Sunday, April 11, 2010

How to Buy MLB Baseball Game Tickets When You Can't Even Afford Gas

The gas prices may be sky high, but so is the attendance at any sporting event in America, be it NFL football, or MLB baseball.  You would think that the 5 dollar a gallon gas prices would keep people away from games that charge that just for a hotdog, but stadiums are packed more than ever and the economy of sports is escalating. 

The patriotism of a loyal fan seems to be more stedfast than his patriotism to less trivial things in life, but perhaps this inbred tradition of going to the "Big Game" has a scope beyond that just of sports.  In our teams we have identification.  When "our" team wins, we say how well "we" played, even though we never once stepped out onto the field, made a great catch, or even so much as touched the ball, except maybe when diving over a drunk fan to catch a foul ball.  We identify with our teams when they win, and the true loyal fans stick with them even when they lose.

But to carry on this tradition to the next generation it may involve going to a few games in person, not just watching the game on television.  On average, a family of four will spend hundreds of dollars just on food in the stadium.  Here is another reason to eat a huge meal or bag lunches out in the parking lot before going in.  But with so many people wanting to go to games, and with limited seating at these games, it makes it nearly impossible to get tickets directly from the team itself.  Upon opening the ticket stands, the tickets are gone a few moments later, in similar fashion to Black Friday sales.

So where can you buy tickets?  Well there are many websites online now that sell them to the fans.  Some will buy from the teams and sell the tickets to ticket thirsty fans, and others will simply become a marketplace where fans can buy and sell the tickets.  Either way, these stores allow for impossible-to-get tickets to be bought at prices that may be a little high, but it's less risky than buying from a supposed scalper on the street corner of the stadium.  You are often able to find great seats on these ticket places as well.  One such place is listed in the resource box at the bottom of this article.

Even if you find a great deal on great seats for your team, whether it be for the New York Yankees, Boston Redsox, or the New York Giants or Dallas Cowboys, make sure your big game day tickets at least cost less than a 60 inch plasma screen tv that you could have watched the game on at home.  Hey, at least then you know you have something to show for your money, rather than a ripped t-shirt and beer stained pants from the drunk guy next to you.

If you need tickets to the next big game, check out

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