Thursday, December 31, 2009

All About Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Where has the time gone? Who has been putting money together all year for purchasing on Black Friday or Cyber Monday? Many companies make it a mission to get the leaked ads for all the business giants. Some advertisements were distributed before the end of October. Creating excitement for what seems to be a substandard shopping time, the intended end product.

The biggest ticket items, is always in tech. From gaming platforms, to Digital Cameras, huge Plasma Televisions, to inexpensively priced Desktop CPUs and Laptops. Those retailers are hoping for long lines of customers in front of the stores, ready to use their cash.

What is somewhat fresh for this period of year however, is being described as, Cyber Monday. The world wide web business giants want their piece of the equation. In the last couple years though, it was more propaganda than discounts. The intensity was just not justified.

Looking over this years picks, one is not positive the buyers have reacted to the buyers correctly. When most are stretching the dollar, the focus for many will pertain to everyday needs. At least it should be the focal point. Shoes and socks, Jeans, Hoodies, T-shirts, unmentionables and toiletries, will be welcomed from Mom and Dad. Our elderly may more enjoy a paid subscription to the regional newspaper, over that Digital Photo Frame.

As you are going out the door very early on Black Friday, keep these tips and your expenses in mind. One has a difficult time holding off the prices and excitement that generates, this period of year. Skills of all the great deals will be repeated several times over.

Ross likes black Friday coupons and cyber Monday deals.

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mini Haul- Black Friday Sale!

Hey Guys! I forgot to wish you all a Happy American Thanksgiving! Enter the Contest, It will be given out on Dec.31/January1! Follow me On twitter:

Thanks To : Cheap Handbags4u

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Black Friday Shopping - 3 Tips For Planning Your Trip

Black Friday is coming and it is time to scope out the early bird deals of this holiday's shopping season. It's no secret that the wee hours of the morning after Thanksgiving hold the best sales you will find all year long. Everything from the latest video game systems to the hottest TV's, toys, tools and more can be found at deeply discounted prices. If you are trying to stretch your Holiday budget as far as you can this year, it can be well worth your while to participate in this year's bargain bonanza.

Veteran deal scouters suggest that you plan your Black Friday shopping well in advance of venturing out. With a good gameplan and time table to follow, you can be in the right place at the right time and maximize your chances of getting in on the sales. Most stores only have limited quantities of popular items on hand for these sales, so arriving early and choosing the most important stores to visit is critical to your success on this mission.

Planning Tip #1: Go Through The Ads

Well in advance of these day after Thanksgiving sales stores will make their Black Friday ad circulars available for shoppers. If you need an even earlier look, you can even find ad scans online. When you get your circular, go through it and make a list of the time that the store opens and what items you must have. When it comes time to shop, your consolidated list will come in handy but don't forget to take your ads with you too.

Planning Tip #2: Opening Times & Trip Planning

Ideally you will want to arrive at the store prior to it opening by at least 30 minutes to an hour. Some stores can be very crowded with everyone going after the same deals. Make note in advance of Black Friday store times and if possible look to shop at stores with staggered opening times. Some stores open the doors as early as 3a.m. while others won't open until 8a.m. Take advantage of this to create a schedule for your trip complete with times.

Planning Tip #3: Pack Like a Pro

Planning ahead is the key to success and with a marathon shopping spree ahead of you it is important to make sure you have everything you need. If you have a large purse or handbag it will come in handy but remember that you will have to carry it so pack as lightly as possible. You will want to make sure that you bring a bottle of water and a light healthy snack (like a granola bar) to keep you going. Hand sanitizer is also recommended. Of course, don't forget your list and your ads! Charge your cellphone the night before and if you have a GPS unit, it can come in handy in case you need help getting to another nearby store.

By planning your trip in advance, you can charge forward come the early morning hours of the day after Thanksgiving and bring home some really nice gifts without breaking your budget.

Start Your Black Friday Planning Here...

For Black Friday Ad scans, sales and the best doorbuster deals from all of your favorite stores, visit our Black Friday site at

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Black Friday - Merry Christmas Without Breaking the Bank

Most families have tightened their belts this year and Christmas will not be an exception.

A lot of people believe they will have to skip Christmas shopping all together. However, with a little planning and wise planning, you can have a Merry Christmas without breaking the bank. There are several ways to reduce the cost of your gift giving expenses. The most cost effective shopping strategy is the Black Friday Dash.

Black Friday is the first Friday after Thanksgiving. This day has been popular among shoppers since the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1924. It was originally a popular day, because it marked the start of the Christmas shopping season. It was such a popular day that the police, cab drivers, and bus drivers started to refer to it as Black Friday because of all the traffic and congestion in town square. However, it is now popular because of the savings retailers offer their customers.

Starting in the 1960s, high price retailers began taking advantage of this day, by slashing prices in order to attract the huge numbers of customers walking through the town square. This strategy is so effective that retailers now called this day Black Friday because it is the first day that they go from Red to Black in their balance books.

To stay competitive on this day, every retailer from Walmart to Macy's offer door busters and loss leaders. These deals are usually the most popular items of the season on sale for rock bottom prices. Sometimes the deals are so good that the retailer loses money. They do this because it draws in the crowds. If you want to save money on Christmas, show up early for Black Friday shopping and clear your Christmas list at a reduce price.

My Links : Cheap Handbags4u

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Black Friday Weekend Secret Code Sale @ La habra/ Corona Mus

Created on November 21, 2009 using FlipShare.

Links : Cheap Handbags4u

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Plasma TV Sales - Buy a Plasma TV at Discounted Rates

The prices of large screen plasma televisions have reduced a lot in recent years. Due to the decrease in their prices, they have gained a very good market. A few years back when plasma televisions were new in market, their sale was very less. They were really hard for a common man to afford it. But now their prices are so low that everyone can buy them easily without feeling extra burden on their pocket.

When plasma televisions are used with large projection screens, they provide very good quality picture and also large sized video. This means a package full of entertainment and fun. You can see that plasma TVs are for sale in market at very low prices. Large screen plasma televisions are on sale at round about price of eight thousand dollars and small screen plasma televisions are available in market at price near one to one and a half dollars. Many expensive models are also available in the market, especially large screen models that are actually made to be used in big conference halls.

Many customers do not like to buy those plasma TVs that are already used by someone. But this is a very good opportunity to buy products on low prices, as people sell their products very cheaply.

Customers which do not have a high budget used to buy small LCDs in the past but with the ever increasing market for plasmas and their availability, it has now been made possible for the low budget customers to buy large screen plasmas on cheap rates.

According to the recent serves it is seen that the sale of plasma televisions has increased immensely. More and more people are willing to buy them as they provide good quality entertainment at very affordable price. The sale of plasma TVs is still increasing day by day.

The large size plasma televisions are also cheaper than the small sized LCDs. You can observe that a 50 inch plasma TV has cheap price than the same size LCD. Now in market, the LCD of 52 inch is available for sale at $1,299 but same sized plasma TV is available for sale at $844 and even at $785.

If you are an anxious person and you do not like to buy second hand or used products, sale is a good place for you where you can buy brand new plasma televisions on factory rate. At sale point, products are sold at retail prices.

For more information about this topic, come visit my latest website over at which helps people find the best flat plasma TV offers and information they are looking for when shopping around for Plasma TV Sales.

My Links : Cheap Handbags4u

Friday, December 25, 2009

How to Shop Online During the Holiday Season

The months before Christmas are one of the most profitable times for businesses in North America. Millions are made every year from special shopping events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday. There's almost no store that doesn't have a discount during this time of the year, as they're all trying to compete for your valuable dollars. One of the biggest methods that companies are using to sell their product is the use of the Internet. Companies are providing huge incentives to get costumers to shop on their websites. This includes free shipping deals, major discounts and future purchase discounts.

There are a few ways in which you can find deals on the Internet for online shopping. Blogs are a huge resource of coupon codes and discounts, as they offer the reader a cheaper product and provide the blogger an affiliate commission. For example, my blog has quite a few deals posted right now, ranging from Black Friday electronic sales to tea set discounts, all of which give me a commission and save my readers hundreds of dollars. There has been increasing debate recently over the legitimacy of deals that are provided by bloggers because of the fact that they receive a percentage of the money payed to the retailer. Critics have suggested that bloggers who post these coupon codes are spammers and are fraudulent. It's important for the costumer to realize though that this is not the case, that just because an affiliate link is posted on a blog doesn't mean that the blogger is trying to rip off the costumer. It's exactly the same way that salesman make money in electronics stores or a car dealership; by selling you the product and receiving commission for that particular sale.

Coupon search engines have become increasingly popular as of late. These search engines crawl through the Internet looking for discounts, then compile them into a nice orderly list for the costumer to browse through. These search engines can really save countless hours amounts of time when shopping, as you don't need to browse from site to site looking for the best deals. So if you're looking for coupons on a particular product using these search engines can minimize the hassle and time you waste browsing to different sites. A coupon search engine that I'd recommend is This search engine provides immediate and accurate results to some of the webs largest coupon code discounts.

One other way for finding deals is by using site that has been a huge hit with online shoppers called Amazon is the biggest online retailer out there right now, which isn't a surprise considering all of the discounts you can find there. What makes Amazon so popular is the way the site is laid out. During specific celebrations throughout the year, like Christmas, Amazon sets up sales pages that break down the different types of deals they are currently having. For example, their navigation bar shows all the different categories of products, then gives you the option of breaking the results down into categories, then into discount percentages. You can then rearrange your search results into best selling, most expensive, least expensive, or highest rated. This provides the user with accurate and detailed information about whether the product their interested in purchasing is worth paying the money for.

With all of this said, it's still important to remember that there are significant dangers and security risks on the Internet when shopping online. Before typing in your credit card number make sure that you double check that the website you're giving it to isn't a fraud. Also, refrain from clicking on links in emails, as it's extremely easy for a hacker to hide a real URL with a fake one. Another tip that I often reiterate to people is to check with a friend about the legitimacy of a website. Ask them about their experiences and note any problems or difficulties they might have faced. There are millions of online shopping security tips that could be said, but the most important thing for a shopper to do is use common sense.

All in all, shopping online can be a great experience. There are so many resources available for costumers to use on the Internet, whether it be a blog or a coupon search engine. Additionally, shipping has become so much cheaper than previous years so taking advantage of that will safe you even more money. Remember to stay safe though and not give out your credit card to people you'd think aren't trustworthy.

Brad Roberts is an experienced blogger who's been writing for over five years. He specializes in finding discounts for online shopping. He also posts regularly about online self promotion and technology news. One of his biggest passions is for the development of technology and how it affects the regular user. To learn more about Brad check out his website.

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Black Friday 2009 Ads Walmart - Walmart Pre-Black Friday This Saturday - Black Friday 2009 News Results: Black Friday Ads: Best Black Friday 2009 Steals And Deals Get the jump on Black Friday ads with our guide to Black Friday 2009's best steals and deals at retailers like Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, KMart and Sears. ------ Blog Results: Walmart Pre-Black Friday This Saturday - Black Friday 2009 Walmart Pre-Black Friday This Saturday. Posted 4 hours ago. One Day In-Store Specials Saturday Nov. 7th, 8:00 am. Click here to go to Walmart. Below is a list of ...

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Using Credit Cards to Get More Out of Black Friday Sales

For many people, Black Friday shopping is a ritual. They start on Thanksgiving by getting the circulars that are advertising the sales that will be offered Friday morning. Many people then set up a plan to camp out at those stores, sometimes in freezing temperatures, so they can be the first in line when it comes time to shop and get the limited specials.

There is a better, and warmer way to get in on great holiday sales. Use your credit cards.

Learn What Your Credit Card Offers

Many credit card companies have seasonal specials of their own hoping you will make your holiday purchases on their cards. Take a little time out today to log on to your credit card company website and look for any of the specials they are advertising. You may find a list of stores they are working with to offer something a little extra on your Black Friday shopping. Perhaps they will offer double or triple points or cash back for the purchases you make with your card through select stores.

Find the Black Friday Deals

Next you need to do a little research to find out what Black Friday deals are out there for you to take advantage of. Make a list of the ones that you are most interested in. Now see if any of those stores are also companies that your credit card company is offering a special savings with. This way you can double or triple up on rewards when it's time to buy.

Start Shopping

One thing you need to remember when it comes to Black Friday sales is that they start at the crack of early. Generally they begin at 12:01 A.M. on Friday morning, so you need to stay up late (or get up real early) to make sure you can get in on the online deals before they are sold out.

Cyber Monday

Just in case you don't get all the shopping you had hoped to done on Black Friday, there is also Cyber Monday shopping. The Monday after Black Friday has become the biggest day for Internet sales of the year and many companies will be offering special sales this day as well.

Steve Sikes is an MBA and writes articles on credit cards and other financial products. To read other articles and compare and apply online for top credit card offers for low interest, balance transfers, rewards, cash back , business, airline miles, you will want to visit

My Links : Cheap Handbags4u

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Megellan RoadMate 1212

In this video I do an unboxing for the Magellan RaodMate 1212 that I got as a Black Friday sale. $79.99

Partners : Cheap Handbags4u

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Viejas Outlets Black Friday Sale with Xavier the X Man (part 9)

Viejas Outlets Black Friday Sale with Xavier the X Man (part 9)

See Also : Cheap Handbags4u

Monday, December 21, 2009

Marketing Strategies - Build Your Own Black Friday

What do Black Friday and Mother's Day have in common? On the surface, not much. But look a little deeper and you'll see the connection lies in marketing ingenuity. These invented events turn an otherwise ordinary day into an opportunity for consumers to purchase with purpose.

When you think about it, the only things people actually need to purchase are food, clothing and shelter. Pretty much everything else falls into the "want" category. This dovetails nicely with the eternal human drive to attain a higher quality of life, providing plenty of ways for you to deliver the goods through your business.

And the really great news is that if you don't like any of the current manmade marketing opportunities on the calendar, you're free to invent your own. One of the most recent examples of this is the invention of Cyber Monday (the online equivalent of Black Friday).

So, what could you create? The sky's the limit. Here's one of those places where being really clear about your niche and ideal client comes in super handy. If you want to create your own Black Friday, start by answering questions like these:

  • What is the biggest common problem your tribe seeks to solve?

  • What question do you most often get asked by prospects and clients?

  • What objection do they most often toss out as to why they aren't taking action with you now?

Winston Churchill said, "A pessimist sees a problem in every opportunity and an optimist sees an opportunity in every problem."

Your client's problems are ripe with opportunities for your business. The more creative you are at finding a way to serve them while solving their problems, the more commas you'll have in your bank balance.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE, BLOG OR WEBSITE? Please do, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: An E-marketing Strategist, Lisa Almeida, shows business owners how to leverage technology with ease to achieve big business results with small business budgets. If you are in the market for simple and effective client attraction strategies which are designed to generate repeat sales then visit today.

Links : Cheap Handbags4u

Sunday, December 20, 2009

2008 Black Friday Ads shows you the After Thanksgiving Sale Ads before they come out in the paper. We have the Sears Black Friday circular that just came out this week! Sign up and get email alerts when new ads come out. Save on electronics like Plasma and LCD Televisions, GPS, Playstation and Xbox, Blu-Ray, and more...

Tags : Cheap Handbags4u

Saturday, December 19, 2009

When to Look For Apple Discounts on Macs and Macbooks

For the most part, Apple rarely puts out sales and promotions for its computer products. The only exceptions would be on special occasions such as Black Friday Sales or on Apple Certified Refurbished Products. For the most part, there are only a few straight-up sales or discounts given by Apple. One regular yearly event where sales can be found is on Black Friday. Another occasion would be when there's inventory for Apple Certified Refurbished products. In addition to these two is the popular Apple student discount, which can be used by students, teachers and school administrators when they provide valid verification.

Of these three instances when Apple discounts its computers, which one provides consumers the most savings? The answer will vary, but here is a brief summary of the circumstances that will dictate the money that can be saved.

Black Friday has become a gigantic consumer spending day. Apple does not disappoint in joining in on the spending frenzy. Most Apple Macs and MacBooks are discounted approximately 10-15%. That's a good chunk of money, considering how expensive Apple computers can be. Unfortunately this is only a yearly event. Apple rarely puts out any other sale promotions for the other days of the year.

Apple Certified Refurbished Products come from recently returned or canceled orders. They have been inspected, tested and restored by Apple. Every one of these products comes with a 1 year limited warranty. Because of the nature of these computers, Apple gives a good discount on these systems. Discounts usually range between 15-20%. On higher-end systems, the discounts can go up to 30%. This by far will be the greatest amount of savings consumers will be able to find from Apple. To find these special deals, shoppers will have to look at Apple's online store. This is the only place to find Apple Certified Refurbished Macs. The inventory and prices for these Mac systems vary depending on availability, so shoppers should regularly check for updates.

Apple also offers discounts to students, teachers, and school administrators. It is part of its education discount program. For those in the United States, the discount is 10%. Often, as part of this educational promotion, Apple will offer a free iPod with the purchase. This offer is great for those that belong to this market segment or know someone in it that can help them buy a Mac. Apple educational discounts need to be redeemed through Apple, either on Apple's website or through one of its retail stores. These discounts are available year round.

Other ways to save include buying directly from and purchasing a printer with your purchase. offers free shipping on orders over $50. It also a $100 mail-in rebate when consumers buy a Mac and a qualifying printer from Apple's Online store.

Joe is a fan of Apple products, especially those that are offered at good deals. He regularly looks for Mac sites that provide the best Apple deals and promotions.

Other Sites : Cheap Handbags4u

Friday, December 18, 2009

Police Impound Cars For Sale - How To Buy a Bargain

Everyday you can find Police Impound Cars For Sale. If you are really searching for some bargain wheels, then Police Impound Cars For Sale are the best place to start. This article will describe this process and how you can tap into the huge Police Impound Cars For Sale market.

Police Impound Cars For Sale – Where Do They Come From?

Government agencies across America, like local Police, Sheriff, Highway Patrol, DEA, FBI, Border Patrol and even the IRS are seizing the property of perpetrators or criminals. Because of laws that already exist, the government has the right to then sale these items to the general public.

These auctions are real and take place almost everyday in every region of the country. In most cases, anyone can attend these auctions or if they are held online are able to bid on these items. And it’s not just cars that are being seized and then auctioned. Cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, ATV’s and even airplanes are some of the vehicles you can find at a government auction.

Police Impound Cars For Sale – How Does This Work?

These auctions for seized vehicles are taking place all over the country at various places and on various schedules. There are literally hundreds of them going on every week. Of course, the government agencies that are sponsoring these auctions hope to get as much as possible for these items, but many great bargains can be found, often up to 90% off of the retail price. Remember, the government is not in the business of storing and selling vehicles, so they are very prone to get rid of these items as fast as possible.

Once you are able to locate where and when the auctions are being held online, you can then bid on these vehicles. If your bid is the winning bid, you will then have to be prepared to pay for or provide financing for your purchase within a certain timeframe set forth by the auction company.

Police Impound Cars For Sale – What Are The Risks?

As with many used car sales, you will not receive any warranty or guarantee. However, you can greatly reduce your risks by doing a little homework on your own. You will need to have a fair understanding of current prices, so as not to get caught up in the bidding wars that sometimes take place. Remember, these bargain deals are also appealing to many used car dealers who are hoping to resell the car at a profit, so there may very well be some competition for the car you desire, especially the popular late model cars.

Here’s a word to the wise – Be Patient! If the car you want is not available, wait. If the price you want to pay is not available, wait. With some patience and perseverance, you will find the car of your dreams and at a price you want to pay.

Police Impound Cars For Sale – How Do I Find Them?

There are two ways to find out about these auctions. One requires a lot of time and the other requires almost no time, but will require a small one time fee.

If you have plenty of time on your hands, you can do the leg work yourself. Contact your local government agencies and find out if, when and where they hold their seized vehicle auctions. You can also contact banks and other financial institutions and ask the same questions. Additionally, you will want to scour the classified sections of your local newspapers. These auctions are sometimes listed there as well.

The other option, for those of us without a ton of time to spend searching for these auctions, is to use the power of the internet. There are several reputable online auction directory companies that provide their clients with a searchable data base to help you find the exact match that you are looking for. These companies charge a one time fee of $30-$50 for their services and some even offer a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with their services.

In this article, you’ve seen some of the inner workings of the Police Impound Cars For Sale market. It really is easier than you may think, to get a great car, truck or even boat at a bargain price through these online auctions. Have fun while doing it, be patient and Happy Hunting!

Are you short on time, but still desire to find a great bargain car, truck or boat? Everyday people are purchasing what you want at 90% off retail. I’ve researched dozens of companies that can provide you with instant information about upcoming auctions. To see my #1 Recommended Company to help you find your dream vehicle... go to

Other Sites : Cheap Handbags4u

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Save Even More Money on Black Friday

After scouring the ads on Thanksgiving, you may be wondering if there is a way to get more savings than just the advertised specials.

Check the items you have circled. Then go online to see if there are any coupons offered. While most businesses won't offer coupons, keep your eyes open for rebate offers and also offers such as cash back at the register, or cash back off your next purchase at that same store, which is a good as cash in your hand. Also some places will offer, for example, $5 off every $25 purchase.

Black Friday is a great day to buy gifts for Christmas, but it can also be a great day to purchase other items which are more essential. Great deals can be found on blue jeans, t-shirts, bedding and at drug stores or mart stores, you can find specials on shampoo, makeup, and even food items.

If you are struggling to make ends meet, then try buying grocery items on this day as well as presents. Again, check online to see if there are coupons to make these grocery items cost as little as possible, or maybe even get it for free! Comparing the sale prices on groceries with your saved Sunday coupons will also add up to great savings.

An alternative way to make ends meet is if you find an extraordinary special deal on Black Friday, buy the item and sell it on eBay, Craigslist or even at a yard sale. Every little bit of extra money comes in handy at this time of year.

Save Money On Black Friday

There is no doubt that the Black Friday sales are the biggest events of the year for many shops. You will see huge adverts for big screen TV's but there are plenty of other things that you can save money on.

Black Friday deals start early and can run out so you need to treat it like a military operation and get organized.

Friends Link : Cheap Handbags4u

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bob Johnson's Computer Stuff - Black Friday Sale!

Take up to $100 off! Laptops under $200!

My Links : Cheap Handbags4u

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Black Friday '09, Wal-Mart, 5am

Moments after the Rock Bands went on sale at the Carlisle, PA Wal-Mart on Black Friday. My buddy Burke and I went to just observe the madness (while our homeslice Zack was forced to actually work there during it!). These people are animals!

Partners : Cheap Handbags4u

Monday, December 14, 2009

US Retail Sales, Industry Giants, and Our Economic Strength Considered

Most folks in our society and civilization don't realize the incredible power that the franchising industry has. It is amazing that in any given year 25 to 40% of all US retail sales go through a franchised outlet. This is an amazing statistic considering the number of businesses in our country. It is also an incredible number considering the huge box store corporations with all of their outlets.

Nevertheless, franchising is an efficient model, and perhaps, one of the only business strategies that can compete with the super Corporation box stores. What is even more fascinating is that franchises are only 4% of the total businesses in our country, yet they account for up to 40% of the gross retail sales.

Are you beginning to see the power of franchising in our economy? And did you know that there are only about 2500 active franchisors in the United States of America; that certainly is very few companies compared to the total number of companies in the market place. Nevertheless, these 2500 active franchisor's have about 400,000 outlets amongst them.

If you are considering buying a franchise because you've been laid off, and you want to get in on the action, then perhaps these statistics are relevant to you. No, franchising is not a slam dunk, and running a franchise outlet is not going to be particularly easy, still, you can begin to see the economic benefits of being a member of such a large and powerful economic force.

If you want to win in business, franchising may be one way to do that. Therefore, you might want to look into it in a little greater detail. I hope you will please consider this.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes that retail sales are important for America.

Note: All of Lance Winslow's articles are written by him, not by Automated Software, any Computer Program, or Artificially Intelligent Software. None of his articles are outsourced, PLR Content or written by ghost writers.

Tags : Cheap Handbags4u

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Black Friday Sale

Barney's or Adventure Cycle Center are the place to be this coming Friday, November 27th for our Black Friday Sale !

My Links : Cheap Handbags4u

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wholesale DVD Distributor Supplier - What You Need to Know About DVD Suppliers

When you go to auction sites, such as eBay, you will see at least one wholesale DVD distributor supplier that sells DVDs at prices not more than the cost of a large-sized pizza. But this should come with a warning. While many suppliers are legitimate, many others only offer illegally reproduced digital video disc copies.

Many people have become power sellers on a number of auction sites just by selling DVDs. You can become one yourself, too. To achieve this, you need to have a trusted power seller to advise you about top-notch bulk order sources that will give you the best distributor for your online shop, or maybe your offline mini-mall. Thousands of regular people save huge amount of money just by buying from direct wholesale DVD distributor supplier. These days, you do not have to buy by pallets of by the truckload; you can buy in-demand and brand new discs at less cost.

You just have to go to auction sites and check a reputable wholesale supplier. It is common to see many power sellers selling digital video discs when you do in-demand movie lookups on these sites' search boxes. You, too, can become a power seller if you have profitable, trustworthy, and reliable distributors and suppliers who will offer you the lowest likely rates in purchasing the discs.

As we all know in DVD bulk trades, you make profits when you purchase, and not when you sell. Many sellers attest that selling is the most unproblematic. The most difficult part is getting the best wholesale DVD distributor supplier who will give you the most strategic prices per brand new in-demand movie. In the end, forging a relationship with tried and tested bulk order distributors and suppliers will make you a profitable and powerful seller.

To become very successful in this business, you must understand the following basic concepts: you must have a plan, a focus, and complete trust. The planning and focusing concepts can be managed immediately. Trust, however, is hard to manage. No matter what your plan or focus is, you must completely trust a wholesale DVD distributor supplier. This will take some time.

You must trust those people who have made huge amount of money online by selling physical items. You have to open up and trust power sellers. Moreover, you need to become more business-oriented if you want your digital video discs business to thrive. You can have a very trustworthy and reputable wholesale DVD distributor supplier right now, if you really want to.

Discover where you can get deep wholesale discounts from the best and most reliable dropship wholesalers.

Tags : Cheap Handbags4u

Friday, December 11, 2009

Black Friday @ Boston Store - Doors Open

Black Friday opening at Boston Store, Southridge, 3am.

Links : Cheap Handbags4u

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Introduction to Sudoku

Have you ever played with a Rubik's Cube? You may have mastered the Rubik's cube and are looking for a greater challenge. Try the puzzle game called Sudoku. Sudoku is a number placement puzzle that requires logic skills and patience. It is a fantastic puzzle game that can be found in newspapers, books and on puzzles and games websites.

How do you play Sudoku?

The Sudoku puzzle consists of a series of grids. The grids include one large 9 x 9 grid that houses, nine 3 x 3 smaller grids. The purpose of the game is to place a number from 1-9 in each of the grid cells. You don't have to worry about finding the sum of the numbers of the rows, columns, like in Magic Squares.

No addition is involved; however there are three conditions that rely on each other and must be followed. Each number 1-9 can appear only once in each column, once in each row, and once in each small 3 x 3 grid. Mathematically, Sudoku puzzles are a derivation of Latin Squares.

The famous mathematician Leonard Euler created Latin Squares. They are a prevalent part of discrete math. Basically, a Latin Square consists of an n x n table filled with numbers, letters, or symbols. Each symbol can only appear exactly once in each row and exactly once in each column. Sudoku puzzles take the Latin Square one step further with the 3 x 3 smaller grid constraints. The fact that you have to make sure that each small 3 x 3 grid contains each number 1-9 only once significantly increases the complexity of the puzzle.

Sudoku puzzles come in varying levels of difficulty. The amount of numbers given initially in the 9 x 9 matrix varies. One would think that the more numbers you are given initially, the easier the puzzle would be to solve. This is not always the case because the "placement" of the numbers has a profound effect on the complexity of the puzzle.

Where did Sudoku puzzles originate?

Sudoku is the Japanese word for "placement puzzle". Sudoku swept Japan in the mid-1980's. Before that, however, a puzzle constructor in the United States named Howard Garnes created the first puzzle of this type in 1979. It was called "Number Place" instead of Sudoku. It was published in the Dell Magazine Math Puzzles and Logic Problems.

How do you solve a Sudoku puzzle?

Good question! The key is to have patience and use your logic skills. Don't just use a trial and error method. Many players construct their own puzzle solving techniques and methods, which they share in Sudoku player online forums.

You can start anywhere in the puzzle, but as a beginner start by focusing on the top three smaller 3 x 3 grids. Look at the initial numbers and start with the number "1". Check to see if a "1" appears in the other two smaller 3 x 3 grids. Then find cells in these smaller grids where you can possibly place a "1" while still adhering to the rules. You will also need to take into consideration 3 x 3 grids that are attached to the given grid. It is like dancing on eggshells, but the key is to look for patterns. Logically, you need to prove why a number should go in a certain cell.

Sudoku is a clever puzzle game that will sometimes make you feel like you are going around in circles. However, practicing on different puzzles will help you to understand certain techniques that work and those that lead you to a dead end. The beauty of the game is that there are a great number of Sudoku puzzles to solve. Time yourself. Many puzzle solvers can finish a puzzle in 10 to 30 minutes. Get out your stopwatch and see how fast you can solve a Sudoku puzzle.

Steve is a member of the GrandMatrix team. They provide a broad range of games and puzzle articles and reviews. Read more articles, download and play the latest PC games for free plus enjoy thousands of user submitted puzzles, quizzes and word games at GrandMatrix Free Game Downloads

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Forget Black Friday - Really Save Money This Christmas Season

Well it's getting close to Christmas and the stores have already started putting up their displays. It seems to happen earlier every year!

With the thought of buying all those Christmas gifts looming on the horizon most people focus on Black Friday as their biggest money saver.

Try something different this year! Follow the simple steps below to have a less expensive and just as joyful holiday season.

Make a list and stick to it

Just like Santa Claus has a list, so should you! Make a list of everyone you want to buy for. List everyone including family, friends, teachers, co-workers, bosses, etc. Now go through your list of people and cross off all those you really don't need to give a gift to this year or that you could simply send a Christmas card. Try to include only the most important people in your life on your gift list.


Next, with your list of the bare minimum to buy for - add a dollar limit to every person. For example we spend $20 for every sibling, $40 for parents, $10 for teachers, etc. Let's face it - it's not how much you spend that makes the gift special it's how much thought and love you put into making or buying it.

Plus, if these people truly cared about you they won't want you to go deep into debt for them. Everyone knows how the holiday season can add up financially.

Think About It

It's time to get creative. Now that you have your list of people to buy for and a dollar limit for each person it's time to brainstorm ideas. Everyone wants to give gifts that the recipient will truly love and cherish. How many times have you gotten an ugly sweater, a funny looking tie, or perfume that smelled terrible? Just some helpful advice, do a little bit of research before choosing a gift. When I was 8 years old, I received 6 pairs of earrings and I didn't have my ears pierced.

List a couple ideas for each person. Try to recall what this person talks about, what they do in their free time, and what they need. Sometimes it's important to give people what they need and let their wants be put on hold a while. No matter what you decide make sure it's useful, wanted or needed.

Shop around

Now that you have an idea of what to buy - shop around. If it's on sale during Black Friday - that's great, but let's face it most items for sale on Black Friday are what I call "nice-ities" - stuff that's nice but not needed. Check the ads for the gift ideas on your Christmas shopping list.

Another thing to consider is would it be cheaper and/or easier for you to make a gift for someone on your list. Such as a new mom might love a scrapbook filled with pictures of her new baby and space for her to add more in the future. Make sure it would be cheaper for you to make it. Sometimes it actually costs more to make stuff yourself, so do the math.

Follow Santa Claus's lead and make a list - you can check it twice if you wish. Trim it down - only the most important people. Next, create a budget and stick to it or even spend less. After that you need to brainstorm a couple different gift ideas for each person. Lastly, shop around for the best deals.

Using these simple tips will help you keep Christmas from breaking the bank and keep your stress level down. Enjoy!

Kimberly Shavatt runs and She shares lots of helpful hints and tips to help you save time, save money and save your sanity.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tahoe Today Interview 11-26 Bobo's Mogul Mouse

Meghan and Lynette from Bobo's Mogule Mouse talk about the Black Friday Sale on Nov. 28th 2008

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Disposable Bowls Provide Value And Convenience

While disposable bowls are very popular among caterers, they are also a valued container for those that entertain at home and are preferred by restaurants around the world because they are kitchen elements that promote healthy living. These storage elements are manufactured in various sizes to meet the needs of food service handlers all over the world. Depending upon the type of construction material for the dishes, they can be more economical to use than the cost of purchasing china dishes and paying for the dishwashing equipment, operator and supplies required to have non disposable utensils.

They are often manufactured in synthetic materials such as plastic or due to the heat retaining qualities, some prefer to use Styrofoam. One of the most common and economical choice in manufacturing materials used is cardboard. The versatility of cardboard provides food service organizations with more uses at lower cost. Most food service businesses will select cardboard containers to compliment a certain food fast food product.

Some food service outlets use disposable bowls to meet transport and storage needs. Other food service outlets might need a wide variety of bowls to fit in with the food items that are offered on a buffet line. For more formal occasions, a caterer might select disposables fashioned from hardened plastic because this style offers decorative qualities and the disposable bowls have been proven to be very durable. There any many options in decorations for these containers. For example you can select them in various colors to match a wedding dinner color scheme. You could arrange to have them imprinted by working through a wedding boutique. And, of course they are the premier choice for eating equipment when catering a children's party--whether your own or someone else's.

These are an unparalleled utensil that can be used for dining and later can be used for transporting items home. These containers can be used for transporting solids and liquids and are very stylish items that can be color coordinated. These vessels will fit in well with any color scheme and prove to be very useful during the cleaning phases of the social event of the season.

Many people use disposable bowls as organizers at work and at home. They have proven to be very effective at reducing the risk of illness because they are designed to be used once and thrown away. Businesses around the world have incorporated these bowls into the restaurant setting by using them to mix foods in or to place excess foods in to keep them fresh until they are cooked.

The sturdy construction of disposable cartons make them the perfect choice for any type of take-out trade and when soups are packaged for delivery, the driver will never have to worry about the food items spilling along the way to the customer. Merchants around the world will often equip disposable bowls with domed lids or lids with tight seals to promote their food products and make them safe for transport.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

How The Advancements In Wireless Technology Have Totally Changed Our Lives

Wireless technology has literally changed our lives. This up and coming method of communication has literally changed the way we live. Many of us cannot imagine a day without using a wireless device. In fact, we use them so much, that we barely recognize them as wireless anymore.

Telephone lines were originally designed to send news reports. Ever heard of getting something over the wire? Journalists still refer to their Associated Press reports as coming over the AP wire, though they most likely travel through the air like all other pieces of information. The invention of the radio demolished the idea of news sent over a wire. In fact, it completely destroyed the concept of the telegraph and eventually the landline telephone.

Computer networking works in a similar manner. Who would choose an immobile stationary system over a wireless one? Why would you choose to actually be chained to a desk when you could move freely about, accessing the internet and other files on a network from the comfort of a couch, a recliner, or a coffee shop. Additionally, while many believe that wireless costs more, this price too is going down, and soon anyone will be able to afford a wireless connection.

WiMAX, short for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, is steadily making its way unto the wireless market. Its biggest advantage lies in the distance that it spans. Instead of a wireless connection reaching a few meters, it will reach kilometers. Currently some of the strongest WiMAX network reach over 30 miles. It literally spans the length of metropolitan areas, and thus with WiMax, you'll no longer have to search for hot spot sign. Check out for more information about this up and coming form of wireless technology.

Bluetooth has become a mysterious wireless term to non-geeks, but its quickly becoming a household word thanks to its technology in cellular phones. Bluetooth basically is a way to connect hardware. The hope is that instead of seeing a mass of cords behind your television, you'll just have the necessary blue tooth hardware, a wireless connection that connects your DVD player to your television. Everyone hates those mass of wires, or any mass of wires that threatens to ruin the aesthetics of a room, and Bluetooth has the potential to improve the look of just about any system.

Eventually wireless technology will make life simpler. We'll be able to do things in places that we never imagined before. After all, who would think that you could contact a person from across the globe while sitting in a cafe across town, with no cost to either of you. Grandparents in California can talk to their grandkids in Florida while soaking in the rays on the beach. I predict that not only will wireless make life simpler in the future, but that we'll function with it so smoothly, that we won’t even notice the wireless technology.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as high speed internet at

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

November 26th, 2009 Thanksgiving Edition


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Friday, December 4, 2009

Increase Retail Sales by Being Attentive

I was on a mission to do a few things at the Mall the other day. I was what's called a motivated buyer. I dashed into one of the optical chain stores, and there at the reception counter was a middle-aged woman talking on the phone to a friend about being reprimanded or something. After seeing me, she continued to discuss her career with her friend. Well, my fuse is short, so I gave her the look, which she caught and said, "I'll be with you in a minute," and continued to chit chat. Ready to pop, I looked to the right and to the left in an effort to restrain myself.

Meanwhile another sales lady finished up with a customer and noticing my irritation and said, "Can I help you?" Relieved, I started explaining that I'm looking for some cool prescription sunglasses. That being said, two of her colleagues approached. One sat at her little fitting desk and the other stood to her right, and all three started discussing something. Since there was no "Excuse me sir" or no "Sorry for the interruption," I said in an irritated tone, "So what part of 'Can I help you' did I miss?" The young lady looked at me and said "Well sir, we're busy."

So I huffed and puffed back to Lady #1 and by now, she's hung up the phone and is starting to fill-out a form on a clipboard. I sigh, "Can you help me now?" To which she pleasantly says "Just a minute, I'm not good at multi tasking. Besides, wasn't the other lady helping you?" So I quip, "She blew me off!" "Well," she says in her put-out manner, "Let me finish these and then I'll see if I can help you."

At that point I'd had enough and growled, "I'll come back another time." To which she retorts in a rude voice, "Well sir, we're busy." Now here's the killer. There was not another customer in the store and I left totally frustrated. My eyes will bake naked in the desert sun before I go back to that store again!

So why did this happen? Management, Management, Management.

Somehow these people were never told to make customers welcome and happy. Nor was their behavior monitored, corrected or rewarded to reflect "Make the prospective customer feel welcome." They never got the message that customers come before filling out forms or talking to colleagues or friends. And don't ever say, "They should know better." They don't unless someone tells them.

Theses employees, like most employees, probably feel they are doing their job, and are overworked and under paid. They are not concerned enough to change because nobody in authority ever says anything. They feel they have lots of customers - maybe too many. "So what if we lose this guy whose looking for some help? Who cares?"

Get a Clue

The front-line sales people and those working around the store are there to help customers to buy. They are not there to fill-out forms, answer phones, stock shelves, chit chat, eat lunch or be busy. The only busy is when they are with a customer-face to face. Everything else (including answering the phone again) is a distant, second priority. How annoying and rude is it when you've finally got someone's attention and they answer the phone and ignore you? If you can't handle this, then you need to rethink your reason for your Design Center. If you're hung up on the people doing nothing, then you have to give the message that all "busy" comes to an end as soon as a prospect (a motivated buyer) enters.

And now I invite you to learn more.

Bonus Tip: FREE E-Book "Guide to Retail Selling for Store Owners, Sale Managers and Retail Sales People". Just click this Retail Sales Link.

Sam Manfer makes it easy for any sales person to be effective and feel comfortable connecting with and relationship selling C-Level leaders.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Black Friday Sales Kindle Wireless Reading

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

xbox 360 on sale black friday

xbox 360 on sale black friday

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Macy's Thanksgiving Sale Opening, Black Friday, 2007

Macy's at Westfield Garden State Plaza opened at 7am for Thanksgiving sale.

Tags : Cheap Handbags4u

Monday, November 30, 2009

Bakugan Sale Info and Product Review

SegaToys and SpinMaster developed a strategy game, called Bakugan, which was released in conjunction with the hit Japanese anime series. The game uses magnetic spring-loaded miniatures and metal cards. The object of the game is to defeat all your opponent's figures or to capture three of their gate cards. This game is popular with kids everywhere and available in many stores, as well as online, but is it worth it? Let's take a look at the products out there, the expansions, and buyers' opinions.

A Bakugan starter pack will include three metal cards, and a random selection of three "Bakugan warriors" - plastic spheres containing the magnetic figures. Starter packs come with instructions and the game is pretty straight forward. Some pieces are small, so don't give them to kids under the recommended age. During the game, the figures, folded into their "ball" form, are rolled or tossed onto the metal cards. If the figure opens, the player keeps the card. If it doesn't, they lost that turn.

However, for older children, these pocket sized toys are tradeable, collectible and portable, making them fun to take to friends' houses or play after school. Make sure you put these away after use, though - they could be swallowed by younger siblings or pets. They're not a big safety hazard, though. It's just that, like other toys, they need to be played with by the intended audience.

There are lots of colors and styles available for starter packs, so your child can quickly expand his or her collection. In addition to the starter sets, there are also accessories and expansions. For instance, the Bakugan battle pack includes six figures, a special ability card, two command cards, three normal cards and two character cards. Expansion packs may not include instructions, however. Other extras include the Bakugan battle arena, a black plastic arena that allows kids to play without worry about the toys rolling away, and the Bakugan launcher. This is a wrist mounted, spring loaded launcher that allows kids to aim their toys more effectively. It offers three "modes" - curved, straight and angled, and make it a lot easier to direct where the ball is going during the game. Note that some parents and kids have been frustrated by the lack of instructions with the launcher. However, there are some helpful videos online that can correct this minor flaw.

This game is a lot of fun for kids. Adults can also have a good time playing with their children, making it a fun family activity.

Check out this Bakugan Sale Info for how to get a great selection of Bakugan toys.

Bakugan sale info.

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Importance of Laptops and Mobile Computing

There is a deep relationship between laptops and mobile computing. The modern computers are the most advanced computers of the world. These computers are called laptops. Laptops have all the features of a desktop computer in portable form that is why people are using these computers. Laptop is the best example of mobile computing. Now-a-days the demand of these computers has increased in the world.

A large variety of laptops is available in the market and on websites. People buy these computers to manage their work. Students use these computers to do research work. They also play games on these computers. The attraction of these computers attracted many people towards them. Many people purchased these computers only for entertainment. They do chatting online while sitting at a beach, in a park, in library, in the bed, or anywhere else in the world.

Laptops are available in different colors such as black, red and pink etc. pink color has special importance because most of the girls like pink color. Pink color laptops are very popular among girls and women.

There are various manufacturers of computers who also produce pink laptops. The companies are Sony, Toshiba, Acer, Apple and Dell. The manufacturers of bags and cases are also producing pink laptop cases and bags. People use laptop bags and cases to carry their computers with them. As the demand of laptops has increased, the demand of bags and cases has also increased. A wide variety of computer bags and cases is available within different colors, designs, shapes and styles.

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Learn How to Bargain on Everything From Luxury Watches to Dishwashers

Get ready to bargain now because believe it or not sales on "hard luxury goods", which includes luxury women's and men's watches, are expected to go back up in 2010. Learn how to get these goods and more at lower than ever prices, before they rise up.

Richemont, the world's second largest luxury group in terms of sales, makes more than half its profit from sales of goods like Cartier watches and jewelry, IWC and Jaeger-LeCoultre watches and from other companies that it owns, like Baume Mericer.

The economic slump has hurt groups like Richemont and if what they predict is true, that the U.S.'s appetite for "hard luxury" goods is coming back, then get your buying on now.

2009 has been a bad year for luxury sales in the U.S. Demand for watches in the mid-price range (such as those by Baume Mercier) dropped 11%, while more expensive watches (costing around $10,000) fell about 25%. Luxury watch sales remained slow and low throughout the summer as well in the U.S. but jumped 20% in China. China will soon house more Cartier boutiques than anywhere else in the world.

Now, the part about how to learn how to bargain on everything from a luxury watch to a hotel stay, before the prices go back up!

Think about it, you have no problem wheeling and dealing at a flea market or even when buying a car. Who's to say you shouldn't do this when booking a hotel room or buying yourself a nice, new men's watch or women's watch?

Susan Spencer, executive editor for All You magazine says "Everything is negotiable. In this economy, it's definitely a buyer's market."

The "where and how" approach to getting what you want for less:

Clothing store: if you're going to buy more than one of the same item, ask for a discount. Tell the owner that you shop there all the time and you're willing to spread the word to others.

Cellphone carrier: No one can live without their cell phone / Blackberry but this doesn't mean you have to pay their prices, which can add up if you go over your plan. If you're up for a renewal ask for a new phone or tell them they need to offer you a better deal than the competition, otherwise you're "outta there."

Appliances: TV's, washer, dryer, dishwasher, etc. May not be the first thing you want to spend your money on, but these are necessities and you can definitely find some room for price negotiation here, especially if you're willing to buy the floor model.

Hotels: People are not traveling as much so hotels are not as booked. If you plan on staying three nights, ask for the third one free. Can't hurt to ask and saves you money to spend on your vacation.

Luxury watches: Whether you walk into a store or are looking online you can ask for additional discounts, but not by asking, but by stating what you are willing to pay. Make sure you speak to a manager or the owner, likelihood is they rather make a reduced sale than no sale.

You can even try something like the "buy one get one half off" approach. Whether you're shopping for yourself or your wife or husband, watches are a great gift and it's very possible that you can get two luxury watches for the price of one by bargaining. An added plus: your wife / husband will love you more and won't be upset that you bought a luxury goodie for yourself and not her/him!

Learn all about luxury watches, includes mens watches and womens watches from Baume Mercier and various promotions at

Thanks To : Cheap Handbags4u

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How To Save Money With Free Trial Offers

As our economy remains depressed, and more and more people lose their jobs, it's more important than ever to spend wisely. One great way to save money is obtaining products and services through free trial offers. After all, you can get some really great products and services for free, or at most, a small shipping charge.

As you may know, the reputation of trial offers declined in the last few years, mainly due to limited product selection, (think acai berry diets and colon cleansing), Also, most websites promoting these offers simply sent you to the advertiser's site and left you on your own. That abandonment resulted in the real likelihood of being enrolled in an automatic shipping and billing subscription because you didn't remember to cancel before the trial period ended.

The limited selection and abandonment issues are today going away as a new crop of free trial websites has emerged to take advantage of the growing number of products being offered by top brand names.

You'll still find plenty of acai berry and colon cleansing offers, but now they're joined by offers of almost anything imaginable, from intangible services to products retailing for hundreds of dollars. More and more name brand companies are offering free trials as a way to shore up their lagging sales caused by our bad economy.

A few of these new websites also offer easy technology that makes it a snap to set up an automatic cancellation reminder at the time they are ordering the trial. As you explore free trial websites, make sure the one you select has some way of reminding you to cancel. It may save you headaches, frustration and money!

You can visit the world's largest free trial website at There, you'll find over 400 offers, each thoroughly explained, with how to cancel instructions, and a free Google Calendar bar to ensure you never forget to cancel.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The 2008 Black Friday Day After Thanksgiving BOGO Sale

From 4 AM until 6 AM, ESSpa Kozmetika offers Buy 1 Get 1 Free Gift cards to hundreds of spa-lovers in Pittsburgh, PA

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Popular Consignment Shops in the United States

A consignment is an act of consigning or transferring ones store to the buyer. This can be done for transfer of prisoners, shipping, or for sales in the stores. The consignment shop is an American English word for second-hand supplies or stores that present used goods at a lower cost.

Merchandise is often sold through a consignment shop such as antiques, equipments, athletic paraphernalia, books, automobiles, firearms, furniture, clothing, tools, musical instruments, music, and toys. Consignment shops vary from thrift shops or charity shops which the original owner gives up the physical ownership as well as the legal name or title to the thing in charitable donations. All the income ends up going back into the frugality shops or given to charity. Most of the time, the income is split either 60/40 or 50/50 with the upper percentage going to the consignment shop. Prom dresses, tuxedos and wedding gowns and entourage should all be seen at consignment stores.

Various Consignment Shops in the United States
• Michael's Consignment Shop for Women - This consignment shop specializes in releasing the most perfect clothes and accessories. It offers gently used clothes and accessories for discerning women. Michael's shop also offers selections of carefully worn bridal gowns. In this shop, you can look at beautiful second hand bags, clothes, shoes and much more. It is located at #1041 Madison Avenue, New York. It is open every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, 9:30 am to 6 pm.

• Consignment Boutique - This family owned boutique has been accommodating customers for the past 10 years. It offers accessories and clothing needs in the area of Vienna. They also carry fashion accessories, women's apparel, shoes, jewelry, handbags, home decoration accessories and much more. This consignment boutique is located at the heart of Vienna Virginia. You can come and visit this shop every day from 9 am to 6 pm.

• Nine Lives Consignment Store - This beautiful clothing store brings only the highest quality of pre-owned men's and women's accessories and clothing. The nine Lives consignment store provides the way for you to shop through internet and keep you updated on their new items. It is situated in the wonderful place of Los Gatos, in front of the town plaza.

• Kaleidoscope Consignment Shop - This clothing, shoe, accessories, and books store has a beautiful facility. It also sells hard-to-find books and other collector's items. They carry high quality men pants, t-shirt and shorts. It is located at the #56 Roland Street Suite 300, Boston. For more information about this consignment shop, call (866) 245-0783.

• Small Change Consignment Store - This small store provides shoes, videos, clothes, toys for babies, stroller, high chair for babies, cribs and joggers. The small change consignment store is created for mothers who look for everything you need for the babies. It has a large section of new gift items for kids and handcrafted appliances. They also have a morning program for children every Tuesday and Thursday at 9 am to 11 am. This consignment store is located in the historic place of Lake Anne Village Virginia.

• Homer Consignment Shop - This brightly colored shop provides stuff such as hanger, racks and much more. It is open everyday from 10 am to 6 pm. It is located at the #564 Pioneer Avenue, United States. For more information call 1-907-235-4999.

• Consignment Furniture Store - They stock articles such as plates, cups, mugs, knifes and much more. This furniture store also has paintings, home decorations, accessories and antiques home appliances. The consignment furniture store is located at the heart of United States. It also offers free delivery and for more information calls (343) 678-0954.

• Open Eye Consignment Store - This store has imported labels of t-shirts, pants, shoes and accessories. It also sells collectibles and antique stuff. It is situated at #230 East Main Street Palouse, Washington DC. This store opens every Thursday and Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. This store clearly has a lot to offer. Its product line extends from kids to adults.

For more information on Benefits of Selling Through a consignment shop please visit our website

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Oriental Paintings For Sale Online

Among many of the other items that are popular to buy online, arts are another top buy. People buy everything from paintings to sculptures to sand art. These prices range from a few bucks to literally millions of dollars. You can buy reprints, originals, pieces done by famous artists living or dead. Its pretty fair to say that anything you want you can have, if you know where to look that is! As far as Oriental type paintings go there's a few zillion places you can go, but I'm going to list some of the best so pay attention! Again, these range in price so use what sounds good to you!

Silver Dragon Studio - Fine art, original ink, watercolor
Dancing Brush - Contemporary zen paintings
Mina Studios - Chinese brush paintings, oil paintings
Dragon Galleries - Pastels, watercolors
Oriental Outpost - Charcoal, watercolor, calligraphy
All Poster or Art - Okay this is as American as you can get, but if you're searching for a particular Oriental painting and aren't willing to pay thousands or even hundreds, then this is the site for you

Of course these sites as well as other sites also offer other different kinds of art as well as paintings such as scrolls, hand engraved glass, hand engraved bamboo, etc. It really depends on what you're searching for. You can also find many different artists, popular or not, new or old. Here are a few artists you can look into either for buying their paintings or for some history on Oriental paintings.

- Gu Kaizhi - This man is the originator of painting. Unfortunately you can probably only find reprints from Gu considering only 3 of his paintings are still existent and they are in Art Museums!
- Hendra Gunawan - Street Singer
- Tsai Horng Chung - Landscaping
- Pattana Chagkaew - Island Charms
- Pirapong Gulpisal - Muang Sing Castle - 2

If you're searching for more sites with Oriental paintings, art, or history take a look online! In order to find any history or any information it's a good idea to go to Wiki. You can find any info there you would be looking for. I like using it as a history lesson myself. The story of Gu Kaizshi for example is really interesting so I suggest if you are an art lover or a history lover to check out Wiki for that! Don't be afraid of the extra work, it'll be well worth it!

This author is a huge fan of Oriental Paintings

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Black Friday Shopping - How to Make Thousands in One Day

Black Friday is a goldmine for eBay resellers. On one single day there are more profitable items for sale than during the entire rest of the year. If executed properly, Black Friday can easily create thousands of dollars in profit. This article explains in detail how to find and buy deals on Black Friday and then how to sell them on eBay for a profit.

Preparing for Black Friday

In order to make the best purchases on Black Friday, it is necessary to start by gathering some supplies. Initially you will need the following:

- Money

- Transportation

- Advertisements

The first requirement is fairly self-explanatory, but keep in mind that the more money you can spend the more you can make. Don't go out and spend $10,000 on your first trip though, as that is a lot to loose if you mess up. Prepare yourself to spend a set amount of money before leaving, that way you will know exactly what you are getting into. The second requirement is actually more important than it sounds. My friend and I went on our first Black Friday trip over four years ago, and boy were we under prepared. We went out with two sedans and came back with two sedans filled with products plus another sedan's worth tied to the roof.

I highly recommend that you at least attempt to find a rather large vehicle, though it isn't imperative. Lastly, you will need to find yourself as many advertisements for Black Friday as possible. The sooner you get these, the easier it will be to do the research. I personally advocate searching online; there are many websites that post Black Friday sales ads well before they are printed. Look for deal sites and eBay selling sites to have these. Now that you have everything together, let's get to the important part.

Researching Products for Profitability
It is ironic that the most important part of making money on Black Friday isn't actually done on Black Friday. This is the part that separates those who will profit from shopping and those who will just buy things. It almost all comes down to the research. When the big day rolls around, it is important to know exactly where you are going and exactly what you are buying Also know how much money you expect to make from each product. Keep the importance of this step in mind as we continue.

The initial research begins with finding the material, a.k.a. advertisements. This can be done in two ways; the first is to go and get newspapers on the Wednesday before Black Friday, the second is to find ad-scans on the internet. I fully prefer the second method, as it allows me to research weeks in advance. A simple Google search for Black Friday will reveal many websites that are dedicated to providing ads as far ahead of time as possible.

Once your ad collection is assembled, you will need to sit down and look through all of them, paying specific attention to items you think are a good value. Next you want to write down a list of the products that you think will be profitable When sold. You will then check this list against the completed auctions on eBay to get an approximate selling value. To reiterate, you will be looking through ads to pick out valuable buys and comparing the price with their current value on eBay. This will give you a guess as to the amount of money you can make off of each item. I recommend repeating this process of finding an item and checking its eBay price several times so that your list will be fairly complete. At the end of this process, you should have a good number of products along with an idea of how much money you can make from reselling them.

Ranking and Scheduling Stores
Now it is time to plan out our shopping trip. Here we have this list of products and how valuable they are to us. The next step is to arrange the items by store and by profitability. This should make it apparent which stores are going to be more profitable than others - these are the stores that you'll want to visit first. After you have the stores arranged based on profitability, you want to double check the hours of each sale. This will assure that you catch all opportunities because of differently timed sales (in a perfect world, each sale would start about 2 hours after the previous, in reality they will likely all start at the same time). The final step to this process is to write down an exact order of the stores that you will visit and an exact order of the products you will buy in each store. This list makes buying the best products a very straight forward trip. If you know what you want before hand, you will get there before the people who will have to think about it.

The Big Day - Black Friday
Believe it or not, this isn't nearly as difficult as it is made out to be. Yes, there will be crowds. Yes, people will be acting like maniacs. This is why you will succeed - because you have already planned and researched everything and will not be acting crazy. The drill is simple: follow your schedule and buy as many of the profitable items as you can get. There may be times when you need to be assertive to stay at the front of a line, or even to push your way through a crowd to get to a product. The key is to remain polite, confident, and assertive enough to get to where you are going. Getting angry or causing trouble will only make things worse. If you cannot get one of your best products, it isn't the end of the world. Remember that there are a lot of other items that you can get to resell for a profit. Here is a general set of guidelines for getting the best items:

- Always remain calm. You must be in control and thinking at all times.
- Be assertive. Say excuse me to get past people, don't just wait there.
- Be polite. The moment you loose your temper, the sales reps will turn on you.
- Stick to the plan. Purchase the items that you can, and move on to the next store.

If all of these guidelines are kept in mind, there should not be any problems during Black Friday. There is one other thing to be aware of; up selling. Sales personnel will try rigorously to add on warranties, surge strips, antivirus software, and many other items that are not worth mentioning. Do not buy into their sales hype - stick with the plan and purchase the profitable items, nothing else.

Selling your Products on eBay
Almost there! Here is what's next: cataloguing and selling the items online. This is pretty easy; the hard part is certainly over. Sell as many of the items as possible within the next two or three weeks, that way they will arrive by Christmas. Don't panic or overload eBay in order to reach this deadline, the items will sell nearly as well the first week into January. I don't recommend selling products during the weeks before and after Christmas, as this is usually a pretty slow sales period on eBay. I would highly recommend reading these selling guides [] if you need to brush up on your eBay auction technique. On the most basic level, you need to at least include a picture in each auction. That is about it - once everything is listed you need only sit back and deal with shipping. There are also some shipping guides in the above link if need be.

Let the Items Sell, and Count the Profits
This is the best part. Once everything is finished selling, it's time to add it all up and see just how great Black Friday is. I personally made well over $2,000 on my first Black Friday. Give it a chance, do the research, and good luck!

Mason Hipp is an eBay Powerseller and Contributer to [] Website: [] Email:

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