Monday, May 31, 2010

JCPenney Black Friday sale ad - 2005

For the After-Thanksgiving Sale, JCPenney opened at 5 and had doorbuster specials till noon. This ad ties in with the retailer's Christmas image campaign, which featured square shapes and the Electric Light Orchestra song "Livin' Thing."

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Black Friday Sales 2009 Walmart MP3 Players Black Friday Sales 2009 Walmart MP3 Players. The secrets that major retailers are keeping from you about 2009 Black Friday sales are costing you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Save money on Apple iPod Touch, Ipod Nano, Ipod Classic, Ipod Shuffle,...

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Target line pre-dawn on Black Friday

video uploaded from my mobile phone on black friday at Target in Winston-Salem NC

Thanks To : Cheap Clothing Optional Galleries Store

Friday, May 28, 2010

Christmas Shopping Ideas - Making an Early Start

As Christmas approaches every year many of us say "next year is going to be different; I'm starting my shopping earlier." Maybe this will be the year those of us who find themselves at the mall at the last minute on Christmas Eve will keep that promise.

In some areas of the country radio stations begin playing Christmas music long before Thanksgiving. Some have even wondered if we will hear carols before Halloween. I don't know about you but I would find hearing Christmas songs around Halloween a little bit weird, if not downright creepy.

Shopping, like Santa Claus, seems to be synonymous with Christmas. Now Santa certainly has to have a strategy to get all his gifts ready by Christmas Eve, but he doesn't seem inclined to share his plan. We know that he must be very organized to accomplish his yearly mission so maybe we can use that hint for our shopping this year.

Santa is not the only one who has a strategy for getting gifts together, so do retailers. They always hope that the upcoming Christmas sales will be huge. Their strategy is to get customers into their stores and to do so they advertise big time with such enticements as: pre-Christmas markdowns, early bird and night owl specials. Some stores feature rub off tickets, like those used in the lottery, for further markdowns.

Retailers advertise so much during the Christmas season because this is their big sales time each year. It is well-known that the sales generated from the day after Thanksgiving, known as Black Friday, until Christmas accounts for at least half - with some estimates of up to seventy per cent of retailers' annual revenue.

Now that I think about it the radio stations playing Christmas music earlier and earlier just may be another strategy retailers use. Think about it: when you start hearing carols you automatically think Christmas and gifts. Maybe the early shopper is one who acts when hearing these songs and begins shopping. I would call this person a savvy shopper.

There are two big sales periods during the early fall: Columbus Day and Veterans Day. For the early shopper these can be huge. The secret here is to have a gift list made and have already browsed the stores for those items before the sales. Knowing pre-sale prices lets the shopper know if the items are really marked down and if so by how much. If you already know that a particular item is a very popular one, you run the possibility of not being able to find it if you wait until late in the season before buying it.

As you know, there are always two sides to an issue and the downside to shopping early is that some retailers, particularly those whose primary business is toys, often wait until the official kick- off of the Christmas season, Black Friday, to place new or very popular older items, in the store.

Or you may experience what a friend of mine who shops early frequently does: she shops all year and hides her stash in a spare closet. Often in the rush of wrapping gifts she forgets about her early purchases and doesn't find them until she begins shopping and stashing the next year. I kid her and say soon she won't have to go out to shop, she can just select gifts from her stash.

Even with this knowledge, early shopping for those gifts that aren't in this category would still be a good idea if you are tired of the hurly burly if last minute shopping.

Toy makers and manufacturers of electronics manage to come up with a few new or improved items each year that are absolute "must haves" or your Christmas just won't be complete. These also always tend to be somewhat expensive and in limited in supply. To take advantage of this situation savvy retailers offer these items as specials to get shoppers into their stores. I know of people who leave the table as soon as the pumpkin pie is finished to camp out in parking lots of retailers to try to be the first in the store for those specials. Couples split and go to different stores so they can improve their chances of getting the "item(s) of the year."

The after Christmas sales are great for those who want to really get an early start on the next season. An aunt of mine is a huge catalog shopper and she buys many of her Christmas gifts in January-not as late presents but getting ready for the next year.

However you choose to shop, I hope you do so with joy in your heart!

Betsy R. Mclean loves Christmas and everything about it. She loves decorating the tree and house, buying those special presents for loved ones and friends and stitching throughout the year on needlework projects that celebrate Christmas. Visit her sites. Christmas is coming

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Black Friday Myths Exposed

Only a few days until Black Friday and the excitement is building rapidly. We've already seen some of the merchant deals and can say with confidence that consumers are going to be in for a treat as retailers compete for your dollars in this economy.

Below we expose the Top 5 Black Friday Myths so consumers like you can get your hands on the best deals of the year.

1. The Deals Are Mainly Hype: If you've been thinking about buying a specific item in the next 6 months, this is absolutely the time to do it. We monitor prices every day and can tell you that you will not see many of these items priced equal to or lower for the next 10 months. If in doubt, buy it. You can always return some of the items later that you don't want. In this case, patience is not a virtue.

2. All the Deals Are Gone Within an Hour: Many of the biggest deals do have extremely limited quantities. However, there are so many great deals to choose from that many last until Cyber Monday, when another slew of deals from merchants appear.

3. You Need to Wait In Line: This myth was true 5 years ago but the online channel has grown so large today that last year we saw that 95% of the in store deals were also available online. So while others are waiting outside in the cold, you'll be warm, cozy, and happy knowing that your amazing flat screen TV is on its way.

4. The Deals Are Cheaper In-Store: Rarely is this true. Driving to the store expends gas and most stores are offering free shipping during this time. Even if stores like Best Buy and Circuit City don't have the particular product deal online, chances are another online merchant will have a similarly priced deal. As a bonus, if the online merchant doesn't have physical operations in your state you could save on upfront sales tax - significant on large ticket items.

5. Black Friday Sales Begin on Friday after Thanksgiving: Despite the Black Friday name, most of the deals actually begin online in the early morning on Thursday.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Friday the 13th Promo Video

Black Carpet Entertainment presents DJ Dean and Black Ice World Entertainment at OC's new craziest night club which is moving to El Adobe in San Juan Capistrano!!! The event is from 8:30pm to 1:00am . The club will NOT be shut down under any circumstances. DJ Dean is spinning in the center of the dance floor. Get there early lines will get big. Tickets: $15 pre-sale and before 10pm and $20 after 10pm Ages: 18+ to get in and 21+ to drink Sponsored by: MONSTER ENERGY DRINK!!! VIP limos available!!call Spencer Wampole (949)466-8593

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Black Friday Deals

On Black Friday, I woke up at 3:00 AM so I could leave at 4:00 AM and stand in line at Best Buy and get things for my dad, one of my dad's customers, my mom, and myself. At 5:50, I ran over to Staples to get still more things for my dad and mom. This is the stuff I bought. Not mentioned in the video is an HD camcorder I got for my mother and brother to share. Enjoy!

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

How the Ascension is Effecting Non Integrity

Before I get into what is going on with Tiger, Toyota, the Bankers, and British Petroleum, a little filler information is appropriate.

As you may or may not know, the the Earth is undergoing an ascension process. Meaning on this world, we have finished playing one game, the game of forgetting who we are, and we are going to play another game, the game of remembering who we are.

In the game we played for the last 13,000 years we have:

forgotten who we truly are

forgotten where we come from

forgotten that we are all connected

forgotten that there is one creator

Disregarded what the creator asked us not to do.

Like he asked us not to kill for example and presently, killing is a common professional occupation, legal and tax deductible. People graduate from collage and become professional killers. We are even encouraged to support the people who choose to do it. In fact we dedicate most of our tax dollars to support this killing. All we needed was a good excuse. And money was as good of an excuse as any. This can be considered being out of integrity.

Now as the old game is over we are waking up and remembering. This remembering is facilitated and accompanied by a little divine help which is in the form of waves of energy that are stripping away all that is out of integrity. This has to happen because anything out of integrity can not exist where we are headed.

In the times to come, past 2012 and beyond, the energy or vibratory resonance of the Earth will be raised so that it can support the new children coming in or incarnating. These are new souls who could not exist at our current vibration, but as the Earths vibration continues to rise during the ascension, they will be.

Tiger Woods:

Well he was a famous figure doing what many wealthy people are doing, lying and cheating big time. So his integrity issues were brought to light. I want to point out though that Tiger is an amazing spirit that chose to be the famous figure that reflected this type of action to us, so in a way he is providing a service to all of us and for that he should be commended, but that's from my POV.


Well, I guess we have too many cars on the road or something. Who knows. But what's clear is Toyota used to be the symbol for "customer Service" remember? They brought that guy over to train them how to put the customer first and it was a big success. I guess they no longer put the customer first. Funny how they can't seem to figure out what is going on with their cars computers. Its like there was a divine intervention or something.:-) last I checked, Toyota still has no idea why this is happening. I do know this, on the days after Toyota was embarrassed in front of congress and the huge media scandal, they were advertising sales on the same cars. And get this, people were buying them. I saw it with my own eyes. So I guess Toyota's integrity can be summed up in the fact that they are still trying to sell cars when they have no idea what is wrong with them.

The Bankers:

Where do you start? Banking on this planet is simply a big pansy scheme. It all originates at the federal reserves. The federal reserves is about as federal as Federal Express. It is a private organization. About 90% of the planet is not aware of that. A private corporation that lends money to the good old USA. Its America's ATM that charges us interest on all those trillions they lend. Now there is information you will never hear on CNN.

The reserve gets an order for dollars from our real government. They in turn enter that amount into a computer and by doing so create money. They then authorize our mint to print that amount. Money is printed after its put on the federal reserves books. Now here is the onion. After they create and authorize the new money, they are allowed, according to the banking laws that they wrote, to then lend that money out multiplied by 9. And each bank in turn gets to borrow from them and then they can also lend out 9 times what they borrow. Research it yourself. I do not want to spoil the surprise ending for you when you see who is behind this corporation. Who gets the money. They are out of integrity.

British Petroleum:

From my point of view they are at the top of the food chain, hence the term British, in the oil scheme that has been going on for the last hundred years or so. We are lied to, schemed and forced to use an out dated mode of energy that we have had the technology to replace years ago. All so a few greedy people/cartels/groups/corporations can have ATM machines that dispense gold. Exxon mobile who is not even the top player in this game makes about 120 billion in profits a year. They are out of integrity and now as easy as they took the money, they have to give it back.


Now you can see that Tiger, Toyota, The Bankers and British Petroleum are being brought back into integrity. Think of it as someone turning on the lights in a roach infested kitchen. Anyone with eyes will be able to see if they have roaches, how many roaches, where the roaches are and they can address the situation appropriately. The energies of the ascension is bringing all our dirty laundry into plain sight for all to see. Anything out of integrity, any lies, any fraud, any cheating, any corruption, any greed or disrespect of any other persons will have to stop.

As we awaken and head to 2012, you will see many and massive changes. The world on 12-21-2012 will be greatly different than it is today, and I'm talking much more exciting, surprising, amazing, changes than the one change that has already happened, like a black president for the United States of America. If you think that is a huge change, wait until you see what is coming. I'm getting goose pimples just thinking about it.

Predictions to look for:

New Children refusing to fight wars like we did. In 20 years war will cease on this planet.

Dick Chaney's activities will come to light. You will be amazed at what all is revealed.

Huge revelations about the secret activities of our worlds Intelligence services like CIA and MI-12

Major Governments will admit to knowing about UFO's.

UFO's being seen by many. (As early as 2010. By 2017 everyone will believe)

History of Earth will be revealed to all. Specifically the Atlantean and UFO origin.

All humans will remember their spirit connection.

Many people passing away due to new energies. It will become more obvious.

People will become more loving and work together more for the good of all.

We will make huge strides in free energy. No more utility bills.(why do we charge ourselves for electricity and water? in a free society?)

Many things will be free.

We will replace the old systems with new systems that support the whole and not just a few

The new golden age on Earth will arrive. Love will be the new Democrat & Truth the new Republican.

Norman Bird is a writer and student of Metaphysics, Alchemy, Creation and Consciousness. He is the owner of You can subscribe at his blog & receive all his articles.

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Video Blog 6: Black Friday at Sanrio

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Swan Valley Ranch 10th Annual "Made in the Valley" Bull Sale - March 19, 2010

Sale is happening Friday, March 19, 1:00 pm at Valley Livestock Sales, Minitonas, Manitoba. Contact Scott Tibble at 204-539-2570 or 204-734-0210 (cell) or email, Box 2471 Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0. Also check out Selling All Polled Red & Black Simmental, Red & Black Angus, Best Cross Sim/Angus, Fall-born & 2 year old Bulls, Calving Ease & Performance. No Bulls sold prior to sale, selected from over 200 cows. All bulls will have a complete exam and semen evaluation completed by Dr. Keith Immerkar, Swan Valley Vet Clinic. Sight unseen purchase program. Guest Consignors: Park-Dale (Simmental) and Jason Mullin (Simmental).

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lost Leaders Create a Lost Sales Belief For Service Professionals, Small Business Owners & SOHO

Many service professionals, small business owners and SOHO especially consultants and executive coaches engage in the marketing practice of lost leaders. This marketing strategy is to attract people to them with the belief that give them something free and they will buy. Unfortunately, the reality is unless the person receiving this "freebie" is a qualified potential customer (a.k.a. prospect) the likelihood of a sale is almost as far away as without the free offer. Sales Coaching Tip: Build it and they will come is not a viable strategy to increase sales.

Lost leaders can be seen in many retail stores from grocery to clothing to even restaurants. There are even some specific days such as Black Friday where the premise is all about giving something away at below cost.

The essential problem with this marketing strategy is that is creates a lost sale belief. If, I as a sales professional believe my service is a lost leader, then why should I be surprised when I do not earn the sale. Sales Coaching Tip: You receive what you believe.

For those who engage in this practice, a better way to think internally which is always reflected consciously or subconsciously externally is delayed billing. Yes you will give this individual something free that is value added laden. However, upon completion of whatever the free offering is, this person will become a client and thus you are only delaying the billing for your services.

Let me share with you one example in case you are confused. Many executive coaches and even some consultants provide a free coaching or consulting session. Some of these folks may actually throw in an assessment to sweeten the offer. This assessment may actually cost them some hard cash usually under $25. The conscious belief is so what it is just $20 bucks and I spend that on lunch while the unconscious belief is No big deal if I do not get the sale. This unconscious belief I believe is the sales killer because you as the salesperson are broadcasting this without even knowing it.

When you adopt the delayed billing belief, you are now broadcasting subconsciously to the other person that you believe he or she is a potential client. Your body language is now in congruency with that belief as is your verbal communications.

Within the education based marketing approach, lost leaders are one proven strategy provided the free offering has incredible value and is being offered to a potentially qualified customer. If you are engaged in this strategy, then stop thinking lost leaders and begin to think delayed billing and realize your goal to increase sales.

Are the sales behaviors of your team or even yourself where you want them to be? If not, then you may discover an easy read on how to increase sales in this book, Be the Red Jacket in the Sea of Gray Suits, the Keys to Unlocking Sales Success including looking at your individual behaviors.

Free sales skills assessment by Chicago Sales Coach Leanne Hoagland-Smith who helps with sales coaching, leadership to sales management development.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

3 Recession-Busting Ways of Making Money Online

Writing Jobs Online

Everyone could stand to make extra money, but fitting the work into our already busy schedules is where the problem comes in. Finding writing jobs is easy using one of many only job board sites, like,, or

These sites allow people who need work done to post information about it, then writers or other providers bid a price and completion date. Both the chosen party and the client accept business terms, before the project is started. The projects on these sites range from smaller, hour-long projects to larger on-going projects.

It is easy to break into getting jobs this way if you lower your prices initially and provide good, relevant samples. You can work on the projects on your own time as long as deadlines are met. These sites also host administrative jobs in the same manner. They are great for the young entrepreneur, college student, or active mature person.

Selling Merchandise

Selling merchandise on websites like or is another way to make money on your own time. People buy products at low prices, then sell them for profit on these sites. To find products at great low prices, buy when items are on sale, like on Black Friday, or buy in bulk.

The only thing you have to worry about is making sure items are sent in time and regulating payment. This is good for anyone who has the time to search for the items and stand in line when they are on sale.

Online Tutoring

There are numerous sites online where anyone with knowledge in an academic area can be paid to help others learn. You as a tutor will have to designate a few hours weekly to helping the student, but it is very worthwhile. This skill is very much in demand and its popularity is ever-growing. The fees tutors charge usually vary with their level of experience as a tutor, education level, and how often they are available.

The Internet is a great place to find work. It is very-widely used and thus provides great exposure for anyone willing to put work into providing a service. Almost seventy-five percent of Americans have internet access. It is the go-to place for questions, research, and services. Capitalizing on this is a great move!

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pre-Black Friday Sale! $200 in Senzig's Cash to the first 200 Shoppers. Receive FREE Delivery, Set-up, & Removal Anywhere within 75 miles of Senzig's. At Wisconsin's Furniture GIANT, Senzig's in Shawano, WI.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Flannel Shirts - Plaid is Bad? - Is There a Solid Contender?

Has the casual wear icon, the plaid flannel shirt, left the fashion stage again? Not by a long shot. The traditional favorite is anything but dead this winter. One only needs to turn on the Olympics to be reminded of the elevated status of the bold and colorful, old friend.

The USA's snowboard team led by the incomparable and enthusiastic Shaun White is a perfect example. The team wore a uniform during the men's and women's halfpipe competition designed by Burton to be the Gore-Tex equivalent of the quintessential piece of Americana... A bright plaid in red, white and blue cut in the bulky style of a flannel lumberjack or board shirt.

But despite the continuing popularity of the high voltage version, an undercurrent of interest is placing value on the standard flannel shirt with a few fashion adjustments. The go-to, warm and comfy shirt is showing up in simple, solid colors and fitted instead of the usual lumberjack mass. Sales have been brisk of this more subtle contender. It appears that the wardrobe of the casual is making room for a new, more classy alternative.

The shift seems to be more urban than rural and clearly involves the continuing interest in comfortable, casual, interchangeable, separates chosen with an eye toward style. The solid colors offer the benefit of a much more easily matched outfit, and the slightly more fitted cut leaves its wearer ready to layer either above or below.

In the opinion of the author, however, it could just as much be about ease of use! Flannel shirts in medium to heavy weight fabric are so versatile that they are equally good for class on Monday as they are for a date on Friday... just as pleasant under a jacket in winter as with sleeves rolled up on a summer's eve. So while there is no end in sight for the popularity of the classic plaid flannel shirt there is clearly a growing demand for a variety of cozy outerwear a touch more subdued than its criss-crossed and crazy cousin.

D. Scott Campbell is owner and proprietor of

Example: Flannel Shirts in Solid Colors.

Shaun White Taking Gold

Burton's Uniform for the US Snowboard Team

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bed Bath and Beyond Coupons to Help Improve Your Home

Many will agree that we always feel pressured and having different forms of anxieties in our work and in the thousand of chores that we do at home. As time goes by, we get attuned to the rhythm of rushing things and complying with the demands of the city life. Above all the panics and irritations, we are able to adjust to the ever-changing times.         

Life should not be all work or it will turn out to be very dull. Health experts and enthusiasts are suggesting that in a day there should be some de-stressing exercises to loosen up an overloaded schedule. Planning your day is a great help with a list of targets to finish before the sun sets. Drinking at least 10 glasses of water or more may help you rejuvenate your body systems. Eating balanced diet helps you eliminate some free radicals stored in your tensed muscles. Never skip a meal to simply finish a deadline. Always keep in mind the adage, "health is wealth."

Meanwhile, if you are seeking visual comfort in your room, office or working area, it must be pleasant and comfortable. When retiring at work, you need to relax and have a good sleep. One of the options to take to get the full comfort of relaxing is to have a very conducive place to energize. If you are searching a merchandiser that offers good discounts when purchasing items for your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or dining room, you can have Bed Bath and Beyond Coupons. Comfort need not to be always that expensive. With your coupons at Bed Bath and Beyond, you can have an affordable and reasonably priced pieces of equipment in your home or workplace.

Jonathan Lea is a part time writer for

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How to See Bold Stars in the Philippines

A lot of celebrities hang out in different malls here in Manila and Makati. Because most celebrities are living up North, a lot of hot spots like clubs and bars, and upscale hangout places like Eastwood in Libis and Bonifacio High Street in Taguig are popping up like mushrooms on a rainy day.

In the city, the most usual place you can spot a celebrity is in the mall. Malls that celebrities usually hang out in are SM The Block, SM Mall of Asia, SM Megamall, TriNoma, SM North Edsa, Robinson's Galleria, and Robinson's Place Ermita. Usually they like these malls because these are more upscale, a lot bigger, and have a lot more choices from food to fashion to entertainment.

But during summer, celebrities leave the city life to go to the province and enjoy nature. Of course, the most common destination for the summer for celebrities and non-celebrities alike is Boracay. The white sand beaches, lots of hotels and restaurants, and different souvenir shops are what attract celebrities to go back to Boracay every summer.

But those who opt for a quieter summer are starting to go to destinations that are not that famous yet. Potipot Island in Zambales, Maribago Beach in Cebu, Laiya in Batangas, are just some of the few amazing spots to go to without subjecting yourself to the crowded and noisy beach resorts that people usually go to.

You can also spot Philippine celebrities during their show's tapings. Usually, they do it early in the morning and late in the evening to avoid too much crowd, so you might want to watch out for the locations of the TV soap operas today.

For more information on Philippine bold stars, just click on the link.

My name is Robin and I'm a full time writer for

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

How Modern Portfolio Theory is a Secret Plot of the IRS

I hope I don't die in a mysterious accident for revealing this secret -- but I'm convinced that Harry Markowitz, whose work forms the foundation for Modern Portfolio Theory, was an undercover agent of the IRS.

Markowitz published the widely influential paper "Portfolio Selection" in the March 1952 issue of the Journal of Finance. This laid the foundation for what is now called Modern Portfolio Theory. He was the first to point out that a portfolio's risk could be reduced by including different types of assets, because different assets go up and down separately from each other.

Over time, Markowitz's ideas were incorporated into what's called asset allocation. This is a portfolio management technique where money is divided into separate types of assets, to take advantage of how their market prices could go up or down independently of each other.

Therefore, a portfolio consisting of both stocks and bonds was less volatile overall than a portfolio of either one or the other. Although diversification is not asset allocation itself, asset allocation is a plan for portfolio management which uses diversification to reduce risk.

The more types of assets, the less overall portfolio risk. Therefore, many asset allocation portfolios are very sophisticated combinations of equities, bonds, real estate investment trusts, stocks in many different sectors, of many differently sized companies, from many other countries, commodities, gold, Treasury bonds, corporate bonds, municipal bonds . . . and so on.

By now you're wondering how this makes Markowitz an undercover tool of the IRS. That's because of another aspect of asset allocation called rebalancing.

When a portfolio manager implements asset allocation, they split the money up into certain percentages of stocks, bonds, and the rest. Let's keep it simple, and say half bonds, half stocks.

Over time, these percentages will change. If stocks are in a bull market but bonds are going down, at the end of a year the portfolio might be 60% stocks, 40% bonds.

Since this combination does not optimize portfolio return for the degree of risk involved, the portfolio manager must sell some stocks and use the proceeds to buy some bonds. Then the overall portfolio will again be 50% stocks, 50% bonds.

The rebalancing aspect of asset allocation/Modern Portfolio Theory is why the IRS secretly awarded Markowitz its Medal of Honor.

Selling off securities that have appreciated in price means that you are realizing capital gains. That's a taxable event. Sell stocks or bonds that have gone up in price, and you owe the IRS more money at the end of the year.

To appreciate the IRS's debt to Markowitz, you have to think about the financial world in the early 1950s. It was nothing like today.

First of all, everybody old enough to buy stocks remembered 1929's Black Friday or at least its aftermath, The Great Depression that lasted until the U.S. entered World War 2 in 1942. Many Americans were still afraid to put their cash into banks, thanks to the bank failures of the 1930s. They sure weren't about to risk it in the stock market.

Those Americans who did own stocks, usually bought the shares of famous companies paying dividends, then held onto those shares, collecting dividends, until doomsday.

The average daily volume on the New York Stock Exchange was under 2 million shares traded. The Dow Jones Industrial Average in June 1952 when Markowitz's paper appeared was 280, still down about 25% from its 1929 high.

People just didn't have a speculative, buy and sell higher mentality. The last time that kind of mania hit Wall Street was the 1920s, and everybody remembered how that ended.

So those years were not a good period for the federal government collecting capital gains taxes from stock market investors. Investors bought and held . . . and held . . . and held. They didn't sell unless they had a desperate need for the money.

No sale of stock, no realization of capital gains, so no capital gains taxes due. The IRS understood that they had to convince Americans to buy and sell more shares of stocks.

Enter Markowitz and his paper, the eventual consequence of which was to establish the gospel of asset allocation and rebalancing. Instead of holding onto their stocks and bonds for dear life, and simply paying taxes on the interest and dividends they received, investors began to sell off a portion of their assets which had risen most in price.

Therefore, they realized capital gains, and therefore became liable for paying capital gains taxes. Some people do this once a year, but some actually perform this ritual quarterly.

Brokers also love rebalancing, because it also increases transaction costs -- that is, broker fees.

Nobody is telling the average investor that the large, professionally managed funds (pension funds, trust funds, endowment funds, and so on) whose asset allocation management techniques they are imitating are exempt from capital gains taxes. That means, they can chase after winning stocks without penalty, and sell their disappointments without penalty.

You and I have to pay capital gains taxes.

Everybody but lawyers has figured out that I'm exagerating about the "undercover IRS agent" part -- but not the effect of rebalancing on the check you have to write to the IRS in next April.

The next time your broker or financial planner advises you to rebalance your portfolio, remember this: rebalancing may not be a "secret plot" by the IRS, but it still enables the IRS to collect more money out of your pocket book.

Copyright 2007 by Richard Stooker

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saving Money in the Holiday Sales

Everyone loves to take advantage of the lower prices during the holiday sales. In fact, the best day to go shopping for special offers is the day after the actual holiday finishes.

Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving and it is the busiest shopping day of the year. You will get huge savings, but you will need to get up early, be ready to queue and jostle.

Another example is jewellery and St Valentine's Day. Many men buy their wives or girlfriends jewellery during this period as a St Valentine's Day gift. However, in the weeks after St Valentine's Day, you can save a minimum of 30% on the very same pieces of jewellery that were on sale a week before. This is a clear sign that we are being hood-winked on these holiday occasions and that we ought to wait until the actual holiday is finished.

OK, it may not be so romantic to wait, but it must be better to be able to get 30% more gold for your money or to give the same present, but be able to go for a meal too. If I were a woman, I know which option I would choose!

Or, instead of a nice silver or gold ring, you would be able to pay for gold instead of silver or white gold instead of yellow. You could get a gorgeous Celtic knot or a Claddagh ring instead of a plain band.

Beautiful Easter outfits are also pricey before Easter. However, why not buy the items you want after Easter and either make use of them next year or use them for parties, special occasions or church? You can save a lot of money in this way, just by using a little forward planning.

In order to help reduce how much money you spend on Christmas presents, why not try buying them all year long as and when you find something appropriate in the sales? How many times have you come across something in a sale and said to yourself: 'that would be the perfect present for so-and-so'? It is better to take advantage of these chances and keep the items aside for when the right occasion comes up.

Then there are those post Christmas sales as well. The Boxing Day sales are a great opportunity to pick up things that you can give as presents later in the year. And why not buy something for yourself too while you are at it? You can save a fortune on your favourite scents. Buy enough to last you the rest of the year!

You can make your budget go a lot further if you take advantage of the after holiday sales. Rely on providence. Buy opportunistically and you will not only save yourself a lot of money, but you will never be stuck for a present at the last minute either.

Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on many subjects, but is currently involved with the Celtic Knot wedding ring. If you have an interest in wedding rings too, please go to our website now at White Gold Claddagh Ring

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Is Scarcity Ethical For a Digital Product?

A lot of people just getting into Internet marketing think that scarcity for a digital product is unethical. There reasoning is thus. Since it's digital, there is no limit to the number of copies that can be sold. In fact, you could sell a digital product forever. So what's the point of saying, "Only 100 will be sold" when you could easily sell many more? The answer is simple. Actually, there are quite a few answers. Let's start with this one.

Sometimes a product is created that has certain tactics in it that, if too many people were to get a hold of those tactics, if would make them less effective. So, what a product creator does in order to prevent this from happening is he tells people that he is only releasing a certain number of the product itself. This way, the prospects can feel secure in knowing that not too many people are going to be getting their hands on this, thus making the product virtually worthless. That's one reason for scarcity on digital products.

Another reason is because of economics. A product creator probably realizes that he's only going to sell so many of the product anyway, especially if it's a specialized product. So by limiting the number of copies, he can charge a higher price for it than if he had just let an unlimited number go. Usually, however, this WILL go hand in hand with the value of the information at a limited release. Few product creators will limit something just to make more money from it, though it does happen. And to that end, there is nothing unethical about it. The product creator by limiting the number sold is limiting his income in the process anyway. So a higher price is certainly a fair exchange.

Finally, there is something that many people don't really understand. Sometimes a product creator will limit the number released simply to see who is REALLY serious about purchasing it. Most people, if they know they can get a product at any time, will just take their sweet time about it and some may never purchase. By limiting the number OR by attaching a cutoff date to the sale, the product creator forces people to make a decision. There is nothing unethical about this. Look at all the auto dealers and other retail establishments that have one day sales. Black Friday is a perfect example.

In my opinion, there is nothing at all unethical about scarcity for digital products, whether it be to protect information from getting saturated, seeing who is serious about the product or just wanting to charge a higher price.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Want to see more of this series? Watch my REAL Truth Videos at and get the REAL truth about making money on the Internet.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

D-REX Interactive Dinosaur

No longer are dinosaurs only found in museums or the movies - these days there is a very good chance that you'll find one in your very own home! Dinosaur toys are hot! They're also a lot of fun and they give children the chance to let their imaginations run wild! Considering how many museums have dinosaur fossils as the center piece to their collections, and how many dinosaur cartoons, movies and books there are about dinosaurs, it was only a matter of time before realistic dinosaur toys would be created and available for children everywhere to play with. The D-Rex Interactive Dinosaur is an amazing piece of technology, but more than that - it's an incredibly advanced toy that will give your child many hours of fun and entertainment.

With a fierce facial expression and motorized robotic legs that actually enable D-Rex to walk, this isn't simply a stuffed dinosaur toy that sits still on a bed or couch. The D-Rex Interactive Dinosaur is state of the art, advanced fun. In fact, some critics and initial users have said that the D-Rex is actually the "ultimate pet" - and they aren't too far from the truth! However, different from many electronic "pets", the D-Rex is a bit more fearsome looking and may be a little too scary for very young children. The recommended age for the D-Rex is actually between 6 and 15 years of age.

More than just a title, the D-Rex Interactive Dinosaur is truly interactive. With the built-in ability to respond to both touch and voice signals, this dinosaur will take your child's dinosaur playtime adventures to a whole other level! It is powered by a set of 4 size "C" batters that are in fact included when you purchase the toy, and then there is an additional 2 "AA" batteries that are needed which are not included. Of course, you'll want to have another set of batteries as backup.

More than other electronic toys in this genre, D-Rex Interactive Dinosaur is projected to be the item to purchase during this year's holiday season. It will be a very sought after gift by many parents looking to provide their children with a truly unique and educational toy. With advanced robotics and interactive software, the D-Rex is said to present a rather independent personality that is actually quite loyal to its owner. Use this dinosaur as a guard dog, and it will roar as it walks the perimeter, making sure to let intruders know that it's on patrol!

Another innovation included in the D-Rex Interactive Dinosaur is its reptilian skin that actually feels like reptilian skin. Other toys of this nature don't replicate the realistic rough and leathery skin of dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago. Instead they'll use a soft cloth outer covering that essentially turns their dinosaurs into stuffed animals. Make no mistake - the D-Rex isn't a soft and cuddly toy. It's a vicious and fierce companion and friend! Standing 14 inches tall, 9 inches wide and 21 inches long, he's a formidable miniature dinosaur.

Obviously the original T-Rex that lived millions of years ago and ruled the dinosaurs was many times larger than the D-Rex Interactive Dinosaur. However the D-Rex makes up for his comparatively small stature with a protective disposition and downright raging scowl. Couple this with the fact that he is actually able to respond to both motions and sounds and you have the most realistic toy dinosaur available on the market to date. The D-Rex Interactive Dinosaur is menacing, intimidating, and pure fun on a number of different levels. Smaller children may not be able to handle how fierce this dinosaur truly is!

Please visit us to learn more about drex interactive dinosaur and see more of the best toys for kids.

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What Happened In The UK In 1996?

Breaking 1996 down into the biggest news, sports and entertainment events; here's what happened...

Two tragedies hit the hearts of Britons in 1996, the nation's sympathies going out to the people of Dunblane and Manchester. In Dunblane, a crazed gunman went on a shooting spree in at a local infant school, killing an entire class and their teacher. Later in the year, as a direct response to those ill-fated events, the Government announced that it would be outlawing almost all handguns in the UK.

In Manchester, a huge bomb devastated its busy central shopping area just as it was filling up with eager Saturday shoppers. Police managed to start an evacuation before it blew up but scores of people were still killed or injured in the blast. Such was the damage caused, that the episode led to a total regeneration of Manchester city centre.

Also hitting the news in '96 was the introduction of the first genetically modified (or GM) food to go on sale in British supermarkets. Modified tomato puree was the cause of all the fuss with some critics dubbing it a "Frankenstein food".

The world of sport was dominated by England's hosting of the European football championships (Euro '96). The England v Scotland group stage match drew much attention with Gazza's wonder goal eventually stealing the win for the home team. Cheered on by home support, the 'Three Lions' made it all the way to the semi-finals, the nation going football crazy as it looked as if England were really going to win a major tournament for the first time since '66, then, as really should have been expected, they lost on penalties to Germany.

Entertainment wise, carrot topped Chris Evans re-invented the chat show format with his hit show 'TFI Friday'.Presenting celebrity gossip, the hippest bands and lad friendly guests, this unscripted, chaotic program briefly made Evans the most sought after man on TV. Over on the BBC, a group of thirty-something lawyers were gaining huge ratings; 'This Life' being a bit like the American 'Friends' but with much more 'bad' behaviour and saucy goings on.

The big screen was blessed with one of the jewels of the British film-making crown, 'Trainspotting'. Despite featuring heroin, needles, vomit and disgusting toilet bowls, this was the coolest thing of the year and took Ewan McGregor from nowhere to 'Star Wars'. The more family friendly film of 1996 was 'Toy Story'; it being the first feature length movie ever to be animated entirely by computer. The results were quite stunning and people flocked to see 'Woody' (a pull-string cowboy) and 'Buzz Lightyear' (a high-tech space ranger) battle it out to become little Andy's favourite toy.

For a full rundown of the best selling 1996 music []...

...alternatively, a guide to 90s music [] for every year of the decade.

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Fashionable High Heel Boots

High heeled boots have become one of the favorite footwear for women in the fashion industry because of its many advantages. These types of footwear come in a wide variety of style, color and material. The most common colors are brown and black. But today you can find high heel boots with wide array of colors.

Boots can be categorized according to length. There is one that extends up to the ankle only. Another goes up to the knees. And some are just about on the calf. The footwear can also be categorized according to the height of the heels. Some boots are flat. Some have heels usually measured in terms of inches.

Basically, high heeled boots are preferred during cold season because they are normally warmer compared to other types of shoes. They are also easier to pair with other outfit whether jeans, skirts, casual dress or skirts without going out of fashion. High heels boost the normal height of a woman, and make her feel more confident and proudly standing. High heel boots can make a woman look sexier, slender and appealing. They are also perfect for almost any occasion.

Choosing a high heel boot depends on your personal preference and the occasion which you are going to use your boots. Most women prefer the classic boots colored brown or black for work and formal gatherings. For parties, trendier and colorful boots are the best choice. It also depends on the type of outfit you are going to wear. In addition, your height will also determine the length ideal for you. Not everyone is suited for the same type of boots. Normally, if you are short and you wear knee high boots, it will make you look shorter and awkward.

Another factor to consider is the size and shape of your legs. This is very important since you have to be comfortable with it in walking. You should also make sure to choose the height of the heels which you can walk comfortably. Tall women have greater advantage since they can wear any height of heels without any problem but for women with shorter legs, it is best to choose larger heels. Short legged women should also avoid boots with flat heels.

It is also important to choose a high heeled boots sturdy enough to carry your weight to avoid accidents and slips. Also make sure that the boots fits perfectly and not too tight because it can cause bruises or wounds which would be very painful on your feet especially if you are going to use it for a long period of hours. Aside from that, avoid very loose boots because it will make your legs look too big. It will also be very uncomfortable and will not have better support of your ankles.

If you go shopping for your high heel boots, make it a point to try them for a few minutes. Walk with it so you can feel if it is comfortable on your feet. Also check if the materials are durable. Check if the heels are well built for maximum safety when worn.

Afterwards, try sitting and see if anything catches on your leg or thighs. Any small discomforts you feel should not be taken for granted. It will be such a pain once you use it for long hours outside already. As the craze for high heel boots continue, more and more designs with funky colors are introduced by shoe manufacturers. These types of shoes have also captured the taste of teenagers.

Whatever style or design of boots you choose, it is important to choose according to comfort and ease of use so you would enjoy your pair of footwear. You will also love to wear it regularly because you are confident that it will provide you the necessary comfort while making you standout among the crowd. You don't want to spend money for a pair of boots which you will rarely use because you are not satisfied with it.

For more information on High Heel Boots and Comfortable High Heel Boots Please visit our website.

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

IMU: "SHOW 'EM" Black Friday/Winter Holiday Sale Promo

The IMU Black Friday/Winter Holiday Sale promotional video! At IMU we want you to appreciate the people and experiences that make you who you are, so this holiday season we want you to "Show 'Em!" - show the people in your life how much you care with IMU! All t-shirts are marked down to $25, $28, and $30 with FREE shipping on all orders in the US. IMU's packaging also requires no additional gift wrapping - it's already a ready-to-go-pre-wrapped-package! Please visit to view all IMU t-shirts and "Show 'Em!"

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Christmas on a Budget - Balancing Kids, Finances and Your Sanity

While affording every-day life can be a difficult enough task, we as parents; are still expected to step up to the plate around the holidays. Christmas of course being one of the biggest burdens that many families have to face. As you might know, it would seem that once you have completed one Christmas season; that another would simply turn around and replace it within a blink of an eye. However, I am here to tell you that you do not need to worry; as there are so many different ways to afford that perfect Christmas while you are on a parents budget.

One of the best tips that I can give anyone, is to shop early. While this may seem a little odd to most people; going Christmas shopping in the early months of may and June, and throughout the summer. It is always a great way to hit the season-end clearance sales that all retailers will have. This of course will enable you to obtain more items for your spouse, children, and whole family; all while saving that much needed dollar.

Another option, while dreadful; is to shop on what is deemed to be "black Friday". Otherwise known as the Friday after Thanksgiving. While you are taking a chance when attending these often times crowded events; they will offer you massive savings, for as long as the product will last throughout the mass of people. (However, there is another trick!) There are many online boutiques and retailers, that are now offering you black Friday prices; without having to struggle through compacted aisles in your local stores. While you may need to pay shipping for all of your items, it will save you in gas prices as well as frustration.

Lastly, remember that it IS okay to purchase necessities for your family. While it may not be seen as your "standard" gift; it is always a great way to save a little money throughout the year. It will give you the ability to gift things such as clothes, that your children will need anyway throughout the year. To do this properly however, I would suggest purchasing infant and toddler clothes one to two months larger than you would need at that time. This will enable you to take advantage of the season close-out sales without a problem, as well as to give your child a wardrobe for a later date without breaking the bank.

Show your baby's style by dressing them up in your favorite band's t-shirts and one pieces. Whether it's The Ramones, Led Zeppelin or 311, there are punk rock baby clothes as well as kids Christmas ideas, toddler shirts, infant t-shirts and diaper bags available. Other kids clothing and gift items include: Toddler skate shoes, slogan baby clothes, rompers, baby bibs and beanies and we now offer a selection of baby punk clothing.

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