Monday, January 18, 2010

How to Earn More in a Dismal Economy

You could get a second full time or part time job.

It would help to win the lottery, hit it big in Vegas, knock over a bank or get a large settlement from a lawsuit.

How about asking the boss for a raise?

Some of the above solutions are a bit more realistic that others but none are all that attractive. The good news is that there are better options.

One of the most sensible, realistic and workable is to keep your day job (if you have one) and start an online business in your spare time. The only thing that is really required is access to the Internet. A computer would help a bunch but if you do not own one there is always the computer room at your local library.

By the way, spare time means nights, weekends, holidays, lunch breaks or those days when you cannot otherwise go to work due to illness or injury.

Why an online business? Consider a few very simple and logical reasons such as those that follow.

1. EASY AND INEXPENSIVE TO START: It does not cost much if it is done right and getting started is not very hard. That said, it is important to pick the right line of business or things could get complicated and costly. But it does not have to be so. Some patience is required but it is very possible to begin to earn extra income in under 30 days.

2. RESIDUAL INCOME: Once you have your business established, you enjoy the benefit of residual income. In other words you make money while working at your regular job, while you sleep, while you go on vacation or just about anytime you are offline. This is a no brainer.

3. NO MORE COMMUTE: That's right--you too can do this at home as long as you have Internet access. No drive time, no transportation expenses, no road rage, no bridge or toll road fares, no parking fees. Welcome to the world of e-commerce.

4. CATCH THE TREND: Business is increasingly turning to the world wide web to save on expenses, reach a huge marketplace and drive profits. Why should the rest of us be left off of that wave? Just this past holiday season for example, sales on Cyber Monday dwarfed sales on Black Friday and even much of Black Friday business was done via web sites. The world is doing it's shopping online.

5. FAMILY ALLIES: In most instances you do not have to go this route alone. Families can do this together. For instance, is there a stay at home spouse in your family? Or is someone either underemployed or unemployed? How about retired or semi-retired parents looking for something to do? Children who are students in high school or college can play in this game as well.

6. ADVANTAGES: There is no waiting to start. No experience is necessary. Because it can be done anywhere there is web access, it is convenient in the extreme. Costs are less than minimal. The marketplace extends worldwide. Success is limited only by your imagination and your willingness to put in the time.

At this point you might be asking yourself, what should I be looking for on the Internet? Here are a couple of important markers to find and examine.

1. If an investment or membership is required, make sure there is a full money back guarantee. More to the point, in such cases there should be options for short term test drives and long term commitments. Guarantees indicate that providers have confidence in their offerings and some track record of success.

2. Training needs to be provided. When there is no experience necessary to start there must be extensive, high quality training included so you can learn the ropes and hit the ground running. Learning on your own by trial and error takes a long time and is very discouraging.

3. Make sure there is a support component. Do not get involved in something that hands you the keys and disappears so that you cannot ask where the door is located. You will need to get your questions answered as well as have access to others already succeeding in the same business who are willing to compare notes and pass along best practices.

4. Find a turn key opportunity. That would be a business that provides all of the resources that are required to make a successful run at building your online operation. Anything less leaves you stranded without a way off the island.

When is the best time to start, you wonder? Now, before the economy turns around and begins to grow again. If you wait, you will be behind the curve. If you get going immediately, you will pass through the start-up phase of business while things are still slow and be perfectly positioned when business begins to heat up again. Let's do this!


I am a career entrepreneur currently involved in starting a franchising business, running a nonprofit, taking occasional contract assignments and building a work from home online business. Thank goodness we live in a country featuring individual liberty and free market capitalism. START A BUSINESS.

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