Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Black Friday

This is probably more of a vlog :P Music: 2PM - Again & Again Check out this group channel: Subscribe to teammagicelite, kristoflow, and nyanyapat :)

Links : Cheap Green Cookware Store

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Writing - Good Copy Illuminates and Delivers (the Truth)

Good copy has two important functions.

1) It brings up "the world" alive. And once our attention is engaged,

2) It also delivers the unvarnished truth.

Delivering the truth without aesthetics, without illumination, would be like that proverbial tree falling down in the forest and nobody noticing it. Does a tree really fall if there are no witnesses? We don't know.

Sheer aesthetic fireworks, on the other hand, without any truth, is disservice to the world. It is betrayal of our short existence here on this earth. It's deception and the lowliest of the black-arts.

There should have been an Eleventh Commandment: "Thou Shalt Not Mesmerize For the Sake of Self-Aggrandizement." Eventually all good writers come to learn appreciate the "Eleventh Commandment."

Here is an author that I discovered today; a writer who has a full grasp of both of these important prose rules and boy, can she write!

She is Manohla Dargis of the New York Times and she is writing "only" movie reviews. But they are complete. Perfect. Because what she writes is both beautiful and true.

Here is the beauty part:

"Played by a tamped-down, amused and amusing Al Pacino, Willy Bank is a pint-size Trump in oversize eyeglasses and a burnt-orange tan that makes him look like an Hermès handbag..."

With a description that visual and strong, you can immediately see this character right before your very own eyes. That's power copy.

But that's not all. Dargis continues:

"But that's how everything rolls in Mr. Soderbergh's Vegas: smoothly and sleekly and low to the ground, without obvious effort and, most important, without ugliness... When Danny Ocean and his Boy Friday, Rusty Ryan (Mr. Pitt), stroll across a casino floor, you never see the cigarette burns on the carpeting or the middle-aged men quietly weeping after the night and their savings are long gone."

Wow! That's Sociology of Vegas 101 in a few sentences.

Writing well does not need to sacrifice from the truth. Or, inversely, writing the truth need not be an exercise in eating broken glass. Manohla Dargis is one of the many excellent writers out there today proving the point.


Ugur Akinci, Ph.D. is a senior writer and web content consultant with 20 years of experience.

Subscribe to his FREE "Weekly Success Update" Newsletter today at and claim your FREE BONUS GIFT.


Links : best sport goods store

Monday, March 29, 2010

Circuit City Closing Stores

The Richmond, VA based company announced the closing of 150 stores that are located in competitive markets in the US and Canada. The Atlanta region alone is saying "It's over!" to all but two of the Circuit City Superstores. Circuit City Stores, Inc. insiders state the reason for the closings are to prevent filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This has not been confirmed by the corporate office but is expected today. Over the past year CC stock has declined and produced terribly for it's shareholders. CC was recently removed from the NYSE due to poor performance and a consecutive 30 day share price that was less that 1 dollar.

With top "big-box" competitor Best Buy performing much stronger, Circuit City has finally decided to give up the fight and avoid a complete slaughter. The stores online sales have also declined because of very competitive prices from and sites like that offers deals on their products as low as $100 & $200 for all new customers.

Thousands of circuit city employees were told of the news on Sunday November 2nd at a meeting which they were told was a "Holiday Kickoff" to prepare for the rush anticipated on Black Friday. Executives held private meetings with employees to express no severance packages are being offered for those involved in the massive layoff.

As early as Tuesday, November 4th, liquidators will survey each store closing to prepare for the electronics liquidation. The retreat was made to achieve a $350 million sell off of goods to pay for real estate and other bad debt. Circuit City liquidation sales will begin on Wednesday

To view the Circuit City Closing [] liquidation sales follow the link to Circuit City liquidation [].

Visit : Cheap Clothing Optional Galleries Store

Sunday, March 28, 2010 Video Feature: DJ Clark Kent on the Black Friday Nike Air Force 1 Low

Created in partnership with DJ Clark Kent, Nike Sportswear is proud to present the Black Friday Nike Air Force 1 Low sneaker. "So I went to the fabric library, picked the prime suspects and went to work on the design," said Clark Kent. "The end result...Something Black, Luxurious & Fly, and FRESH!!!! What better way to start the holiday shopping season?!?!" Releasing on Black Friday, 28th of November 2008, this special Air Force 1 Low sneaker will be first available at Nike Sportswear at 21 Mercer in New York on sale from 4am, followed by releases at Concepts in Boston and Shoe Gallery in Miami later that day. DJ Clark Kent will be present at each location on 11.28.

See Also : Cheap Handbags4u best sport goods store

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Case of Attempted Murder

Something happened to me in May, 2006. It was so horrible, that even today, I am bothered by it. Someone tried to kill me.

It was the Friday before Mother's Day, May 12, 2006. Our house had been for sale, but my husband had let the sales agreement lapse. He was living there rent free, as he continues to do today. I had contacted a real estate agent to list the house. She was going out of town for a period of time, and as a result, I asked if she could view the house that Friday before she left. She agreed to meet me there late in the afternoon. She called my husband to make the appointment. In an effort to make the situation an easy one, I also called him to try to relieve the tensions between us. He was curt, and as usual, hung up on me.

It had been one of those hot muggy days we get here in the south. When I arrived at the house fifteen minutes early, the skies opened up and a deluge began. The thunder was directly overhead, and the lightening was striking the ground all around me. After a few minutes, instead of risking the lightening, I decided to go inside.

I entered through the garage as I had always done. I knocked on the door that goes into the laundry room, and from there, to the family room and kitchen. From the laundry, you can see part of the kitchen, but because the laundry is carved out of a corner of the family room, you cannot see into that room.

My husband answered the door. At first there was a big grin on his face, but that changed the minute he saw me. He asked what I was doing there and I informed him that I was there for the appointment. I assumed that he knew I was coming, as we both had to sign the contracts as the house is in both our names and this was something I wanted accomplished that night before the agent left town.

By this time, I was standing in the laundry room. He grabbed me and tried to push me out the door, but suddenly released me and screamed for our son who was only standing a few feet away to "Grab her. If I touch her, I'll go to jail". My husband had been found guilty of attacking me and threatening to kill me in June of the previous year, but the records of that attack had been sealed by the judge, Jeff Fairbanks.

When I had entered the laundry room, I could smell something that was sickeningly sweet. I thought it was incense. My husband had loved to smoke pot in his youth, and my son had been smoking it for the past year or two that I knew of. He was high when he came for visits. I knew that something was not right. I could hear movement from the family room, but because there is a wall between the family and laundry rooms, I could not see who it was. I figured it was my husband's girlfriend. I asked why he wouldn't let me into my own house. That's when things became surreal.

By this time, my son had me by my arms and had pinned me to the door. He was six feet one and two hundred eighty pounds. From around the corner and in back of me came a figure. My mother-in-law appeared. She screamed for me to "Get out of OUR house." I told her the house was not hers, it was half mine. That's when she lunged at me and tried to choke me while my son held me.

I could feel my airway closing as her grip tightened on my throat. I could hear myself gasping and trying to plead for my life. I was able to plead with her to stop. When she released her grip on me, I ran for the phone which was only a few feet away, but my husband beat me to it. He yanked the cord from the wall. My mother-in-law was still yelling that it was their house and for me to get out. I remember her having referred to me as "the whore" so many times in the past. To her, that is the worst thing you can call a woman. That was the word I emitted to her in my panic.

I ran outside and got my cell phone from the car and dialed 911. For some reason, it seemed to take the police a long time to arrive. Through the open window, I could hear them talking. I think they were talking with someone on the phone. Then I heard my son yell that, because I was holding my throat, I was trying to choke myself.

By the time the police arrived, the storm had passed. First to arrive was a shortish black policeman. I never knew his name. Instead of checking to see if I was alright, he brushed past me, treating me as the perpetrator, not the victim. I don't remember if the real estate agent was already there or not. I think she was. He went into the house leaving me standing outside, not even stopping to check if I was alright. A few minutes later, another police car arrived.

It was the same police officer who had shown up at all the previous violence calls. Two of those times, when my husband had physically hurt me, he refused to take photographs. This time was no different. I always kept a disposable camera in my car in case I saw something of interest while driving. I had the real estate agent take pictures at the scene. Those pictures clearly show the hand print on my neck. One of them even shows the officer in the background.

I asked that an ambulance be called. When it arrived, the young man that was the attendant said that he could see the hand print on my throat. The officer had claimed he couldn't. Stupidly, I let the officer dissuade me from going to the emergency room. Instead, I got in my car and drove myself to the local store front doctor.

It is just about 10 miles from the house to downtown Williamsburg, VA. As I was driving along Route 60, the rain began to fall again and my hand kept going to my throat. I hurt both physically and mentally. I couldn't understand why I was being treated this way. Why didn't the police help me?
I arrived at the doctor's office sometime around 6 or 6:30, filled out the forms and sat and waited. I guess because of the rain, there weren't many people there, but the time passed slowly. I was finally called into the exam room.

After the usual pre-exam by the nurse, the doctor came in to see me. On the chart, he noted the hand print on my throat. He was outraged that the police did not take pictures. He left the exam room and went to the common area of the interior office. I followed.

I stood as he made the call to the police to ask why there had been no pictures taken. His demeanor changed as he listened to the person on the other end. He never again looked at me. He hung up the phone and informed me that if I wanted to, I would have to file charges with the Magistrate. He told me they would take pictures. He handed the chart to the nurse to type up the follow-up instructions and went into an exam room. That was the last I saw of him that night.

By now, it was dark and the deluge was once again upon Williamsburg. The Magistrate's Office is located in the Virginia Peninsula Regional Jail several miles across town. I headed there.

When I got there, it seemed like an eternity. The Magistrate took a long time to answer the bell. I told him why I was there and filled out the forms, but when I went to hand them to him, he said that I needed a copy of the doctor's report. By now, it was after 8 o'clock. I didn't know if I could make it back to the office in time. But I vowed to try. Before I left, he told me that if my mother-in-law left town, they would not go after her, no matter the circumstances. I remember calling my husband and leaving a message on his machine informing him what I had been told in regards to her leaving town.

Somehow that night, fighting the rain, wind and the pain, I was able to return to the doctor's office and the Magistrate's Office. I was, on the second visit, allowed to file an assault charge, nothing more. I was not told who I should subpoena. The only person I thought of was the real estate agent.

The next morning, there was blood in my sputum and marks on my arm from where my son had held me. I returned to the doctor. I got the curt treatment and a brush off in regards to the blood. He told me it was "normal".

That Sunday was Mother's Day. My husband would not allow my son to visit me. On Monday, he bought him a $300 IPod, saying it was for his birthday. His birthday was not until July, this was mid-May. There was a pre-trial hearing, but I was never informed of it.

The Trial was about a month after the incident. My mother-in law, who had been living in the house had left town right after the hearing, but returned for the trial.

The day before the trial, a phone call was logged onto my answering machine. It was placed from a cell phone. The Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney left a message that he had called, nothing more. By the time I got home from work, I could not reach him. I was able to finally get him to pick-up the phone the next morning at 11:00 AM. He informed me that I could not use the medical evidence because I did not subpoena the doctor to vouch for the validity of it. I asked him to request a continuance. He refused telling me that "You are supposed to know who you are to subpoena."

The trial was scheduled for 2 PM. I went to the doctor's office to request that he appear. The receptionist said it was not possible.

The courtroom was packed. The cases involving the appearance of lawyers were called first. It is a courtesy as they often have to appear in more than one courtroom during any given time frame. Then the cases without lawyers were called. One by one, they were called and dispensed with. The entire time, my husband and his mother, along with their attorney, the ex-Commonwealth's Attorney for James City County where the incident happened, sat waiting on the other side of the courtroom. The attorney never handled any other cases that afternoon.

Finally, about 4 PM, with the courtroom devoid of spectators, my case was called. I took the stand first. My mother-in-law was dressed in an oversized dress with a large flower print covered by a sweater that was obviously 10 sizes too big. The combination visibly reduced her actual size and made her look older than her years. She is eighty, but like my husband, exercises every day. She can drive across country at the drop of a hat. In fact, she just fell and broke her hip. Unlike most people her age, according to my husband and son, she was up and about in a couple of days. The short of it is her family lives to about 100. She and I are about the same size. A friend from Eastern State Hospital told me that he could see her attacking me. It happens all the time at the hospital.

I was called to the stand first. The DA only asked me to give my side of the story. He asked no other questions. When I mentioned that my son had held me son while my mother-in-law attacked me, her attorney objected saying that he was not there to testify because he would incriminate himself (?). I was never shown what evidence was being presented, even though the DA had copies of the photographs and the doctor's reports. Her attorney cross examined me, being belligerent. The DA never objected. After I testified, I was escorted from the courtroom by Laura French, an employee of the DA's office.

Next on the stand was the real estate agent. Judging from the amount of time between I left the courtroom and she exited, she either did not testify, or was not asked any questions. When she left, she came up to me and apologized for what had happened in the courtroom. I did not understand that statement until after the verdict.

I never saw the police officer leave. He probably exited through the holding cells. My husband was last on the stand to leave the courtroom before the verdict.

When we were called back in only a few minutes later, I was stunned by the verdict. The judge announced "Not guilty for lack of evidence."

I had heard of the Williamsburg Railroad, the way women are treated by the courts and the police when they file for divorce on the grounds of abuse. It was that day that I discovered the railroad exists.

Friends Link : best sport goods store Buy Furniture Stores Cheap Green Cookware Store

Friday, March 26, 2010

Battle At The Hundreds LA

At the Black Friday sale at THLA!

Other Sites : Buy Furniture Stores best sport goods store

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Electronic Newsletter Best Practices - 23 Ways to Create a Phenomenal E-Zine

1. Send your newsletter at regular intervals. For example, the second Tuesday each month or the first and third Friday each month. Your readers will appreciate that it is predictable.

2. Studies show that your heading should be less than 50 characters. Make it engaging so you can prompt readers to open the message.

3. Many e-mail users now read messages with preview panes. That means that the first few paragraphs of your newsletter should be engaging in order to convince the recipient to keep reading.

4. Use a table of contents to entice readers. Better yet, make the subjects clickable so it's easy to navigate the newsletter.

5. Include a good balance of useful content and sales copy. Ideally your newsletter should contain at least 70% content (articles, tips, how-to advice, etc.) and minimal sales copy.

6. Include an irresistible special offer, discount or promotion. These give readers a reason to open your messages and make a purchase.

7. Keep it simple. Computer users have short attention spans. Your newsletter should be easy to scan and read.

8. Engage readers. Ask readers to submit feedback, respond to a survey question, or enter a contest.

9. Give your newsletter personality. The tone of your newsletter should match that of your business.

10. Make sure you are compliant with the CAN-SPAM act by including a link to unsubscribe with every email you send. Visit the FTC website for the latest compliance laws:

11. Include all of your contact information, including a physical address, website and phone number.

12. Don't ever use your home address. Invest in a post office box to give your business the level of professionalism it deserves.

13. Invite subscribers to forward to a friend.

14. Include regular columns. Make your newsletter predictable by including the same type of information in each edition.

15. Include a note from the company President. This adds a personal element that readers will appreciate.

16. Minimize the use of photos and images. Not everyone has high speed Internet access and images can make a newsletter difficult to download.

17. Have your newsletter edited for grammar and punctuation. One or two typos are forgivable, but too many and you will begin to lose credibility.

18. Use high-contrast colors that are easy to read. Dark letters on light backgrounds (black or blue on white) are the easiest to read.

19. Choose a font size that is also easy to read. There's nothing worse than straining to read a newsletter. Most people won't bother.

20. Ask recipients for feedback. Your newsletter can only get better if you listen to your readers.

21. Keep it simple. Long newsletters are tempting to write, but hard to read. If you have that much to say, consider breaking it up into multiple newsletters or publishing the extra information on a blog or other online venue.

22. Respect your mailing list. Don't send too many messages in between newsletters or you will risk exhausting your list and will end up with an avalanche of unsubscribe requests.

23. Give readers a reason to look forward to your newsletter. Think about it carefully. Why do they want to read it? How can you make it better? What newsletters do you love receiving and why? These answers will help you develop a phenomenal publication.

Stephanie Chandler is an author of several business and marketing books including "LEAP! 101 Ways to Grow Your Business" and "From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks and Information Products." She is also founder and CEO of, which provides custom book publishing and author marketing services for business, self-help and other non-fiction books. For author and speaker details, visit

Related : Best Cameras Digital Store

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

MAJOR Air Jordan 1 Old Love New Love Midnight Sale

Midnight Sale Friday night April 21.

Thanks To : Cheap Handbags4u Buy Furniture Stores

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Christmas Season is Over - Now What Do I Sell on eBay?

Ho. Ho. Ho.

As you might expect the holiday season is one of the most profitable times of year for retailers. In fact, the term Black Friday is used to signify that on the day after Thanksgiving the massive holiday selling spree begins. This is where many retail companies profits move from the red into the black.

The same can be true for eBay sellers. Of course if you run a smart eBay business you are always in the black, but most eBay sellers do sell the most during the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Well, that period is now over for 2007. Sure, Christmas my not be here right yet (or it might be past depending on when you read this article) but the online season has come to a slow down. Most packages must be shipped by now and most online (eBay) holiday shopping has already been completed. So this might make you think that now is not a good time to start or progress your eBay business. You would be wrong. Very wrong.

No. No. No.

The period after Christmas is another very hot selling period. And, if you sell the right things, it can in fact be even hotter. Yes, you read that correctly and no, I am not kidding.

You see, after Christmas there is a holiday come-down. The excitement is over, the family has gone and many people are left with an empty feeling. Along with this empty feeling comes the need to supplement their new gifts. That computer needs some software, that handbag would look great with a new pocket book, that new dress would look great with a new pair of heels... And I would sure like to lose a few of these holiday pounds (diets are very good sellers after the holidays and into the new year).

People are looking to buy. And they have the means to do it -- on eBay!


Over 1,000,000 people this year will receive an eBay gift certificate? They're not going to wait until next Christmas to spend it either. They are going to use the certificate to buy themselves something. So, your marketing should be a bit different. When you were selling for Christmas you wanted to show that your items "make a great gift" or are "perfect for that special someone" but now you want to let people know they can "pamper themselves for the new year" and "your new iPod needs a new case"...

But there is more good news...

If you know the right way to buy products to sell on eBay then you will also be getting some of the best prices during this post-holiday period. No, your drop shipper is not going to suddenly lower their prices; you are still not going to be able to make any money using drop shipping with eBay. But, if you use some creative product sourcing methods like the ones taught in the Better Sources Guide for eBay Sellers, you can find plenty of hot products to sell for pennies on the dollar.

Now, I know that you read that a lot "pennies on the dollar" but in this case, I mean it quite literally. Not wholesale price. LESS than wholesale price.

And, perhaps the best part is that you can buy-and-sell on eBay without using drop shipping but with all the benefits of drop shipping. So, you can get products at the lowest possible price (really, really low price -- unlike with drop shipping) and only buy them one at a time (just like drop shipping) -- and only buy them AFTER they had sold on eBay (just like drop shipping).

So, get started right now...

You may have missed the window for Christmas, do not miss the post-holiday window as well. Now is the time to start or to increase your eBay business -- before all of those gift certificates are spent on other eBay sellers! Remember, the post-holiday season is a great time to sell!

Here is a quick list of reasons to sell on eBay post-holiday season:

  • Post-Holiday Blues Causes People to Buy for Themselves

  • People Have New Items in their Household and Need to Buy Other Products to Supplement

  • People Have eBay Gift Certificates They Want to Spend Right Away

  • During the Christmas Season You Pay the Most for the Products You Sell, Post-Holiday You Pay the Least Which Means More Profits

  • Your Competition Will Decrease by Over 50% During the Post-Holiday Season Making it Easier to Sell

So don't say "Bah Humbug" to post-holiday sales. Now is the time for you to really put your eBay business into action.

For more information on how to find products to sell during the post-holiday season, or any time (while avoiding the pitfalls of drop shipping) visit


Christopher Bernard is an eBay Power Seller and Expert Wholesale & Drop Ship Product Sourcing Specialist with Over 9 Years Experience.

Friends Link : best sport goods store

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pet Food Recall Grows

The tainted food recall grew again on Saturday, March 31, as Nestle Purina Pet Care Co. added Alpo Prime Cuts in Gravy wet dog food to the list of growing pet foods being recalled. Purina said a limited amount of food contained wheat gluten from China.

Hill's Pet Nutrition, late Friday, March 30, recalled its Prescription Diet m/d Feline dry cat food that contained the same allegedly contaminated wheat gluten. Hill's is the only company so far that has recalled a dry pet food.

It appears that even the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other experts don't understand the real cause or full extend of the problem as concerned pet owners seek answers from both their vets and pet food suppliers.

The same US supplier of wheat gluten, a protein source, also sold to a Canadian company. So far Menu Foods recalled 60 million containers of wet dog and cat food it produces for sale under nearly 100 brand labels.

To date, the Chinese company that supplied the allegedly contaminated wheat gluten remains a mystery as Menu Foods refuses to name the company.

Last week, the New York State Food Laboratory identified aminopterin, a cancer drug also used as a rat poison, as the likely culprit. The FDA said that it could not confirm that finding.

Federal testing of some of the recalled pet foods, and the wheat gluten used in their production, resulted in the finding of the chemical melamine. Melamine is used to make kitchen ware and other plastics.

According to Fox News, Menu Foods, said the only certainty was that imported wheat gluten was the likely source of the pet deaths, even if the actual contaminant remained in doubt.

What's the bottom line to pet owners who are unsure of what to feed their pet? The best thing to do, at the current time, is to check the ingredients and if your pet food contains wheat, think seriously before you serve it to your beloved pet.

Bev Storer writes about human and pet nutrition. For more information about healthy and safe pet foods, please visit or

Visit : Best Cameras Digital Store

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Triumvir Black Friday Sale 2009

Black Friday Warehouse sale at the Triumvir Warehouse

Tags : best sport goods store

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Black Friday : The Day Before

I was told that people are crazy enough to go camping outside stores on Thanksgiving Day just for discounted items. Being I've never seen such thing, I decided to go visit my local Best Buy.

Thanks To : Cheap Green Cookware Store Best Cameras Digital Store Buy Furniture Stores

Friday, March 19, 2010

going to black friday sale

talking bout black friday

See Also : Buy Furniture Stores

Thursday, March 18, 2010

10 Things to Do Before You Reach 40 in Ramsbottom

As time marches on in life and you pass your mid 30s, you start to wonder, what have I missed out on in life? So I have set myself the task of writing this article to both challenge myself mentally and, hopefully, physically I will manage to complete all 10 before I am 40. The clock is ticking....

· Complete the Anthony Nolan Trust - Peel Tower 700ft Zip Slide for charity! The 150 year old Tower is a stunning historic monument on Holcombe Hill; the tower has an elevation of 1,100ft, with views over Manchester, Cheshire & North Wales that are absolutely breathtaking. Enjoy the view from the top before flying through the air. No experience needed. All to raise funds for the UK bone marrow register.

· Follow the Irwell Sculpture Trail -this is the UK's largest public art scheme. The walking trail is around 30 miles long and features over 20 specially commissioned works of art. The trail starts at Salford Quays and finishes in the Pennines above Bacup.

· Nuttall Park, Delightful Riverside Park with facilities including football pitches, tennis & a bowling green. Plenty of special events on during the year.

· Rhythm & Blues Festival - The festival will being top British and international blues musicians to play at various venues both indoor and outdoor come along and support this prestigious event.

· East Lancashire Railway (ELR) Take a trip on the famous steam railway, this runs every Saturday and Sunday throughout Spring, Summer and Autumn..

· Complete Mad Good Friday - Rammy Mile - On Good Friday I don't know if anyone has ever experienced the Rammy mile. Its where around a couple of thousand people congregate and start the Rammy mile pub crawl from the Hare & hounds Pub working downhill through the village ending at the Railway Pub. I whole heartedly recommend it if you can do it! It is a great experience to have fun with a few friends

· Peel Tower climb the 148 steps - The Peel Tower stands 128 feet high on the very top Holcombe Hill on a clear day it is said you can see Blackpool Tower. It was originally erected in 1852 as a memorial to former Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel and dominates the surrounding countryside. A real landmark to be seen from afar.

· Farmers Market - The farmers market is a monthly event held on the second Sunday of the month at the Market place (next to the Tilted Vase) and inside the Civic Hall. They offer a wide variety of local produce including fresh fish, seafood, meat, poultry, vegetables, fruit, pies, jams, bread and sweets. The market also offers lots of locally made home-made crafts and paintings.

· Ramsbottom United FC - Watch the mighty Rams play at home in the Vodkat League see the notice board in the Village for details of the next match.

· Enter the World Black Pudding Throwing Championships - The bizarre contest celebrates the ancient rivalry between Lancashire and Yorkshire and attracts people from far away as Australia to compete.

Contestants gathered at the Royal Oak pub to throw black puddings at a stack of Yorkshire puddings piled on a plinth 20ft off the ground. The rules: You can throw three competition standard 6oz puddings - underarm only. Whoever fells the most Yorkshire puddings is the winner.

All these and lots more events can be found with

Carl Bradshaw

Positive Business Development

Professional Business Advice in plain English. Freelance Sales and Business Development for Small Business (SME). Covering the North West and the UK.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

2005 Zenith Box Break Blowout Black Friday

2005 Zenith Box Break Blowout Black Friday check out ebay store, link on home channel

Recommend : Best Cameras Digital Store Cheap Clothing Optional Galleries Store

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reach Out and Slap Someone

I got my first email account way too many years ago.

I was working for a large Chicago bank in the 1980s, when they introduced an electronic message service for internal communications. The only electronic mail that seemed to flow for the longest time were all those official HR notification of vacation time policies, etc., and of course, the ALL CAPS messages from the executive floor.

It took a brave soul to send out the first..."so, where should we go for lunch on Friday?" message.

It took a polite soul to create the first autoresponder message. It was nice of them to let people know that the reason their inquiry would not be answered immediately, and personally was because he (or she) was out of the office until XYZ date.

I'm still trying to figure out where the the personal and polite parts of autoresponse messages went. Sometime between then and now, the person who wrote that message left the building, but forgot to turn the machines off. Today, too many autoresponse messages are anything but personal, polite or informative.

If you've ever been tempted to believe that message sound bites strung together by bits of "if, then, else" coding logic might actually prove to be an asset to your business, you owe it to your business to look at how some of these have played out in the real world.

Here's a brief list of some of my favorite offenders, along with a suggestion or two about what you can do if you find anything like them on your list of messages.

"We'll return your message within 24 hours, or 12 hours..." Forgive me if I don't set my watch by that. Despite improvements in so many other areas, surveys still show that only 65% of companies EVER respond to their email, never mind responding within the time they've allowed themselves And just how credible are you when 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours of silence have passed?

"We usually respond within two business days..." . I think this variation is worse. If 48 hours pass and I haven't gotten a response, I'm not only going to think you can't deliver what you promised in any area of your business, but I might feel personally slighted. After all, if you "usually can," why did you choose not to help me?

The lesson: Don't Make Promises Unless you're 100% Sure You Can Keep Them

"Thanks for your message about broken website links (an obvious fill in the blank). Here is our FAQ list on how Widgets can change your life through better chemistry..." Do you remember when people got excited by the idea of artificial intelligence and wondered if we would one day need Asimov's Laws of Robotics to protect us. I think we can all breath easy for a little while yet.

"Thank you. Your address has been permanently deleted from our database and you will never hear from us again..."
...and it's cousin...
"Thanks for your interest in Widgets. Since you're now part of the Widget family, we know you'll want to hear all about everything, so here's this hour's special..." But all I wanted to do was let you know about a broken link on your homepage...

The lesson: Don't presume to know why people are responding, or what they want from you.

"You're receiving this because you downloaded a free report from my site 279 days ago, but still haven't bought anything..." and you still haven't gotten a clue.

"I'm only sharing this secret information with a carefully chosen few like you, EAMIC, because you're such a good friend..." Really? Even though you're greeting me with a string of letters that isn't even close to my name.

"Dear Friend..." Yes, I understand that software is a black and white kind of thing and that when it comes to personalization your choices are or , but do you understand that there is a third choice? Don't do it.

The lesson: Repeat after me, "just because you can, doesn't mean you should." It really is the golden rule of technology use.

Personalization is a very powerful sales and marketing tool. When you personalize a business problem, identify a client need, or use it to demonstrate how your product or service will help that particular client's situation, you are using it correctly.

Machine generated personalization, on the other hand, fits the very definition of an oxymoron. Email autoresponse messages were invented to apologize for a lack of an immediate personal, human response, not to take its place permanently. Unless all of your message is personal, no one is going to believe it really was written just for them. So why slap them in the face with the fact that it wasn't?

The bottom line is this: if you find any messages like these in your current autoresponse setup, rewrite them if you can, or just get rid of them if you can't. Silence is better on your part. Your business reputation is at stake. And where your reputation is at stake, so are your profits.

Liz Micik has been an Ordinary Marketer for nearly 25 years, helping companies tell their story to the right people in the right way to sell their products and services. Visit [] to sign up for the Inside Edge a free monthly multimedia newsletter, and find out how you can get extraordinary results from marketing you can live with.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Target 2-daysale: Gingerbread

This campaign features two sisters who are getting ready for the Target 2-Day Sale: one is an overachieving overachiever who can't wait for 5am, and the other is a frazzled everymom who'll get there when she can.

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Sunday, March 14, 2010


so i woke up hella early and ths is the outcome: HAUL...what what

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wedding Planning Survival Guide Part 2

So you've chosen your rings and you set the big date. Now how do you make your wedding happen without ending up in a padded cell?

Many brides do not get the luxury of enjoying their wedding day because of all the stress. We're here to tell you how to get through this so you can "enjoy" your special day.

Here are some important survival steps that you must make before you tie the knot!

Choose a Flexible Location

In an averaged priced wedding, you can expect to pay around $11,000 in location costs. This includes the venue, decorations and food.

Here are some ways to save money when booking a venue:

1. Get married in the off season

2. Getting married on a Thursday or Friday night vs. a Saturday can save a considerable amount of money. You can save 15 to 25% by getting married on a Thursday alone.

Before you choose the location to have the wedding ceremony at, here are some questions that you should ask:

1. Are any special permits needed?

2. Is there a music curfew?

3. Can you light candles?

4. Can you bring your own caterer or do you have to hire theirs?

5. Can you bring your own booze or do you have to buy from the location?

6. Ask about additional and hidden charges! For example, some places will charge for every little last thing, including china, chair covers and in some places, even charge a cake cutting fee.

Even though some of these things may seem minor, they can turn out to be a big problem in the end if not addressed in the beginning.

Be specific about what you want and make sure you are getting what you are paying for.

1. If you are getting married in the summer, are you paying for coat check and is it necessary?

2. Read the fine print.

Don't have a lot of money to spend? Well her's a way to look expensive without spending a lot of money - serve expensive appetizers. Filet minion or lobster tails can be served in bite-sized pieces. This makes guests feel very special and they don't eat very much because its just an appetizer. You can serve something simple like a pasta dish for the main course.

If you are having a cocktail hour, keep in mind that rule of thumb is that you need to have at least three square feet per guest when you are trying to calculate how much room you need.

One thing I must point out that it is very important to check what is going on in the surrounding area from where your reception is. It would be terrible if you were to have a small three piece string band trying to entertain your guests with a major rap party going on next door.

Let Fashion Breathe

If there is one thing that can be more frustrating that choosing a wedding venue, it would be choosing your wedding attire.

Before you start trying on your gown, you should have already made a few choices. When you visit a bridal gown shop for the first time, you should really already have your wedding date planned and your venue selected. Without this, it can be difficult to choose the correct dress for the occasion.

Here are some pointers to help you through choosing your wedding gown:

1. Try on dresses over the course of several days.

2. Don't pick the first one you fall in love with. Come back to it and see it again when you've had a chance to sleep on it.

3. If you can take pictures of the dresses, this would be helpful, but many of the bridal shops don't allow this.

4. Find a bridal shop that is close to home or work. You will be making several trips back and forth and you don't want to be driving miles every time you go.

5. Fittings take time. Allow about 8 months to get the gown made.

Smart shoppers can sometimes get the gown of their dreams without going to the poorhouse. Check with some of the stores as sometimes they have sample sales where you can get some great deals. And don't forget the Internet. You can find many gowns online at reduced prices and then even turn around and sell it later at an online auction site.

What about the bridesmaids? Times have changed from the days where all the bridesmaids wore the exact same gown. You don't necessarily have to go with a one piece gown anymore. Separates have become popular where you can choose your own top and skirt. Another option is to simply choose your color and/or fabric and let the bridesmaids choose their own gowns. This way no matter whether they are short, tall, fat or thin, they will be able to find something that makes them look their best.

Pick Smart Decorations

Like everything else in your wedding, choosing flowers requires you to be organized. After all, if you fall into the category of a $22.000 wedding, you will be spending upwards of $1500 on flowers alone.

The following it what you should bring to the florist:

1. Your inspiration

2. Pictures of your attire

3. Swatches of your dress and bridesmaids dresses

4. Pictures of your location if you have them

Have you ever thought of lemons, oranges or pink champagne grapes as your centerpiece? Or how about your salad, such as an antipasto display laid out as a centerpiece? You can have individual wedding cakes on the tables so when you cut your cake, your guests can cut their cakes. Centerpieces can be anything you like. Keep in mind though to make sure your centerpieces are not so high that your guests have to stand up or peek through to see the person across from them.

Hint: If you are having your wedding outdoors, dryer sheets make a great mosquito repellent. Put them in the bridal bouquet and other arrangements to keep pesky critters away!

Last minute advice:

Great! So you've made it this far and are now ready to take those steps down the aisle. But before you do, here are some ideas that will help you to remember your special day for the rest of your life.

1. Take some time on the day of your wedding, to sit down and write about your thoughts, the smells, what did the food taste like, did your grandmother wink at you during the ceremony. Make this like a little letter to yourself and whenever you read it, the memories will come flooding back.

2. On your wedding day, rather than thinking of all the things that need to be done, get a massage, have lunch with your best friend or have a chat with your mother. The idea is to create an oasis of "calm". Dream about what the day is going to be like, not what you might have forgotten to do because it should be all done by now.

3. Don't have outlandish expectations. Have you ever seen a perfect wedding? No such thing. There's beautiful weddings, outstanding weddings and wonderful weddings, but there are no perfect weddings.

4. Between the wedding and reception, find some time alone with just you and your spouse. It will be your only private moment all day.

5. And the last tip is be prepared for a wedding day crisis. If you are, then it will be much easier to relax. A well stocked emergency kit is a must have. Wedding emergency kits can contain almost everything from jumper cables (incase the limo doesn't start) to black socks (incase one of the groomsmen forgets to bring them - it does happen!). They also contain, aspirin, saline solution, safety pins, nail files, masking tape, super glue and more.

No matter what kind of an event you plan, the goal is to live happily ever after.

Evelyn Whitaker writes articles for German Toasting Glasses which specializes in custom engraved wedding gifts from Germany.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

JB Quarter Horses Creating Legends Sale - Black

Are you ready for the sale of a lifetime? Get your buyer number early! There will be something for everyone; weanlings to barrel horses with proven pedigrees like Hot Corona, Dallas Fuel, Chasin' Firewater, Two Timin' Fuel, and One Hot Jose. Join us for a unique selection of quality horses. Sale preview is Friday, November 20th, the sale, Saturday, November 21st. JB Quarter Horses... Creating Legends. For more information, please visit,

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kohls Black Friday

Kohls Black Friday a studionow Production Shot by Ana E. Rivera

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Selecting a Wedding Reception Venue

The place where you decide to host your wedding reception will really set the tone for the event. You want to find a place that is attractive, convenient, competent, and affordable. Finding one venue that meets all of those needs can be a bit challenging. Here are some things to consider when you visit possible reception sites...

If you are having your ceremony in a house of worship, how far is it from there to the venue? Twenty minutes might be a reasonable drive for your guests, but an hour would not be. The closer that they are, the happier everyone will be. This means that if you want to have your marriage ceremony in the church you attended growing up, you may have to give up on the reception venue you had your heart set on if the two are not close together.

How many guests can the site accommodate? It is very important to have a realistic idea of your guest count before signing a contract for a location. It is not at all uncommon for a bride and groom to have their eye on a spot only to find out that the fire marshal has set the occupancy limits well below their head count. Even if you can technically cram everyone into a room, will there be enough space for a good flow, or will it feel cramped and overcrowded?

The style of the venue is probably the thing that couples pay the most attention to, because it will help determine the style for the wedding as a whole. If you imagine yourself in a satin ball gown with dazzling crystal bridal jewelry, then an elegant setting with chandeliers and rich draperies will be perfect for you. Look at ballrooms in swanky hotels, opera houses, and even art museums. A bride who imagines herself in unique handmade wedding jewelry instead of opulent crystal bridal jewelry will look for a totally different sort of venue, such as an outdoor location.

Once you have found a venue that suits your guest list and taste, it is time to get down to details. Obviously, the price is going to be a major factor. What is the facility rental fee? Do they allow you to bring in your own caterer or must you use theirs? Are service fees included in the quote, or are they additional? These are the sort of things that you will need to weigh. Also factor in other costs, such as rentals. For instance, a country club might have a higher site fee than some outdoor locations, but if they provide everything that you will need, you might save money in the long run, once you have added in the cost of all of the rentals required at a location that doesn't provide basics like tables, china, and linens.

After you have narrowed your list of venues down to two or three top choices, you will want to find out more about the quality of their services. Ask for a list of recommendations. Be sure to follow up and call those former clients to be certain that they were pleased with the final results of their event, as well as with the customer service during the planning stages. You can also ask around in the community to find out about the reputation of a site. Bridal shops are often a good source of information, because if one of their brides has been having problems with her reception venue, they will have heard all about it.

The final step in selecting a venue is to make sure that they have a suitable date available. Popular locations will book up one to three years in advance, so it is a good idea to start your search as soon as that engagement ring is on your finger. If you have your heart set on a very hot spot in your area, it will pay to be flexible about your date and time. You may not be able to score the third Saturday in June, but perhaps they could fit you in on a Friday night instead. Then sign you contract, and your venue will be all set.

Choosing your reception venue early is very wise because it will help you in deciding about all of the other elements of your wedding. The place that you decide to hold your wedding will set the tone for everything else. Choose a place that you really love, and your wedding reception will be that much more delightful.

Look to Bridget for advice on planning your wedding. Check out how we can help with your bridesmaids jewelry at Crystal bridal jewelry makes the perfect finishing touch for an elegant wedding.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

2008 MassCann/NORML Awards: AZTECH " GUTTER HEADS " Preview For 2008 MASSCANN/NORML AWARDS. Friday Night, Sept. 19th, 2008. Middle East downstairs, Mass Ave. Cambridge, MA Tickets on Sale, Sat. 7 ticketmaster.Com $10 Pre-Sale or $12 At The Door Night Of Show. With ROBBY ROADSTEAMER THE FORCE SUPERPOWER GUTTER HEADS BEFORE THE RISE High Times Magazine WBCN 104.1 FM "THE ROCK OF BOSTON" NORML Honoring lifetime Achievement of Sam Black Church ! http Video Sponsored By: http Music On This Video: AZTECH "THE COUNTDOWN" of GUTTER HEADS.

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Best Buy Black Friday

The line outside the Best Buy for the Black Friday Sale at 9pm in Macon, GA.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Throwback Jersey Collection (Fitted Hat) Swagger Upgrade Edition Vol. 3.5

These are a couple of hat up grades from the Mitchell and Ness Black Friday sale.

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Episode 116 - Black Friday

A misunderstanding turns Aaron's apartment into a black Friday sale!

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Air & Earth Black Friday Sale - Skateboards, Wetsuits, Sunglasses, Kiteboards, Surfboards

Details @ At Air & Earth, we're just a couple big kid toy stores. And are so thankful for all the support everyone has given us this year. That's why we've created the 13 Days of Xmas Toy Drive. Since "my true love gave to me for 12 days," it's time to give back. We want all kids, big & little, to get a toy. There's two ways we're helping: 1 - We're collecting both new and used toy donations. Since we love recycling, we're esepecially keen in collecting any old sporting goods equipment you're not using anymore, especially board sports gear like skateboards, surfboards, paddleboards, longboards, kiteboards, snowboards and skimboards. 2- We're offering big discounts on our most popuplar items, and are giving away free gift cards. All to help you get a toy for someone you know. It's time to give. It's the 13 days of Xmas. Details here:

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Choosing a Wedding Date -- When You're Feeling Indecisive

He (or she!) asked the question you probably longed for, and fortunately for everyone, you answered 'yes'! Now's the time to bask in the romance, and enjoy the first phase of your new life together. But soon, you'll need a response for that timeless question: "when's the wedding?"

For some couples, it's easy - they know just when they want to tie the knot. For others, it's less clear. After all, you have a lot of options. Even more than you might think, since it's really not necessary to get married on a Saturday. Friday and Sunday afternoons are good choices too, and less expensive.

So if you're looking at the calendar ahead and seeing a hundred alternatives, all about equally attractive, here's how to narrow them down.

Must-have venues

No matter how flexible you are, there's bound to be things you won't compromise on. Maybe it's a particular church, temple and officiant for your ceremony. Maybe it's a special venue for your reception. And there are certain indispensable guests, like your parents.

Luckily for you, putting just these three things together is bound to reduce your choices. Once you call on the church/temple, ceremony venue or reception hall, you'll probably find many dates already filled, especially if you call less than nine months in advance. Good. That makes things easier!

Must-have ambiance

But maybe you don't have a must-have venue. Maybe you just have an image in your mind of the perfect wedding. Maybe it involves falling snow, ermine mantles, a horse-drawn carriage, and a crackling fireplace. Maybe it involves stacks of shiny apples, heaped pumpkins, a scattering of leaves and the scent of cranberry-apple cider. Or delicate pastels, gossamer pashminas for the bridesmaids, and a dove release. In this case your time of year is set: all that's needed it to work out the logistics of venue, local climate and the availability of your most important guests.

Must-have flowers

Some people know exactly what floral arrangements they want at their wedding. Flowers are such an enormous part of the wedding budget, if particular ones are important to you, you might want to arrange your date around them. Unless you're an heiress, for example, you'll want to avoid buying roses for your Valentine's Day wedding. On the other hand, December and January are great months to buy calla lilies. To study flower availability charts, Google for "flower availability by month."

Must-have honeymoons

If you have your heart set on a certain destination, you'll probably find the honeymoon helps set the date for you. Chances are, some dates are good for travel but others involve the risk of hurricanes or lengthy rains.

Limited budget

For now, winter is the slow wedding season. So it's often (though not always) true that you can get a break on expenses by having your ceremony during the holidays. Brides often find that by marrying near Christmas, they benefit from already-decorated churches and don't need to add much themselves.

Plus, if they shop the year before, they can stock up on decorations at incredibly discounted post-holiday sales. The trick is to avoid competing with office parties for reception venues and limousines (New Year's Eve is particularly competitive).

Another factor to consider, besides the possibility of dismal weather, is how many guests are due from out-of-town. Flying in for a holiday wedding can strain any family's Christmas budget, plus airlines often charge extra during the season.

If you need to keep expenses in check but want to avoid winter, make sure you steer clear of proms, graduation, "parents' day" at colleges, major sporting events and other local events.

"Life" dates

You might find your own life gives more guidance than you think. Are you a teacher, with set vacation times? Are you graduating from college or ending an internship? Are many of your relations students, available only during the holidays or the summer? If you're working, is your vacation time limited to a certain time of year?

And if many guests are flying in, will Labor Day weekend or Memorial Day weekend give them time to get acclimated and enjoy your big day? If none of these apply, is there a date that has special significance to you as a couple, such as the date you first met or first dated?

"Auspicious" dates

Many people find little extra dash of comfort in picking auspicious days for their wedding. In India and China, this is standard practice. But even in the West, people often find it reassuring to pick numbers or dates with personal meaning. A Chinese custom is to select a date with as many even numbers as possible (such as 2-18-2006). The Irish believed that New Year's Eve is luckiest for weddings. The Romans (and consequently, modern westerners) favored the month of June. For Victorians, it was lucky to marry on the groom's birthday.

Blake Kritzberg is editor of FavorIdeas. Stop by for fresh autumn wedding ideas and a completely indulgent collection of autumn wedding favors.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Overlooked Ways to Snap Up Christmas Sales Bargains

Many people find themselves in the stores after the holidays with gift cards in their hands looking for some bargains. The stores are looking to get rid of all their holiday stuff and you are looking to spend some money. What a great combination.

The stores are ready to get rid of their merchandise, which means that there are some great deals out there for you. The CEO and founder of deal news has some handy tips for how to get through the after Christmas sales.

The first thing that you may have noticed is that some of the retailers begin discounting their prices in the week before black Friday this past year. That could mean that the pre Christmas sales could be just as good as the after Christmas prices. Keep your eyes out for this trend.

You are likely to see a drop in prices in the week after Christmas time by as much as another ten or twenty percent. This is off of items that have already been discounted before Christmas. There will be better discounts for shoppers this year because the retailers are in desperate need to clear the items out of their stores.

The items that are not usually associated with Christmas like furniture and mattresses are probably going to be deeply discounted as well during this time of the year. These are more like end of the year sales.

Consumers have the luxury of being a little picky this year. Wait until you see the item that you want on sale. The prices are only going to go down so wait for what you want. If you frequent stores that encourage haggling, you might be able to get some outstanding bargains this year. Take a look at what all the stores are selling the item that you want for. You might be able to take advantage of a price matching program.

The biggest selling after Christmas items will be the hot selling items during the Christmas season. This means that you will get the best prices on toys and electronics during the after Christmas sales.

The big screen televisions will probably drop in price, but they will go back up in the time prior to the Super Bowl so if you are interested in picking up a deal on one of these, make sure that you get to the store during that time. Computer prices are expected to drop even further during the sales.

For those people who wait until the very last minute to do their Christmas shopping, they may be getting the best deals by waiting. There are items that go on sale on the online sites for the last online shopping day before Christmas. This is usually the last Friday before Christmas.

Some of the online sites are offering free shipping or discounted shipping upgrades. The only problem with waiting until the last minute is that your selection may be a bit limited.

Some of the greatest deals might not be on the typical Christmas items. You will probably find that software like TurboTax and Quicken are being discounted in preparation for the new releases for the upcoming tax season. There are also usually discounts on some of the kitchen electronics and household items.

This year you will probably find some great deals on items like DVD players and Blu-Ray players. The prices of these items has dropped considerably so the stores will try to give even bigger discounts after the holidays to rid their shelves of them. The movies will also be seriously discounted as well.

Jim Warren is a consumer advocate who enjoys writing about how to find After Christmas Sales. Be sure to visit for more important after Christmas sales tips.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

JD Shoe Review # 11 Nike SB Dunk High Bloody Gums

My brother picked these up today as part of the black friday sale. I personally didnt pick anything up today but I will have something new sometime soon. On my for sale video I am keeping the dooms unless I get a really good offer, and the dinos, and toxic avengers are still up for sale. Rate, subscribe, and comment please. Thanks for watching.

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Monday, March 1, 2010

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