Saturday, January 30, 2010

Is Your Store Merchandising Working for You?

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, merchandising is the promotion of merchandise sales, as by coordinating production and marketing and developing advertising, display, and sales strategies: basically everything we do to sell a product to the consumer.

What we generally think of as merchandising is the way we present merchandise to attract the attention of consumers and sell the products. To be effective, merchandising needs to be closely connected and consistent with all other parts of the sales process.

When I address merchandising with a client, we look at the overall store image and atmosphere, as well as arrangement of merchandise and displays. Whether you are in a small store or a large one, and regardless of the type of product you sell, the basic concepts in merchandising are the same.

I was told once by a small business consultant that she considered merchandising and display to be frivolous extra expenses for the small business owner who is just starting up. Her assumption was that merchandising is just about making things "look nice."

On the contrary, merchandising has a crucial role to play in the selling process. The role of merchandising begins before your customer even walks in the door. Your merchandising will determine how consumers perceive your store. You need to think carefully about the first impression that you want customers to have.

Shoppers will form an idea or expectation about your store from what they see outside. When a shopper first sees your store, a part of their brain called the adaptive unconscious is at work. Your brain makes an evaluation of your store in only 2-3 seconds. In that length of time, your storefront, displays and signage, as well as the individual's personal associations and preconceptions are all evaluated and judged.

Your storefront has a huge job to do in those couple of seconds!

It has to communicate the essence of what your store is all about. From that first impression, shoppers will make a judgment about whether your store meets their needs or not. The perception the customer has of your store may be entirely different than the image you are trying to project.

Think about your store.

* How have you seen the importance of effective merchandising demonstrated in your store?

* How do you want customers to perceive your business?

* On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best), how well are you doing at quickly communicating your store image to shoppers?

* What do you need to improve to effectively communicate the image of your store from your storefront?

Overall, is your store merchandising working for you? If not, start looking at what you can do to improve it and attract more shoppers to your store.

Melanie McIntosh is a retail consultant and owner of Inspire Retail Solutions. She helps independent retailers who are struggling to attract customers because they need to improve their merchandising and visual identity. Find out more here:

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Oil Hits a New Record

Gold is up 18% since the beginning of the year, and since bottoming out in 2001 oil has now risen over 530%. There were also record highs for the Euro, before this too retraced from its highs of the week.

The sell off on Friday was caused not by all time highs, but by the worst US jobs data for five years. Initially shares attempted a recovery as rumors of emergency rate cuts did the rounds. According to analysts, the jobs data solidifies the prospect of 0.75 base point cut at the next FOMC meeting. However, this wasn't enough to lift the gloom and the weak rally soon turned into a rout.

Tremors from the mortgage sector continued to worry traders, as US mortgage foreclosures reached all time highs, and mortgage hedge fund Carlyle Group failed to meet a margin call. Not only is this global credit crunch far from over, there are signs that the crisis is directly impacting the wider economy. The Bank Of England's weapon of choice in such circumstances is to cut interest rates, but their hands are currently tied because of soaring commodity prices. To make matters worse, the impact of a rate cut may have little effect on consumers, as the cost of lending remains stubbornly high.

Following the black Monday crash in 1987, markets effectively traded in a range for 8 months. Even though shares recovered, it took two years for the Dow Jones to regain the previous highs. Given the recent slew of poor economic data, the bulls could think themselves lucky if a range trading environment is the picture for the coming months. The benchmark S&P 500 index is now within 23 points of its January lows, if these hold the bulls will be breathing a huge sigh of relief.

Next week is thankfully lighter on the economic data front, but there is still enough to keep traders busy. Notable data to be released next are UK Industrial production and PPI figures on Monday, US trade balance on Tuesday, US core retail sales on Thursday, the Swiss interest rate decision also on Thursday, and Finally Core CPI and Consumer sentiment on Friday.

With little headline data from Europe next week and a 0.75 base point cut already starting to be priced into the Dollar, further upside on the EUR/ USD could be limited next week. A No Touch trade predicting that the EUR/ USD won't touch 1.5750 over the next 7 days could return 10% with BetOnMarkets.

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Fashion/Makeup Haul - Black Friday

Link to a new account i might start using for fashion videos! Hey everyone, this is my first new video since I stopped weeks ago! Yes, I think i'm addicted to youtube, but aren't we all? Haha anyways, this haul is from forever21, old navy, wetseal, h&m, mac & etc! Enjoy & Feel free to comment if you have any questions! Apparel Mentioned in this Video: Wetseal: [Top I'm Wearing] Creme Paisley Burnout Top [Texture Military Purple Coat ] Follow me on Twitter: Read more about me at my Blogspot: 1) Did you get this product for free by the company, or did you buy it yourself? I paid for all of these products by myself 2) Are you getting paid or compensated by this company for this video? No. 3) Are you affiliated with this company? No. 4) Is this your honest opinion or a paid review? My honest opinion.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Coastal Scents Haul

A haul from Coastal Scents during their Black Friday sale [: FYI, I explain everything I'm wearing at the end of the video! My earrings are from Bebe, and YAH DAMN RIGHT I WEAR THESE ALL THE TIME. I'm really not into jewelry. These are my favorite earrings and I do wear them VERY often. Like damn near every single day. I have other earrings, of course, but I love these the MOST. YUPP! RATE AND SUBBBB [: Coastal Scents Website: Follow me on Twitter Facebook ...

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Best Buy Black Friday Mob

Look how crazy people get on a black friday sale to get the best deals

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Retail Store Lighting Tips

Store lighting is critical today and is becoming more important as time passes because of the aging Baby Boomer population. Unfortunately, as we age, deteriorating eyesight is often an accompanying malady. Deteriorating eyesight makes it more difficult to read labels and therefore, more difficult to make informed buying decisions. Depending upon your retail product offering, higher lighting levels communicate to this important spending group, (the Baby Boomers), that you want them in your store. This is however, but one important consideration in lighting your store. So here are some more retail store lighting tips.

If your store offers general merchandise, let's say hardware, groceries or variety merchandise, then the high light levels referred to above are spot on (no pun intended). In fact light levels in the range of 75-150 fc are recommended for maximum visibility. Maintain light levels in even the lower level of this recommended spectrum and your store will appeal to us seniors. There are a number of light fixtures on the market today that can produce these levels of illumination and do so efficiently.

If however, you wish to "upscale" your offering in perhaps a clothing or gift store, then the rules of lighting change. A lower ambient lighting level coupled with accent lighting can create a "gallery" type atmosphere. Marry this type of lighting with classical music and appealing aromas and 'voila' you have sent a message to your customers that your offering is quality, exclusive and therefore, slightly more expensive. Not a bad message to send in the aforementioned store types.

If your budget does not allow new light fixtures then here is a basic but very important retail lighting tip. Make sure your lighting fixtures are cleaned regularly. This often overlooked housekeeping chore can help you keep your existing light fixtures operating at their maximum potential. LDD is an acronym that refers to Luminare Dirt Depreciation and its effects are startling.

Of course, the use of light in your store can encompass much more than mere functionality. Light can be splashed and sprayed on walls and key displays to create visual interest, grab attention and guide consumers through your store.

Philip H. Mitchell is the author of Discovery-Based Retail. His book has been endorsed by Scott Wright of the North American Retail Hardware Association, Art Brown of the Mid-American Lumberman's' association and other industry experts. Philip is also one of the founding partners of a retail consulting company of the same name, Discovery-Based Retail. His company works with retailers, both small and large, helping them enhance their profitability by improving their customer interface. Their company also specializes in improving the production of the entire sales space and designs floorplans to accomplish this.

Visit his website at

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Black Friday long line at best buy. 11-27-09 sale


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Friday, January 22, 2010

The Retailer's Role In Quality Retailing - The Emerging Scenario In India

The Indian retail industry is thriving today. There is stiff competition among Indian and foreign retailers to attract customers and retain them. In this tug-of-war, quality retailing has emerged as the solution. The retailer who provides quality products and services along with a quality shopping experience succeeds in the long run.

The quality of the product offered by the retailer has two aspects – the perceived quality and the actual quality. Perceived quality or point of sale quality refers to the image that the customer has about the product while buying it. The actual quality or the point of use quality is the quality of the product that the consumer experiences while using it. The retailer plays a very important role in building up perceived quality with the use of attractive display. The retailer is in direct contact with the customers and so he can play a significant part in helping the manufacturer reduce the gap between actual and perceived quality. The retailer should also ensure quality at the various stages of the supply chain so that the quality of the product is not affected.

Another important factor to be considered for quality retailing is the quality of the services provided to the customer. Today’s customer wants a unique shopping experience. Retailers are striving to help customers enjoy their shopping expedition as much as possible. The difference between shopping in India and shopping abroad is reducing gradually, particularly with several large malls coming up all over India. Customer mentality is different in different countries. Particularly in India, there are huge cultural differences among the people of different states, which in turn affect their buying behavior. In this scenario, it becomes necessary for the retailer to survey the customers’ culture and expectations so that he can train his staff to appropriately meet these expectations.”>View Full Article

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Black Friday Online

When it is time for you to prepare for your Christmas shopping on Black Friday, you should consider staying home and not rushing to the stores like the other shoppers. Businesses lure customers into their stores at the early hours of Friday with discounts that are hard to pass up on. However, you should consider Black Friday online shopping before you get lured into the stores.

One problem with going to the stores to purchase the items on your list is you are probably not going to be able to find all the items on your list in one store. You are probably going to have to go to multiple stores to complete your shopping list. While this may not be a problem on a normal day, it will be on the busiest shopping day of the year. You will face long lines and even longer waits at each store, which will take up your entire day.

Along with not being able to find all the items on your list in one store, is not being able to find the items at all. The businesses do everything they can to ensure that they stock their store so they will not run out of an item, but there is always a possibility that they will. With Black Friday online shopping, you will be able to order every product that is on your list, and it will not be sold out.

One big reason that people go to the store to do their shopping is they receive big savings. What those people do not know, is you are able to get those same savings on the internet. You can get the exact same discounts you receive in the store when you shop online, which takes away one of the main reasons people go to the store in the first place.

One of the biggest reasons people dislike going to the stores on Black Friday is the crowds. You will probably have to deal with traffic to get to the store, run into a long line to get into the store, and then have to go through another line to purchase your items. The crowds are ridiculous because everyone is out looking for a good deal. If you shop online though, you are able to get all the items on your list from the comfort of your own home.

Black Friday online shopping has many advantages that you should consider when the day comes around. You can avoid the crowds, get the same savings, ensure you get all the items on your list, and do not have to visit many different stores to purchase your items. You will save a lot of time and hassle, so why go to the store when you can do it all online?

Want to stay home on Black Friday and get the best deals available? Visit and you can do just that. They offer the best Black Friday Deals and best Black Friday Specials found anywhere on the net.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chiapets and laser vision

Me and my friend up really late at night waiting to go to the black friday sale at walmart and Hot Topic so we can beat crazy ladies with light sabers.

See Also : best sport goods store Best Cameras Digital Store

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Online Retail Web Stores Solutions For Retailers

Online, online, online. Yes, online has become the latest buzz for shoppers today. For many reasons, shoppers welcome the online shopping system. This evolution necessitates the retailers to go online to reach the customers and to increase the sales. Consequently, many researches have conducted to meet the needs of new trend shoppers. As a result, multi channel marketing solutions are found to meet the standards of new age retailing system. With these solutions, retailers can enhance their presence in the market with impressive efranchise online presence.

Since the market always throws new challenges to retailers, retailing has been found ever challenging task for retailers. But, the amalgamation of retailing with technology allows retailers to overcome all the challenges. efranchise multi channel stores increase online shoppers and increase online sales for retailers. With the global online presence of the online retail web stores, retailers can feel proud of their online services which enhance their sales.

Online efranchise web stores guide the online shoppers directly from web to physical store. The Location Based Information System (LBIS) that gives exact information of location and distance of the store from the point of shopper and drives online shopper to local store. This system is also available in retailer's online Web store. So, finding the location of the retail store is not at all a big deal now.

Mobile marketing solutions take retailing a few more steps forward. Since the mobile is a handy device, customers can feel easy and comfortable searching for store with the help of mobile browser. Thus, the customer can find the nearest store and the availability of product and other needful information on the move.

Srinivas is a writer and retail solution consultant with - A Retail solutions firm in Hyderabad, India offering new age Online retail solutions to Manufacturers, Retailers and Single Store Owners. Check out affordable multi channel web store solutions of MartJack.

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Monday, January 18, 2010

How to Earn More in a Dismal Economy

You could get a second full time or part time job.

It would help to win the lottery, hit it big in Vegas, knock over a bank or get a large settlement from a lawsuit.

How about asking the boss for a raise?

Some of the above solutions are a bit more realistic that others but none are all that attractive. The good news is that there are better options.

One of the most sensible, realistic and workable is to keep your day job (if you have one) and start an online business in your spare time. The only thing that is really required is access to the Internet. A computer would help a bunch but if you do not own one there is always the computer room at your local library.

By the way, spare time means nights, weekends, holidays, lunch breaks or those days when you cannot otherwise go to work due to illness or injury.

Why an online business? Consider a few very simple and logical reasons such as those that follow.

1. EASY AND INEXPENSIVE TO START: It does not cost much if it is done right and getting started is not very hard. That said, it is important to pick the right line of business or things could get complicated and costly. But it does not have to be so. Some patience is required but it is very possible to begin to earn extra income in under 30 days.

2. RESIDUAL INCOME: Once you have your business established, you enjoy the benefit of residual income. In other words you make money while working at your regular job, while you sleep, while you go on vacation or just about anytime you are offline. This is a no brainer.

3. NO MORE COMMUTE: That's right--you too can do this at home as long as you have Internet access. No drive time, no transportation expenses, no road rage, no bridge or toll road fares, no parking fees. Welcome to the world of e-commerce.

4. CATCH THE TREND: Business is increasingly turning to the world wide web to save on expenses, reach a huge marketplace and drive profits. Why should the rest of us be left off of that wave? Just this past holiday season for example, sales on Cyber Monday dwarfed sales on Black Friday and even much of Black Friday business was done via web sites. The world is doing it's shopping online.

5. FAMILY ALLIES: In most instances you do not have to go this route alone. Families can do this together. For instance, is there a stay at home spouse in your family? Or is someone either underemployed or unemployed? How about retired or semi-retired parents looking for something to do? Children who are students in high school or college can play in this game as well.

6. ADVANTAGES: There is no waiting to start. No experience is necessary. Because it can be done anywhere there is web access, it is convenient in the extreme. Costs are less than minimal. The marketplace extends worldwide. Success is limited only by your imagination and your willingness to put in the time.

At this point you might be asking yourself, what should I be looking for on the Internet? Here are a couple of important markers to find and examine.

1. If an investment or membership is required, make sure there is a full money back guarantee. More to the point, in such cases there should be options for short term test drives and long term commitments. Guarantees indicate that providers have confidence in their offerings and some track record of success.

2. Training needs to be provided. When there is no experience necessary to start there must be extensive, high quality training included so you can learn the ropes and hit the ground running. Learning on your own by trial and error takes a long time and is very discouraging.

3. Make sure there is a support component. Do not get involved in something that hands you the keys and disappears so that you cannot ask where the door is located. You will need to get your questions answered as well as have access to others already succeeding in the same business who are willing to compare notes and pass along best practices.

4. Find a turn key opportunity. That would be a business that provides all of the resources that are required to make a successful run at building your online operation. Anything less leaves you stranded without a way off the island.

When is the best time to start, you wonder? Now, before the economy turns around and begins to grow again. If you wait, you will be behind the curve. If you get going immediately, you will pass through the start-up phase of business while things are still slow and be perfectly positioned when business begins to heat up again. Let's do this!


I am a career entrepreneur currently involved in starting a franchising business, running a nonprofit, taking occasional contract assignments and building a work from home online business. Thank goodness we live in a country featuring individual liberty and free market capitalism. START A BUSINESS.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Every Retail Display is a Sales Presentation

A retail display is a frame that outlines your product. Whenever you build or implement a retail display, you can take it to the next level by translating your product's features to benefits. I have always believed in the axiom, "Never Over Promise - Always Over Deliver". I am beginning with the assumption that anything you sell will fulfill a need a customer has without disappointing them as soon as they checkout or use the product.

First, you have to decide what your customer is shopping for when they buy your product. Are they shopping for convenience ( individually packaged cupcakes), a way to express themselves (chalkboard paint), or maybe personal security (baggage locks)? Then you have to outline the features of your product. We will take chalkboard paint in an arts and crafts store for instance.

Your kids will actually be encouraged to write on the walls! Chalkboard Paint Features: Applies to any surface Soap and Water Clean-up 10 Year Warranty against Chipping, Cracking, Flaking, Etc. Covers up to 300 sq. Ft Now we translate these features into benefits that apply to what your customer is buying. They aren't buying paint. They are buying a creative outlet for themselves or their children. Take each feature one at a time. Chalkboard Paint Benefits: Turn any surface into a good time! Easy to Clean Money Back Guarantee Get more area out of this paint than any other brand If you keep these benefits in mind when creating your retail display, it is fairly simple to come up with visual cues that express how your product applies to your customer's needs.

Looking at the benefits, we can come up with some display options. Sometimes, a benefit isn't easily transformed into reality, but as long as we incorporate as many as possible, our display will be attractive and informative. Chalkboard Display Ideas based on Benefits: A board with wood, metal, masonry, drywall, plaster, glass, concrete, terra cotta, paperboard and hardboard with one side painted with the chalkboard paint and the other not. A copy of the manufacturer's warranty printed on presentation paper in a take one sign holder. A yard stick with the following words," One gallon gives you 300 sq. ft. of creative space!!!" As you can see, our display is shaping up. All we have to do is bring the materials together to make the retail displays and we will be on our way to giving children wall sized canvases.

Joseph Nelson helps restaurant owners and retailers make an impact with retail display. Visit Achieve Display at and see a business dedicated to service, integrity, and reliability.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cheap Grills on Sale - How to Get Them

Are you looking for cheap grills on sale? It used to be you would wander into a home hardware store and look at the latest selection. However, this has changed now with the rise of internet shopping. You can get a steal on grills these days if you are willing to look around online.

Grills are one of those regularly discounted products. Quite often, you can find a grill selling for significant discounts before the new models come out. This is the best time to look for cheap grills. Look for these grills by spending some time online browsing shopping websites.

Keep an eye out for special sales. There are a few holiday weekends where you might be able to find significantly cheaper prices on grills. Black Friday, for example, is one day that you can get much cheaper prices on good. Christmas and post Christmas sales abound as well - you can save a significant amount of money during these days.

One of the best ways to get cheap grills on sale is to do some comprehensive comparison shopping. That means looking around and exploring the different options out there. Make sure you don't just look at one store, however. To get the best price, you need to look at last six or seven online retailers. The usual retails to check out are Amazon, eBay, and Overstock. But you might be able to find sharp discounts with smaller retailers as well - these small retailers need to offer sharply competitive prices to compete with the bigger retailers.

So if you are in need of a grill, consider looking at getting a grill online.

Look online to get the cheapest grills for sale. If you like grilling, you may also want to look at the George Foreman Grill

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Thursday, January 14, 2010


Black Friday rockband sale ... rockband black friday sale crazy people

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010


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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Make Your Own Black Friday

Black Friday. Say it out loud. It certainly doesn't sound very inviting, does it? Christmas shopping has never sounded scarier.

On this day, and even the night before, armies of eager-to-please moms take to the streets in preparation for the Christmas holiday. Waiting in hordes outside of shopping malls and retail outlets, the moms of America observe Black Friday as the holiest of days. On this, the morning after Thanksgiving, the majority of stores throughout the country offer their best deals of the year.

And they do not go unnoticed.

As far as Christmas sales go, Black Friday is the king. Gift ideas never come easier, as stores line their aisles with featured items and discounts that would seem ridiculous on any other day. But this is Black Friday. It's not just any other day.

Truth is, most Black Friday sale items are sold out before the average customer even wakes up. Opening hours earlier than usual, and greeting the largest crowds of the year, many stores turn into battlefields on the morning after Thanksgiving. The Christmas season goes into full effect on this day. Minus the holiday cheer.

While the deals are usually pretty substantial, and the rush of adrenaline that comes with fighting over a toy is hard to find elsewhere, Black Friday is one holiday I choose not to observe.

Believe it or not, you have this option too.

In fact, you can do your Christmas shopping any day you'd like. You can do it on a Tuesday. Or even a Sunday, for that matter. Any day you choose to shop for Christmas gifts is likely a fine choice. And while you may never find Black Friday sales on any other day, you will thank yourself for considering your options.

More and more, Christmas shoppers have taken to the Internet for their gift needs. Online stores are open year-round, 24 hours a day, and there are no lines to wait in or stressed-out moms to fend off. You can also find amazing deals online, using sites like Amazon or, and a larger variety than is available in most stores. Simply put, you don't even need to step foot in a real store to go Christmas shopping these days. Let alone on the busiest day of the year. Make your own Black Friday. You can even give it a more inviting name, if you'd like. Something that doesn't sound like it's the Apocalypse.

Visit Christmas Shopper for more information on finding Christmas deals online.

Tags : Cheap Handbags4u

Monday, January 11, 2010

Want to Buy Wholesale? Some Tips on Where to Look

Running a business especially in our current economic climate can be particularly difficult. The key to success is to be sure that you are getting the right goods and supplies at the right prices. Wholesale prices are really what you are looking for, but you may not know how to buy wholesale.

There are many different suppliers for wholesale products. Knowing this should give you the peace of mind to know that you will be able to find what you are looking for. However, before you go about figuring out how to buy wholesale you may want to be sure that you know exactly what you are looking to buy. Spend a bit of time looking at what your competitors are offering so that you have a clear idea of what you need. After you have done that where should you head to buy wholesale goods?


A trade show is really a wonderful place to look for wholesale goods. Here you can find the latest and greatest of goods at some really fantastic promotional prices. Be aware that trade shows are not for the average person so you will have to show proof that you are a business owner.


Believe it or not many different manufacturers will offer wholesale prices to retailers. Chances are that you will need to purchase items in bulk, but with the money that you will be saving this is a great way to go. Check out there website to see if there is any information about buying wholesale, but if not do not be discouraged. Try calling the company to see if they will give you the wholesale prices that you are looking for.


If you are dealing with a manufacturer who will not give you wholesale prices all hope is not lost. Ask them who their distributor is and get in touch with them. Though you will have to pay enough money so that the distributor makes a profit the prices will still be significantly lower that regular retail prices. The wonderful thing about dealing with distributors is that there is no minimum quantity that you must purchase to get the reduced pricing that the distributor offers.


Often you can find some of the best prices from companies that specialize in importing goods from abroad. Due to the global business market these importers are able to bring in goods at lower prices. However, be aware that dealing with an importer may mean that you need to complete additional paperwork or may have to wait for a longer delivery. Again a caution as not all other countries respect general labor practices, so if this is an ethical issue for you you will want to do some research.


If you are looking for bargain basement prices then you will certainly want to check out a liquidator. Liquidators specialize in selling off closeout collections and even damaged goods. You should deal with liquidators with a bit of caution to ensure that you are getting quality merchandise that is still functional.

Denise Sanger is the owner of USA Pool, Toys & Gifts which features an unique collection of wholesale products including toys wholesale and wholesale gifts for beach and backyard fun. The company may be reached at 877-950-7665.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

2009 J&R Black Friday Commercial #1

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Can a Merchant Loan Help My Retail Store This Holiday Season?

Maybe you've heard the predictions from various market research groups that this year would produce one of the weakest Decembers since 1991. Maybe you've read in the newspapers that this year, consumers will be spending less due to factors of the economy including, the current credit crisis, the fact that one out of every 452 homes in the United States received a foreclosure notice in October (up 25 percent from last year) and the U.S. unemployment rate has reached 6.5 percent, the highest since 1994.

But if you are the owner of a retail store, you've probably also heard, read, and/or experienced the shopping frenzy that occurred over the weekend with the arrival of Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year. Sources say, U.S. spending for Friday reached an estimated $41 billion dollars, with 172 million shoppers visiting stores and websites and an average of $372.57 spent per shopper. The amount spent this Black Friday increased over 7 percent from last year.

As a small business owner, you may feel confused, not wanting to purchase extra inventory due to the fear of being left with an overstock of items that you can not sell; yet still not wanting to pass on inventory purchases, due to a fear of running out of a supply when the demand for products is high.

Whatever your decision may be, getting a merchant loan may be one of the best decisions that a retail business owner can make this holiday season. Merchant loans make easy-to-attain cash a possibility for retail business owners through an alternative method of business financing.

Merchants can sell their future credit card receivables and receive cash upfront when they choose to take advantage of merchant loans. That means, as consumers make their holiday purchases using debit/credit cards, a merchant's merchant loan is automatically repaid.

Eligible merchant loan borrowers will have owned their businesses for at least four months, and process a minimum of $5,000 in monthly credit card sales. Merchants will usually be required to submit the last four months of their businesses' credit card statements (12 months if the business is seasonal).

Regardless of what is to come during this holiday season, merchants should be prepared and they can get prepared with a merchant loan. Should holiday sales rise and merchants need to supply holiday shoppers with more inventory than expected, a merchant loan can provide the funds needed to make these extra inventory purchases. Should sales be slow and merchants not meet the quotas they'd hoped for and expected, a merchant loan can carry them into the New Year until sales pick up and supplement what was lost during the holiday shopping season.

Merchant loans are fast, convenient and merchant friendly. Your customers are always benefiting from the products and supplies that you offer in your store, purchasing gifts for friends, family, co-workers and sometimes their selves. Switch things up a little bit this year and get your business a holiday gift; the merchant loan.

Gaston C. writes articles about Merchant Loans for Merchant Resources International.

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Viejas Outlets Black Friday Sale with Xavier the X Man (part 8)

Viejas Outlets Black Friday Sale with Xavier the X Man (part 8)

Partners : Cheap Handbags4u

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Vintage Christmas Decorations - Have Yourself a Very Vintage Christmas

I love Christmas. Okay, let me clarify that. I love decorating for Christmas. I don't like shopping for Christmas or dealing with Black Friday sales or trying to track down the hot toy of the season. What I do love is pulling the boxes of vintage Christmas decorations out from behind the eaves of the attic and carefully unpacking each box. Everything gets parceled out slowly over the month of December and gradually the house becomes more and more festive.

Eventually I get around to the best part, the Christmas tree. A few years ago I bought myself a vintage aluminum Christmas tree on eBay. It's a sparkly bit of a thing, standing about four feet high. It packs away in its original box and each year I have to unwrap each of its tinsel and steel branches and then put the tree together piece by piece. All the while I am trying to avoid accidentally tearing off a piece of the wooden dowel that holds everything together as I try and attach each of the limbs to it. Sometimes they don't fit quite as easily as I would like, so I have to do a little nudging.

A bit harrowing, but once the tree is finally put together, it looks fabulous on top of the living room coffee table. Since it sparkles in any kind of lighting, I can be pretty spare with the decorations. The first year I simply used some plastic baubles I found at Target. These were just small round plastic ornaments in bright metallic colors. I did the whole tree up in shades of purple and aqua and yellow. Lights weren't necessary at all and even after all the lights are turned off for the evening, you can still see the gleaming silvery branches as they catch the light from the lamppost outside the bay window.

Now though, I've gotten around to finding some cute vintage ornaments to go with the tree. My favorites are the Shiny Brite Christmas ornaments. The ornaments were made in the 1950s and the tree was manufactured in the mid-sixties, so the ornaments from a nearby era suit it beautifully. I try and look for the smaller versions of the various Shiny Brites available as I don't want to overwhelm the tree with glass ornaments that are too big for the branches.

For lighting, a rotating color wheel is the perfect match, especially my vintage color wheel. It keeps my Christmas tree bathed in various shades of green, red, white and yellow as it turns through its rotation.

Once January comes, I'll reverse the whole process un-decorating the house, but my Christmas tree is usually the last thing I break down and put away. Once all the branches are stripped and returned to their individual wrappers, the whole thing gets carefully tucked away for next year.

If you would like to enjoy your own merry vintage Christmas, all you really need are some adorable Shiny Brite ornaments and an aluminum Christmas tree of your very own to add a bit of vintage flair to your holiday celebrations.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Revealing This Economic Conditions and Black Friday Sales

Every year, people want to prepare for Christmas gift such as a luxury watch for her or new LED TV set for him, the right way will take advantage of Black Friday. This is a term that is used in the United States to begin the traditions for the holidays. Black Friday Sales begin the Friday after Thanksgiving, and are usually inclusive of weekend sales for those that are interested in preparing for Christmas. Through Black Friday ads, you can find large percentages taken off regular prices and discounts offered to those who are getting ready for the holiday season.

While the traditions that come with long holiday ads have been used to stimulate the economy and to offer more options for consumers preparing for the holiday season, are specific expectations that come each year through the available sales. For this holiday season are several predictions and questions of how the economy will respond to the current climate. Because of the current recession and the conditions that are a part of the economy, many are questioning how consumers will respond to this Christmas season with Black Friday Sales.

Through the various ads that have been previewed, it is expected that this year's deals will have a better response than many others. Many of the sales are showing larger discounts and percentages being taken off electronics, TVs and apparel. These offers are adding up to provide consumers more opportunities to begin their shopping and to start moving toward their needs for this holiday season. Because of this, if anyone who want HDTV is sure expected to take advantage of the Black Friday TV Sales, despite the current economic conditions that are looking over the season.

If you are looking at many stores, you will notice that several are preparing with high discounts and deals available. More than this, many are providing more opportunities through alternative shopping networks. If you don't want to fight the crowds in holiday shopping season, then you can take advantage of Cyber Monday. This begins after the weekend of Black Friday and refers to those who are interested in finding discounts and deals online. Cyber Monday is expected to have the same, large discounts available online for shoppers that want to prepare for the Christmas season with a click of their button. This is one of the best deals for those that are interested in discount electronics. It is expected that Black Friday TV sales will make their way into online stores to continue with the low end prices and deals.

Even though the current economy is one that is not supportive of the holiday season, many Black Friday ads are going to make up for the recession. The discounts, percentages and deals that are available are known to offer some of the best deals for shoppers who are interested in taking advantage of lower prices and more for the season. If you are interested in options such as best price TV opportunities, then looking into the Black Friday TV Sales and Cyber Monday opportunities is the beginning to getting the greatest discounts.

There is no doubt that the Black Friday sales are the great opportunity of the year for many shops. You will see huge ads for big screen TV's but there are plenty of other things that you can save money on. Black Friday TV sales may start early and can run out so you need to treat it like a military operation.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


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Monday, January 4, 2010

After Thanksgiving Day Sale

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Zoya Haul

this is a zoya nail polish haul i racked up over their black friday sale. you entered a code and you got 6 free polishes with your $20 order. i bought and ordered these myself, no one made me do it. polishes from cost =$7 anthea raven irene suvi envy midori pasha veruschka (matte formulation) tangy. talked about in video, but did not yet recieve from zoya. check out: to see the shade also mentioned and shown in video: Revlon streetwear nail color in Forest # 10 ...

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Saturday, January 2, 2010 Black Friday Sale

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Friday, January 1, 2010

Why is it Called Black Friday? The History and Origin of Black Friday

You have probably heard of "Black Friday". This is the the day after Thanksgiving when retail outlets offer special early bird sales and deals for the Holiday season. You may even have gotten up in the wee hours of the morning to go to the stores and get your share of these super special sales. If this is the case, you are sure not alone.

Each year, the stores are packed with crowds looking to save some money and bring home gifts at the lowest prices possible. If you have ever wondered why it is called Black Friday or how this tradition started, read on to learn more about the history of retail's biggest day of the year.

Why Is It Called "Black Friday"?

Interestingly enough, there are two ways that this shoppers holiday got it's name. At the very beginning of the tradition, people we so eager for deals that they swarmed the shopping centers. This resulted in traffic accidents and other unfortunate altercations amongst the crowds. Back in 1966, the Philadelphia Police Department coined the term "Black Friday" to describe this phenomenon.

The other meaning of the term came later and gets its origins from an accounting term to mean profit for the retailers. Where as being "in the red" indicates a loss, being "in the black" means profits. As the popularity of these sales caught on, retailers could expect a very profitable day on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Black Friday has marked the beginning of the Holiday shopping season since the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1924,. Before it was known by what we call it now, it was simply "After Thanksgiving Sales". Then as now it was one of the single busiest days of the year. During the Great Depression, President Roosevelt changed the date of Thanksgiving to a week earlier so that merchants could have more shopping days in the season in which to sell their wares.

These days, Black Friday has become so popular with shoppers that many larger retailers open their doors as early as Midnight on Thanksgiving in order to get the most hours out of the day.

Ready to Kick Off This Year's Shopping Season?

Be prepared for Black Friday shopping... Check out Sale Ads, Doorbuster Deals, Store Times and more at

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