way of comparison, 111,000 teens found jobs last May and 230,000 during the Bush economy heyday in 2006.

The report on this teen summer of employment discontent attributes the decline in youth jobs to the down economy and cutbacks, to college kids taking "high school positions," and to the recent phenomenon of retirees taking jobs previously filled by kids.

Many elders have returned to the workforce trying to make ends meet and "employers may prefer the older workers because they get a more experienced employee for their money:"

More experienced plus more mature and more dependable.

Curiously, neither CNBC nor the employment company points out another obvious cause for the dearth of jobs for young people, illegal aliens who have taken those jobs. Estimates are that one in twenty workers in America is an illegal and that up to 12 million currently reside here.

Another point not referenced is the lack of job stimulation from Obama's $787 billion stimulus package

Tags : Best Cameras Digital Store buy tools sale

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

About Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday and Black Friday are promoted well in advance by the retailers. A big portion of retail business occurs between Turkey Day and Christmas. How the sales go during this time duration will solve the money making ability of the conglomerates. Some companies will not make it this period if they do not hit their sales quotas. Therefore, it is big for the public to be repeatedly made aware of these coming sale events. These two days, both online and offline have great sales (loss leaders), that are created to take people into the businesses. Once there the consumers will get other products counteracting the money suck on these specifically promoted items.

An case study is the Target offering of a 32" high definition television for under two hundred and fifty dollars. This is clearly an item created to drag consumers into the stores and cannot be purchased on the internet, therefore, it goes under the partition marked Black Friday. There are similar items meant for online people and marked for Cyber Monday.

The purchaser makes up about 70% of the economy and is greatly needed. It is not important to the companies whether the clients are overextended and in debt. They are still drawn to come out and shop or go on the world wide web and make purchases.

The American economy is pulled to the consumer making unnecessary purchases. Unless the businesses can rail back their desires and not smash the customer with big offers, the nations indebtedness will carry on. Even now, many buyers are holding off for prices to plummet more before locking in to buys. When this occurs the growth in consumer buys (since they were sold for too low a price), do not offer too much to the bottom line of companies during the holiday time.

Ross uses black Friday flyers and Cyber Monday ads.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

TAG : Black Friday Haul

First of all i had to work on black friday so no major hauling for me. (goood) AND YES, this is a TAG video. someone may have already started it but if so then i am not hurt by it whatsoever. i just wanted to create an opportunity to my viewers and show them the deals that are going on. although black friday is meant for a one day thing and maybe even just a couple of hours type of thing, some stores have a FRIDAY && SATURDAY sale. so take advantage of it! can't wait to see what you ladies/gentlemen got! post it as a video response! =] other than that enjoy what i got. comment, rate, subsribe! =]

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Monday, June 14, 2010

Old Navy Gobblepalooza Black Friday

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Sunday, June 13, 2010



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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mischievous Pleasures Black Friday SALE!

Underwear Sale!

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Friday, June 11, 2010

A Review of the Octagonal Poker Table

If you play poker on a regular basis then you may want to add a touch of the casino by leaving the dining table and getting a dedicated poker table. A good table is important to the game as it makes the players feel more professional. While there are several different shapes and styles of your table it is worth taking your time to find one that you like and that will last.

An octagonal poker table is good for giving a casino feel to your game. This style of table is ideal for eight players and each player has their own cup holder, ashtray holder and chip organizers. The chip organizers are a great idea because when you play without one it is all too easy for the chips to get knocked onto the floor.

Players feel more secure when they have their own defined space during a poker game as tempers can sometimes run high. The table is made of solid wood and comes in a variety of finishes, including mahogany, natural and oak. A good, steady table is less likely to go off balance if someone leans heavily on it when they are concentrating.

The table surface is upholstered and covered in green baize to match the covering in the chip organizers the table covering is also available in red or black if you prefer. This is a surface that is designed for good looks and durability and will see you through many a Friday night poker game.

The table is fifty two inches across and has a diameter of forty eight inches, which gives each player ample room when they are laying out their cards. The height of the table is twenty nine and a half inches. The home table is about half the size of the poker tables that are used in a casino, but it is professional looking enough to add some oomph to your regular poker game.

To ensure that the table is set up safely and the legs are secured with a 'Sur-Lok' folding mechanism, which means it won't collapse when you are in the middle of a serious game. You can get matching poker chairs to go with your poker table but these are optional.

The octagonal poker table is made by a respectable Wisconsin furniture manufacturer who has been in business since the nineteen fifties. The table is something that you and your poker buddies will enjoy using on a regular basis. Solid wood poker tables are not cheap to buy and if you were going to buy one for friendly games at home you may have to see it as an investment piece.

Learn more about the Octagon Poker Table and the Octagonal Poker Table from Brian Garvin & Jeff West at Poker Stars Direct.

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beagle Puppies - Breed a Field Champion Hunter

The beagle breed has never ceased to fascinate me. I have always been amazed that a hunting beagle could track a cottontail rabbit by it's scent.There is something special about following two or three field champion caliber beagle hounds as they track there quarry. These runs are marked by accuracy on the line, accuracy giving tongue, and cooperation at the checks and during the run. That is why we many times hear someone say after watching a good run that "You could have thrown a blanket over them."

There are several traits that make a field champion beagle. The traits that can be bred into field trial caliber beagle puppies are these:

#1 An excellent nose

#2 A quick claiming and accurate tongue

#3 An intense desire to track, pursue game, and run all the line

#4 Intelligence

#5 A level disposition

#6 Independence

#7 The right degree of competitiveness

How do we identify these traits?

Certainly a dog must possess enough nose to stick to the run. A hound with enough nose will be able to track game in a variety of conditions and terrains for long periods of time. Nothing was more frustrating to me then when I had a hound that possessed almost everything but the nose. I would sometimes watch her at a check for up to 30 minutes only to have her die because she could not smell game anymore.

A quick claiming tongue is an indication of nose. My better nosed dogs had one thing in common - when they smelled scent they did not waste time telling you. Although tongue can be modified somewhat by over training or laying a hound up for a while, an accurate tongue is mostly genetic.

One way to spot an intense desire to track is believe it or not what is called a "cold nose." If a hound can smell and track an old line, you know it has a good nose, and you also know it has that intense desire to track. These hounds will not disappoint you at a tough check.

One way to spot intelligence is direction. My smarter hounds seemed to know which direction to head when they had scent. I remember one hound that I had that would never give up. He had an excellent nose and mouth, but he lacked intelligence and fumbled constantly at a check and on the line.

A level disposition is a must. This trait separates the great ones from the run of the mill. When you see it you can not miss it. This hound will not rush to believe another hound giving tongue at a check until he knows that that hound is on game. these dogs will never fight for the lead but fall in behind and honor a hound that has picked a check. They do not dance around, but are flat footed and smooth on the line. Hounds like these are a pleasure to watch. Many years ago I watched Fd. Ch. Omena Black Friday put his nose into a fresh squat, tremble with excitement, and with all four feet planted make a 1/4 turn while giving tongue and ease straight away on the line in full control. Fortunately he was able to pass on his disposition and the other traits mentioned above to his offspring and become a great producer.

Independence is another great trait. An independent hound will actually "turn loose" and let go of a wilder hound that is hurrying and missing pieces of the line so that he can run all the line accurately. He can not be so independent that he does not pay attention to good running mates, but he should only listen and hark in to his running mate when they begin to make progress on game. He never fights for the lead.

A hound does have to be somewhat competitive. The right degree of competitiveness allows the hound to stay in a good run without hurrying. These hounds also will not fight for the lead or out run their noses.

If a breeder can identify these traits in his breeding stock, he will be on the right track to breeding a field champion beagle. Buy the best bred bitch you can afford with as many of these traits as possible, and breed to a proven producer with these same traits, and you will be on your way to a successful breeding program.

Max Scholz has had the pleasure of owning four A.K.C field champions having bred three of them. He also used his beagles to hunt cottontails and fox. If you want to save money on gas and make money to support your field trial or hunting hobby, visit Max's site Serious Income Online [], visit Max's marketing [] website.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

hhgregg Black Friday Doorbuster Commercial

hhgregg opens at 4:00am this Friday for their annual After Thanksgiving Sale. Offers good while supplies last or through Saturday, November 28.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Toshiba HD-A2 - Will the Toshiba HD-A2 Bring an End to the HD DVD vs Blu-Ray War

As the consumer market continues to gobble up new HDTV's and a higher percentage of homes have access to high definition tv, the desire for high definition content to display on these tvs will continue to grow as well. Consumers have many options to consider in the HD DVD vs Blu-ray war, including the Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD player.

For those unfamiliar with the HD DVD vs Blu-ray war, there are two competing technologies that are vying for our hard earned electronics spending dollars. Similar to the VHS vs Beta wars of old, the two competing technologies are going all out to gain market share and become the sole survivor in their quest to be the next generation movie disc player and the successor to DVD.

Both formats offer six times the resolution of current DVDs along with improved audio capabilities such as Dolby TrueHD and DTS HD through HDMI for lossless digital audio for superior movie sound. The discs also offer a greatly expanded disc capacity among other benefits.

Enter the Toshiba HD-A2. Toshiba has made some bold moves at the end of 2007 in offering the Toshiba HD-A2 at mass market outlets such as Wal-mart. The prices for the players have dropped to around $200 and even some lucky buyers were able to take advantage of pre Black Friday sales at Wal-mart where the HD-A2 was on sale for under $100.

Toshiba's goals appear to be to try to turn the tide of the format war by flooding the market with high quality, affordable players in order to gain market share. As more and more consumers own Toshiba HD-A2 and other HD DVD players, they will put pressure on the movie studios to offer more HD DVD content and become more profitable for both the studios and the manufacturers.

It is important to point out that while Toshiba offers a variety of HD DVD player options and appears to be dominating sales of stand alone high definition players, the Sony PS3 includes a Blu-ray player in it and has sold millions.

So will the Toshiba HD-A2 and it's affordable, high quality player turn the tide of the HD DVD vs Blu-ray format war? Let's face it, while price is certainly a strong driving force in winning the war, the availability of content is just as important. Blu-ray currently has a bit of an edge in the studios that they have offering exclusive content to them.

Now is a great time to come on board with a next generation DVD player. The Toshiba HD-A2 is a logical player to consider due to it's recent price drop. The video and audio quality offered by these players will blow you away and give you something to proudly show off on your brand new flat screen HDTV.

Check out the Family Home Theater Guide for a complete review of the Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD player and for more information about HD DVD vs Blu-ray.

The Family Home Theater Guide at is an informative guide to home theater, with a particular emphasis on family entertainment. Jared has a wife and three children that love to experience the magic of the big screen in the comfort of their own home.

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Black Friday lucky for some as cows hit $1140 at Euroa, Vic

Renowned breeders' lines of autumn calving females met encouraging demand, selling to a top of $1140 a head at the Euroa Black Friday female sale. As seen on From agricultural news, weather, classifieds and market reports to properties for sale, job vacancies and rural events, farmonline has it covered.

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Friday, June 4, 2010

THANKSGIVING SALE ( free shipping on order $100.00 or more (thanksgiving-free-shipping)

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

HD DVD Vs Bluray - Buy HD DVD

For some time now the hot news in the technology market has been HD DVD movies. Everyone is speculating which format will win, Blu-ray or HD DVD. It is like the vhs vs beta max debate of the 80's. The Blu-ray format is made by Sony and is incorporated into the new PS3, so they have an advantage there. HD DVD is made by Toshiba, and is much cheaper than Blu-ray. I believe that this will ultimately make the HD DVD the standard for high definition movies.

Many stores are dropping the prices on the Toshiba HD DVD for the holidays, and while some are just having black Friday sales on them many stores such as Wal-mart are dropping the price permanently. The trend is to drop the price right under $200, which is a very good price for technology this new. Because of the big difference in price between the two formats, I believe that after the holidays the HD DVD will slowly pull away from Blu-ray in sales. Once a lot of the players have sold on black Friday and other holiday promotions, people will begin to buy the movies in that format, which will be the deciding factor ultimately. The more movies that are bought in one format or the other, the better the chance that that format will win the battle.

So watch for these sales near you, as they will probably be selling out quickly, and I would stay away from wasting money on a Blu-ray player unless you are buying the PS3, in which case the price isn't that bad for what you get. Also, for those interested in stocks, watch for Toshiba. I'm not a big stock person, but I think there is a good chance that the Toshiba stock will take off during and right after the holiday shopping season. Also, if you are watching for a good deal on these keep your eye on Ebay, Amazon, Overstock, and other discount websites. You can sometimes get some great deals on these websites. Also, watch for coupons and promotional coupons from office depot, best buy, and other major retailers. Especially this time of year you can get some really good deals if you are willing to shop around a little bit.

Check out my blog for some great tips for saving money, ESPECIALLY for college students!

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Which GPS Brand Should I Buy?

The Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping results are in and this year held no surprises as to which GPS brands remain at the top. The market remains dominated by three major brand names. If you're looking to get a new GPS device anytime soon, you may want to consider who's leading the pack. Once again, Garmin, TomTom and Magellan came out on top with a combined total of 95% of the GPS sales.

Why does that matter? It's not that the "lesser" brands are bad devices, some of them are impressive. In fact, there are several up and coming brands that are sure to be making an impact on the market soon. The numbers matter because of companies like, who produce enhanced products for GPS units. Their main product is a database of campgrounds, camping sites and RV parks that you download into your GPS as a Points-of-Interest (POI) list.

Unfortunately, there is no "standard" for producing add-on information to GPS devices in the form of POI data. This means each GPS brand must be developed separately. When companies develop these POI accessory products for GPS devices, they often can't afford to focus their resources on the smaller segments of the market. It's just good marketing strategy to put their resources into the majority of the market ... in this case that 95% represented by the three major brands.

So, as a consumer looking to purchase a new GPS, this is a big consideration. Sooner or later you may want additional POI's for your GPS. Your selection will be much larger if your GPS is one of the brands with the larger market share.

Happy RV'ing ...

Phil King

Phil & Karen King are full time RV'ers. They travel 12 months a year and have extensive RV'ing experience. They are the founders of CoolRVToyz, a web site dedicated to bringing the latest, and coolest gadgets to the RV lifestyle, including The Ultimate RV Parks List [] & Campgrounds Directory, the largest, most accurate and most complete camping Campgrounds Directory available. Best of all, it's fully downloadable into your favorite GPS or trip planning program.

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Hypnotherapy Business: Build your Practice for Success

Being a Hypnotherapist is just part of it... In order to be successful we have to be business people too. Just yesterday I heard of another talented Hypnotherapist closing shop as his business was going nowhere - and fast. This is all too familiar and is a massive problem. It is not that there are not enough people wanting Hypnotherapy it is just that sometimes Hypnotherapists don't know how to go out there and grab those potential clients. I personally blame certain training institutes for this and believe that they should see it as there responsibly to train their students in the day to day running of a successful Hypnotherapy practice and marketing.

If you are a Hypnotherapist, then here are some tips to build your business! I hope that you find them useful and put them in to practice and get some great results.

1. Get a professional looking website. You can get this extremely cheaply if you outsource the project to a freelancer in another country. There are websites that will help you find the right designer. Your budget for this could be as low as $50-$100.

2. Having a website is good, however if no one ever visits then it isn't going to do you much good. If you are in Detroit for example then you would want your site to come up n Google for search terms like 'Hypnosis in Detroit' or 'Hypnotherapy in Detroit'. You can simply do this by getting more inbound text links. There are services that you can use to do this for you very cheaply or you can use tip number three to do it.

3. Write articles. Now this is simple, however you have to get in the routine. Right now I am writing this article and it is promoting my business - each article that I write links back to my site. Look at the author resource box at the bottom of this article. See that it has words that are linked back to my sites. Well these are inbound text links and these will push my listings up in Google for the term that I have used to link back with. So again, if you where in Detroit then you would link with the term 'Hypnotherapy in Detroit'. It is that simple. I do one article per day, Monday to Friday. Get in to a routine - even if it is just one a week to start with and you will soon see your site up there on Google. It is very important that you submit your article then to other websites so that it links back to yours. I use a company called Isnare to do this for me. You can find them by searching for them on Google. You can also submit it too

Well I hope that you have enjoyed these tips and find them useful.

You can find out more about Richard MacKenzie and Hypnosis at his site. He is also the author of Self-Change Hypnosis.

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