Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Christmas Season is Over - Now What Do I Sell on eBay?

Ho. Ho. Ho.

As you might expect the holiday season is one of the most profitable times of year for retailers. In fact, the term Black Friday is used to signify that on the day after Thanksgiving the massive holiday selling spree begins. This is where many retail companies profits move from the red into the black.

The same can be true for eBay sellers. Of course if you run a smart eBay business you are always in the black, but most eBay sellers do sell the most during the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Well, that period is now over for 2007. Sure, Christmas my not be here right yet (or it might be past depending on when you read this article) but the online season has come to a slow down. Most packages must be shipped by now and most online (eBay) holiday shopping has already been completed. So this might make you think that now is not a good time to start or progress your eBay business. You would be wrong. Very wrong.

No. No. No.

The period after Christmas is another very hot selling period. And, if you sell the right things, it can in fact be even hotter. Yes, you read that correctly and no, I am not kidding.

You see, after Christmas there is a holiday come-down. The excitement is over, the family has gone and many people are left with an empty feeling. Along with this empty feeling comes the need to supplement their new gifts. That computer needs some software, that handbag would look great with a new pocket book, that new dress would look great with a new pair of heels... And I would sure like to lose a few of these holiday pounds (diets are very good sellers after the holidays and into the new year).

People are looking to buy. And they have the means to do it -- on eBay!


Over 1,000,000 people this year will receive an eBay gift certificate? They're not going to wait until next Christmas to spend it either. They are going to use the certificate to buy themselves something. So, your marketing should be a bit different. When you were selling for Christmas you wanted to show that your items "make a great gift" or are "perfect for that special someone" but now you want to let people know they can "pamper themselves for the new year" and "your new iPod needs a new case"...

But there is more good news...

If you know the right way to buy products to sell on eBay then you will also be getting some of the best prices during this post-holiday period. No, your drop shipper is not going to suddenly lower their prices; you are still not going to be able to make any money using drop shipping with eBay. But, if you use some creative product sourcing methods like the ones taught in the Better Sources Guide for eBay Sellers, you can find plenty of hot products to sell for pennies on the dollar.

Now, I know that you read that a lot "pennies on the dollar" but in this case, I mean it quite literally. Not wholesale price. LESS than wholesale price.

And, perhaps the best part is that you can buy-and-sell on eBay without using drop shipping but with all the benefits of drop shipping. So, you can get products at the lowest possible price (really, really low price -- unlike with drop shipping) and only buy them one at a time (just like drop shipping) -- and only buy them AFTER they had sold on eBay (just like drop shipping).

So, get started right now...

You may have missed the window for Christmas, do not miss the post-holiday window as well. Now is the time to start or to increase your eBay business -- before all of those gift certificates are spent on other eBay sellers! Remember, the post-holiday season is a great time to sell!

Here is a quick list of reasons to sell on eBay post-holiday season:

  • Post-Holiday Blues Causes People to Buy for Themselves

  • People Have New Items in their Household and Need to Buy Other Products to Supplement

  • People Have eBay Gift Certificates They Want to Spend Right Away

  • During the Christmas Season You Pay the Most for the Products You Sell, Post-Holiday You Pay the Least Which Means More Profits

  • Your Competition Will Decrease by Over 50% During the Post-Holiday Season Making it Easier to Sell

So don't say "Bah Humbug" to post-holiday sales. Now is the time for you to really put your eBay business into action.

For more information on how to find products to sell during the post-holiday season, or any time (while avoiding the pitfalls of drop shipping) visit http://www.DropShippingSucks.com.


Christopher Bernard is an eBay Power Seller and Expert Wholesale & Drop Ship Product Sourcing Specialist with Over 9 Years Experience.

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